Anethesia - 9 1/2 year old Bulldog (Wilson)

Hoping for some guidance. Wilson is a 9 1/2 year old bulldog (pretty healthy) that started limping 2 days ago. In fact, he was unable to carry his weight and kept collapsing. I took him to the emergency vet and they said they would need to sedate him in order to get an xray. They are not sure if he has a fracture in left wrist or if there is cancer. There is noticeable swelling in that area. The vet went over all of the risks associated with an older bulldog going under anesthesia so I declined at the time. They sent him home with pain meds and complete bed rest for 2 weeks. I have a follow up appointment with his regular vet tomorrow to see what they have to say, but wanted to hear from anyone with older bulldogs that they have had to make this decision. I'm so afraid of having something go wrong, but obviously don't want him in any pain. Any info or advice is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!!
Any updates on Wilson? How's he doing?
Hoping for some guidance. Wilson is a 9 1/2 year old bulldog (pretty healthy) that started limping 2 days ago. In fact, he was unable to carry his weight and kept collapsing. I took him to the emergency vet and they said they would need to sedate him in order to get an xray. They are not sure if he has a fracture in left wrist or if there is cancer. There is noticeable swelling in that area. The vet went over all of the risks associated with an older bulldog going under anesthesia so I declined at the time. They sent him home with pain meds and complete bed rest for 2 weeks. I have a follow up appointment with his regular vet tomorrow to see what they have to say, but wanted to hear from anyone with older bulldogs that they have had to make this decision. I'm so afraid of having something go wrong, but obviously don't want him in any pain. Any info or advice is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!!
I’m so sorry…..I was in that spot with my Pearl…but she did good under the anesthesia…but we were so nervous about the whole procedure…..hoping you have the same results! Best to Wilson!
Use somebody that knows Bulldogs.

Katie had a plate screwed in her leg last year, no problem

Conor almost died from a vasectomy they let his lung fill with fluid and he stopped breathing for minutes
Thank you. Bulldogs are definitely different from other dogs. Having a vet that specializes in bullys makes all the difference.
My almost 10 yr old just went under anesthesia to have 3 teeth removed. I was scared to death because of the worst possible outcome. She did very well. She was lethargic and vomited a couple of days after but is 100% back to normal.
She has never had any breathing issues.
Beautiful pup!

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