So.. my daughter made homemade treats


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
My 14 year old, Jenna, made Chester homemade dog treats last night for Chester. Made with whole wheat flour, some banana, bullion, and powdered milk. They actually smell like banana nut bread! She cut them out with heart shape cookie cutters and he loves them. :heart: Now hopefully this will help with the allergies and the ear infection! :bully:
My daughter found the recipe somewhere... of course between the steroid pills he's on that are making him pee on my floor, the whole grain flour will probably act like a laxative and I'll be cleaning up pee and poop from my floor for the next week. But of course, I am going away on vacation very soon, so my MIL may be doing so :eek:
wouldn't whole wheat flour be bad? Just thinkin grain free and all that jazz :)

I know, I know I'm a party pooper. :p
I have never personally made homemade treats for my guys, but my mom made some for all three of them as Christmas presents last December! That is wonderful that your 14 year old made them! :cool: That is one cool kid u have!
I made some grain-free using flax instead of whole wheat flour, turns out with a similar consistency--less poop issues too!

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