Thank you and god bless


Norwegian Rose
Community Veteran
Oct 8, 2012
Burlington, ON Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Bulldozer and Blossom
Thank you and God Bless to every man, woman, and child who has fought, sacrificed, lost a love one, or suffered so that we may be free.


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I agree Monicaā€¦ We are so very blessed to have so many Veterans that were willing to pay the ultimate price if need be. God Bless themā€¦ :angelheart:
Agreed. Thats beautiful Monica. God bless them all.
Love your words, Monica, and echo them from my heart, GOD bless our troops!
I'd like to suggest a great movie being shown on HBS.

It's titled, Taking Chance, a movie about a Marine, killed in action,
being escorted home by a Lt. Col. (Kevin Bacon). Of course it's sad
but very touching in unexpected ways and will make you proud.
Different than what I expected, I'm so glad I saw it because I try to
stay away from things that will make me cry.

This movie was well worth every tear. GOD bless all out troops & their
supportive families that help them do what they do and bears the sacrifices
and hardships of military life. Thank you from me & mine!
What a great thread to start... thank you Monica!

Thank you most of all to all our wonderful men and women that keep us safe and serve our countries!
We are The land of the free, home of the brave because of the men and women who have served and continue to serve today. May God bless each and every one of you.
Thank you what a wonderful thread starter
but a massive thanks goes for those who never returned and their families who are left without their husbands/fathers and sons ,those who returned but part of them is still "out there" ,those who are injured and finally for those who serve and their brave families who have to fight day to day battles at home

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