Sebastian update .


New member
Sep 25, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
My boy is awake and feeling better . He had swilled some kind of gear ? The string was in his stach and the gear was in his intestines . No long term damage he will most def be feeling better now :):):

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SO happy to hear he will be okay! These silly Bullies are going to kill US!!!
That's great news, poor guy. Thank you for letting us know.
I'm so glad Sebastien is through with the surgery, and I'm so happy he is okay. Wishing him a speedy recovery, and hoping he's back to himself soon. These silly bullies will eat anything. Please keep us posted on how his recovery is going. The hardest part of the post surgery healing is keeping them quiet and not jumping.
Good griefā€¦ I'm glad to hear that he's doing okay. Please keep us posted!!!
:whew: Glad to hear Sebastian is doing better. They really are the silliest pups. They don't realize that they cannot eat everything!!
I know it's crazy the things they eat !

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OMG.... so glad you got him in and taken care of!!
Thank goodness YOU persevered for your baby, knowing something
wasn't right with him...GOOD JOB! Thanks for telling us and give him
gentle hugs n kisses~GOD bless

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