Terrible twos?!?!


Bonnaroo bound in my bulldog batmobile
Community Veteran
Jan 16, 2012
Boston MA
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Giovanni, Princess, and Diva (Frenchie)
Okay so lately (past couple of months) Gio has been insane! When we start to play with him he will be fine then all of a sudden he becomes crazy, he will start jumping up and down on us and nipping, and when I correct him he gets crazier and will start barking at me! He only acts this way towards the family but I just don't want it to get to the point where I don't trust him playing with other people. Now a few months back when I was walking them in the woods I bumped into another bully owner and he was joking around with me pretty much saying "good luck" since I told him that Gio just turned two. His EB Charlie is 7, and he said that when Charlie was 2 he was in his terrible twos stage! And then tonight while I was playing with them outside I was sitting on the grass and he jumped up while his mouth was open and gave me a cut on my lip and gave me a cut on my forehead. I don't know if it's his age or maybe since it has been so hot the past few months and he is pretty much stuck inside all day long and he might just be getting bored?! I have been using one of the TV rooms that is gated as his timeout area, or pretty much his "cool down" area. We will all just ignore him for a few minutes while he relaxes and calms down. He is such a good boy and this is SO out of character for him so any comments or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!!

Thanks and sorry for the ramble!!

And it's hard to stay mad at him when he is this cute!!!
Oh so this is what I have to look forward to LOL Brutus ws just 14 months 3 days ago So we havent gotten there yet! I have no advice but Im curious to see what others say

Seriously I could never be mad at Gio :love: Just look at that face it says it all :)
We went through a stage like that with Gypsy but she was closer to 1 year old. She would just go nuts! She got over it with correction (similiar to what you are doing). He may be bored, but there isn't much you can do about it just yet with the heat. Hopefully, it will cool down a bit and he can learn to fetch or something. I am sorry you got hurt but try not to be afraid. He is likely not trying to hurt you. Does he play with Diva much? Ours get their energy out playing with each other. It is a little rough, as is typical for a bully, but it really helps. Gypsy had a nutso period the other night but it is likely because Gator is on crate rest and can't play (unrelated to their playing).
He is so darn cute!!! Makes me a little worried. If he's like this at 2 because Jack is only 6 months and does the same things. He cut my upper lip tonight, and the bridge of my nose has just healed. We were hoping he would outgrow this soon!
Pan is almost through with his twos... He gets crazy on occasion, but I quickly correct him... I am not a chewy, or not so rough, in extreme cases I call him a bad dog and he knows he's in trouble.

Pete and his son play rougher than I do, so I'm sure he gets confused. He has gotten better, if he mouths me it turns into a lick now. He loves his mama... Lol

I have never thought that Pan was trying to hurt me, I think they are just growing into their strength and need to know when enough is enough. Like everything else, I think consistency is the key.

Now if I could only get that through the guys heads we'd be alright!
Bacon is 8 months to the day and definitely goes through spurts like this when we call him crazy man, running around jumping and nipping. We basically attribute it to him being alone most of the day, he has room to run around and play outside in his kennel during the day but it's been so hot he has been staying in the AC all day. We have a ball that is made of hard plastic and is about half the size of a soccer ball with holes in it that lately he has been having a blast playing which has cut down on crazy man because it tends to wear him out.
He is so darn cute!!! Makes me a little worried. If he's like this at 2 because Jack is only 6 months and does the same things. He cut my upper lip tonight, and the bridge of my nose has just healed. We were hoping he would outgrow this soon!

Eek! Ours is just around 4.5 months old now and he does the same. He has days where he is just full of energy. He's not "bad" per se, but he whines and barks and nips at us to try to get us to play with him. When we do play with him, he gets pretty rough and he has to have a time out until he can calm down again. He's slowly learning "gentle," but like someone else said, they are growing into their strength and it will take time for them to learn. On these days it's virtually impossible to calm him for any length of time, though, so it's tough trying to get anything other than corrections done, LOL.

