Swallow first, ask later


Aug 4, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Question. Brisket is a fast eater, always has been, but Iā€™ve starting to limit that by giving him a little at a time and using a slow feeder bowl, but today he grabbed a bone out of my hand (I was not giving it to him) and he swallowed it whole!! It was a round pork bone and I had to use hydrogen peroxide to make him throw it up to avoid a blockage. Luckily it came out, but do any of your bulldogs have this issue? Swallow first and not even savor it, then ask for seconds later!!?
Maude is 7 years old. The other day she acted like she was throwing up. I was surprised,as she never does. She threw up a whole winter glove. So happy she threw it up,but have no idea where she found it-we haven't left the house-or the yard!!
Glad that you got the pork bone back! They will sometimes swallow anything.
Maude is 7 years old. The other day she acted like she was throwing up. I was surprised,as she never does. She threw up a whole winter glove. So happy she threw it up,but have no idea where she found it-we haven't left the house-or the yard!!
Glad that you got the pork bone back! They will sometimes swallow anything.

Thatā€™s what worries me! A winter glove!?? Wow!! I make sure the kids donā€™t leave anything on the floor and apparently heā€™s gotten desperate and has resorted to snatching out of peopleā€™s hands. Itā€™s a habit Iā€™m trying to nip at the bud but hoping he wonā€™t swallow anything else that can cause a blockage. Scary
Lots of Bulldogs are known for swallowing things-you really do have to watch about that.
Louie has eaten many a things that are not food or edible. Thankfully he has either thrown them up or pooped them out.

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Most Bulldogs are scoundrels that never get fed! especially mine... lol! I had to learn the hard way after Harvey ate an entire stuffed squirrel. I didn't even know it was missing. He was still eating and pooping so i was unaware of any issue. Then one day 2 weeks later he was acting strange and i took him in. He ended up having it scoped out of his tummy.

It is really scary and to this day i am always worried if either one acts different than usual. But i learned a valuable lesson. No toys unless supervised and then they get put away. And there is never anything, and i mean anything left within their reach that they could eat except their food! This might be very difficult especially with children around. You just have to teach them too and be very diligent.

I have struggled with slow feed bowls. Some too deep, some don't provide enough space for them to get at the food, and most are not raised. I've actually been rattling the idea around of inventing my own just for our little smushy faces... Unfortunately i'm still in the very beginning phase and don't even know where to start to make a prototpye.. but I may seriously try to figure it out!

Good luck! So glad Brisket was able to bring it back up!
Most Bulldogs are scoundrels that never get fed! especially mine... lol! I had to learn the hard way after Harvey ate an entire stuffed squirrel. I didn't even know it was missing. He was still eating and pooping so i was unaware of any issue. Then one day 2 weeks later he was acting strange and i took him in. He ended up having it scoped out of his tummy.

It is really scary and to this day i am always worried if either one acts different than usual. But i learned a valuable lesson. No toys unless supervised and then they get put away. And there is never anything, and i mean anything left within their reach that they could eat except their food! This might be very difficult especially with children around. You just have to teach them too and be very diligent.

I have struggled with slow feed bowls. Some too deep, some don't provide enough space for them to get at the food, and most are not raised. I've actually been rattling the idea around of inventing my own just for our little smushy faces... Unfortunately i'm still in the very beginning phase and don't even know where to start to make a prototpye.. but I may seriously try to figure it out!

Good luck! So glad Brisket was able to bring it back up!

Yea the slow feed bowl I use makes it a little hard for him to get to the food at the bottom because of his nose, but when he canā€™t get to it anymore, I pour it out and he finishes it
Most Bulldogs are scoundrels that never get fed! especially mine... lol! I had to learn the hard way after Harvey ate an entire stuffed squirrel. I didn't even know it was missing. He was still eating and pooping so i was unaware of any issue. Then one day 2 weeks later he was acting strange and i took him in. He ended up having it scoped out of his tummy.

It is really scary and to this day i am always worried if either one acts different than usual. But i learned a valuable lesson. No toys unless supervised and then they get put away. And there is never anything, and i mean anything left within their reach that they could eat except their food! This might be very difficult especially with children around. You just have to teach them too and be very diligent.

I have struggled with slow feed bowls. Some too deep, some don't provide enough space for them to get at the food, and most are not raised. I've actually been rattling the idea around of inventing my own just for our little smushy faces... Unfortunately i'm still in the very beginning phase and don't even know where to start to make a prototpye.. but I may seriously try to figure it out!

Good luck! So glad Brisket was able to bring it back up!

Louie has eaten things and I had no idea because he was still acting normal with everything. He has eaten a corner of a blanket off as well as a fleece tug toy. He had the tug toy in his belly for like 2 months before he threw it up. Lucky for him and lucky for me! Stuffie toys or toys with appendages are not allowed anymore because he will eat them.
Yea we have a monkey with long arms and he ripped one off and I tossed out the toy right away and the appendages because of how easy it was for him to tear it up... I try to be extra careful and vigilant of anything in his reach but it is exhausting!!
Bella used to eat really fast as puppy. But now she takes her time. Sometimes doesnā€™t even finish whatā€™s in her bowl. Most of the time also will smell anything first before she even takes it out of your hand.

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Bella used to eat really fast as puppy. But now she takes her time. Sometimes doesnā€™t even finish whatā€™s in her bowl. Most of the time also will smell anything first before she even takes it out of your hand.

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This gives me hope!
Ugh! Banks are a stone that we had no idea till she put her teeth on Lewis. I kept saying she seemed off, but she was eating , drinking, poo, but her temperament was off... the teeth happen and we went to vet, x-ray showed a stone in her belly causing lots of pain. Surgery was only option

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