Anethesia - 9 1/2 year old Bulldog (Wilson)

Wilsons Mom

Jan 18, 2013
Boston, MA
Bulldog(s) Names
Hoping for some guidance. Wilson is a 9 1/2 year old bulldog (pretty healthy) that started limping 2 days ago. In fact, he was unable to carry his weight and kept collapsing. I took him to the emergency vet and they said they would need to sedate him in order to get an xray. They are not sure if he has a fracture in left wrist or if there is cancer. There is noticeable swelling in that area. The vet went over all of the risks associated with an older bulldog going under anesthesia so I declined at the time. They sent him home with pain meds and complete bed rest for 2 weeks. I have a follow up appointment with his regular vet tomorrow to see what they have to say, but wanted to hear from anyone with older bulldogs that they have had to make this decision. I'm so afraid of having something go wrong, but obviously don't want him in any pain. Any info or advice is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!!
This is a tough one. Any sedation would be very quick and the risk would be low compared to long lasting GA/intubation for a surgical procedure. However, with an older dog there is always risk.
I would likely have the X-ray done if he's still lame by the time the Vet appt comes around. If he does not survive the anesthesia to have the X-ray then he would likely not survive a surgical repair to a bone or joint...or chemo to address possible cancer.
This is a tough decision.
I hope he comes around before the Vet visit and all this is deemed moot.
This is a tough one. Any sedation would be very quick and the risk would be low compared to long lasting GA/intubation for a surgical procedure. However, with an older dog there is always risk.
I would likely have the X-ray done if he's still lame by the time the Vet appt comes around. If he does not survive the anesthesia to have the X-ray then he would likely not survive a surgical repair to a bone or joint...or chemo to address possible cancer.
This is a tough decision.
I hope he comes around before the Vet visit and all this is deemed moot.
Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! I know I have to do it and I will, if necessary. Hopefully, it's nothing serious because 9 1/2 years just isn't long enough!! :(
Sedating isn't as intensive as full anesthesia but there is always a risk even in a younger bulldog. My French Bulldog turned 9 earlier this month and just had to have (another) surgery and MRI in January and he is fairly healthy. I elected to go through it.
Sedating isn't as intensive as full anesthesia but there is always a risk even in a younger bulldog. My French Bulldog turned 9 earlier this month and just had to have (another) surgery and MRI in January and he is fairly healthy. I elected to go through it.
Thank you!! This makes me feel better!! I hope your Frenchie is doing well.
My bulldog is 8.5 and having surgery next month because she has two masses in her mouth. She has a history of cancer. I don’t have much of a choice with these, so she’s having the surgery.

I’ve never had a bulldog over the age of 5 have surgery though, so I’m certainly worried. My vet does pre-surgical screening though, including making sure her heart is healthy and stable. All the labs came back good, so we’re going for it.

The other issue I have is that I’m pretty sure she tore her CCL as well. I have an appointment with the Canine Orthopedist to discuss that. Thankfully I live close to one of the top orthopedic veterinary groups in the country.

My last boy had the TPLO surgery. For her though, I’d be putting her through back to back surgeries. I doubt I’m going to put her through a 2nd surgery at this age, but we’ll see what the specialist says. He works on bulldogs frequently and they have a board certified anesthesiologist involved in every surgery. I’m going to ask about his thoughts regarding surgery in general, especially trying to avoid two surgeries at 8.5-9+ years old.
Hoping for some guidance. Wilson is a 9 1/2 year old bulldog (pretty healthy) that started limping 2 days ago. In fact, he was unable to carry his weight and kept collapsing. I took him to the emergency vet and they said they would need to sedate him in order to get an xray. They are not sure if he has a fracture in left wrist or if there is cancer. There is noticeable swelling in that area. The vet went over all of the risks associated with an older bulldog going under anesthesia so I declined at the time. They sent him home with pain meds and complete bed rest for 2 weeks. I have a follow up appointment with his regular vet tomorrow to see what they have to say, but wanted to hear from anyone with older bulldogs that they have had to make this decision. I'm so afraid of having something go wrong, but obviously don't want him in any pain. Any info or advice is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!!
I would get the X-ray, but without sedation. They can wear a lead apron, and hold your dog still.
Hoping for some guidance. Wilson is a 9 1/2 year old bulldog (pretty healthy) that started limping 2 days ago. In fact, he was unable to carry his weight and kept collapsing. I took him to the emergency vet and they said they would need to sedate him in order to get an xray. They are not sure if he has a fracture in left wrist or if there is cancer. There is noticeable swelling in that area. The vet went over all of the risks associated with an older bulldog going under anesthesia so I declined at the time. They sent him home with pain meds and complete bed rest for 2 weeks. I have a follow up appointment with his regular vet tomorrow to see what they have to say, but wanted to hear from anyone with older bulldogs that they have had to make this decision. I'm so afraid of having something go wrong, but obviously don't want him in any pain. Any info or advice is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!!
My almost 10 yr old just went under anesthesia to have 3 teeth removed. I was scared to death because of the worst possible outcome. She did very well. She was lethargic and vomited a couple of days after but is 100% back to normal.
She has never had any breathing issues.


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Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly! I know I have to do it and I will, if necessary. Hopefully, it's nothing serious because 9 1/2 years just isn't long enough!! :(
Use somebody that knows Bulldogs.

Katie had a plate screwed in her leg last year, no problem

Conor almost died from a vasectomy they let his lung fill with fluid and he stopped breathing for minutes
I'm so sorry your baby is in pain. I don't know if it's due to age to have to sedate Wilson for an x-ray. Voodoo (english) got an x-ray because he has hip dysplasia. He wasn't sedated though. He was about 2 years old when he had it done.
Breezy (French) did have to be sedated but they were also draining fluid from his ankle and doing an x-ray to that area.
I agree with luckysu and see if you can get the x-ray without the sedation. It's worth asking the question.

Good luck sending positive vibes and prayers. :pray:♥️
He bounced right back like nothing ever happened! This time it was a couple of his lumbar discs and that recovery is easier than the cervical surgery recovery.
Awwa little Jax. Glad he’s back on track.

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