Looks like we've quite an interesting couple of years to look forward to. :pouting:

EDIT for grammar/spelling.
remember @ 2 a bully becomes .... a TEENAGER . . rebellious etc :) :) ENJOY! (we have another 18 months until Hershey is there. And Gizmo doesnt seem effected by the 2's :) :)
Bruin and Lilly are both 2 right now and I think for the most part they've been the same PITA's as they've always been :D I do recall myself saying a couple times 'ugh terrible twos' when they first turned 2.....but either it was a flook (sp?) or they trained me to just deal with it.
Abby does this now. She'll come charging at me from another room and dive on my head if I'm laying on the couch, if I'm in the chair she sneaks up behind me and bites my feet. God forbid I'm sleeping and she doesn't think I need a nap. That's when the hair pulling and nose biting starts :laugh:

She's got this new thing with Otis. She has toys in her basket that she hasn't touched for months. If Otis goes to the basket to get a toy, she takes it from him. He will get another one, she will take that one too. Over and over and over he just gives up the toy and tries for a different one.

Eventually she will stop but I'm usually laughing too hard to punish her for it. It's just great to see her playful and feisty.
She's got this new thing with Otis. She has toys in her basket that she hasn't touched for months. If Otis goes to the basket to get a toy, she takes it from him. He will get another one, she will take that one too. Over and over and over he just gives up the toy and tries for a different one.

Lilly does this with Bruin! Poor Bruin can never have a toy :cry: I try to repremand her but by then Bruin's like "Forget this, I'll go take a nap"
He is so darn cute!!! Makes me a little worried. If he's like this at 2 because Jack is only 6 months and does the same things. He cut my upper lip tonight, and the bridge of my nose has just healed. We were hoping he would outgrow this soon!

I have a 6.5 mo old and he does the same thing but has gotten progressivly better...knock on wood
Abby does this now. She'll come charging at me from another room and dive on my head if I'm laying on the couch, if I'm in the chair she sneaks up behind me and bites my feet. God forbid I'm sleeping and she doesn't think I need a nap. That's when the hair pulling and nose biting starts :laugh:

She's got this new thing with Otis. She has toys in her basket that she hasn't touched for months. If Otis goes to the basket to get a toy, she takes it from him. He will get another one, she will take that one too. Over and over and over he just gives up the toy and tries for a different one.

Eventually she will stop but I'm usually laughing too hard to punish her for it. It's just great to see her playful and feisty.

Sounds just like mine, too funny. Except for the part with the toys/Otis we only have the one.
Okay so lately (past couple of months) Gio has been insane! When we start to play with him he will be fine then all of a sudden he becomes crazy, he will start jumping up and down on us and nipping, and when I correct him he gets crazier and will start barking at me! He only acts this way towards the family but I just don't want it to get to the point where I don't trust him playing with other people. Now a few months back when I was walking them in the woods I bumped into another bully owner and he was joking around with me pretty much saying "good luck" since I told him that Gio just turned two. His EB Charlie is 7, and he said that when Charlie was 2 he was in his terrible twos stage! And then tonight while I was playing with them outside I was sitting on the grass and he jumped up while his mouth was open and gave me a cut on my lip and gave me a cut on my forehead. I don't know if it's his age or maybe since it has been so hot the past few months and he is pretty much stuck inside all day long and he might just be getting bored?! I have been using one of the TV rooms that is gated as his timeout area, or pretty much his "cool down" area. We will all just ignore him for a few minutes while he relaxes and calms down. He is such a good boy and this is SO out of character for him so any comments or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!!

Thanks and sorry for the ramble!!

And it's hard to stay mad at him when he is this cute!!!
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How could you be upset with that face :inlove:
oh my how can you get mad at that. but yes correction now is important id say. im lucky as sarah never had this stage. we got her when she was one but she never had a nipping and crazy stage but she did play alot more than she does now.

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