Raw food !!!


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Aug 22, 2011
Metro Detroit
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I have to say I LOVE these pictures of Zeus...he looks like he is really into what he is doing. lol

oh, gosh...he is too into it...lol....I'll post some pix of him crunching on the cornish hen tonight...lol...its funny seeing this ball of fur shaking up stuff :-)

I think you may have to have a certain amount of posts before you can start a blog. Not sure what it is though. I would love to follow his progress! A thread would be cool.

I think so too...that way I dont have to waste paper and pen...lol....I can have it documented with pics....lol


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Apr 18, 2011
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i must admit to leaving the skin on her chicken ,she doesnt know how to use her paws when eating lol so does regurgitate but always licks it up YUMMMYYYY not!!it doesnt bother me watching her do that but my old man is disgusted lol,on friday at work my boss had left 2 large chickens and 51b of beef steak out of the fridge and was going to throw it away !!!so i brought it home for annie ,thats a few free meals lol,i think she thought i was going to feed my family with it!!!,so have put it in the freezer for a couple of weeks to kill off any germs and i promise to give it all to annie lol,karen


I am in total control....I think
Feb 25, 2011
Louisville, KY
Bulldog(s) Names
Gator & Lucy Goosey, the Basset and Gigi (AKA Gypsy)
i must admit to leaving the skin on her chicken ,she doesnt know how to use her paws when eating lol so does regurgitate but always licks it up YUMMMYYYY not!!it doesnt bother me watching her do that but my old man is disgusted lol,on friday at work my boss had left 2 large chickens and 51b of beef steak out of the fridge and was going to throw it away !!!so i brought it home for annie ,thats a few free meals lol,i think she thought i was going to feed my family with it!!!,so have put it in the freezer for a couple of weeks to kill off any germs and i promise to give it all to annie lol,karen

Lucky you for the score!

Victor Y

Sep 19, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Pepper. The Belle of Birming'am
Some time back I asked two of the most knowledgeable experts on Bulldogs that I happen to know. One gave me Pepper. I was curious of a raw food diet for her. They help me quite a bit with anything about Bully's I need or want to know.Both have some 60 years combined in raising and breeding.
Both of them told me a raw food diet is very detrimental for good health for a Bully. They are even more susceptible to E-coli and other harmful bacteria than humans. When a Bully gets Food poisoning from them its the dehydration that kills them quick. A Bully gets to sick from bad food it is susceptible to what is basically a Stomach Flip.The stomach and gut basically knots up and it is fatal and not at all a pleasant sight to watch a Bully suffer with. Feeding a Bully raw chicken is taking a gamble, chicken can spoil after only being out 15 minutes.
Beef is only a bit safer but Bully's have a heck of a time digesting it.Both have told me that the only Safe Beef to give a Bully is to boil it and strain it , not even baked or fried beef is advisable. If you feed your Bully beef and you have issues with Gas then you know now one of the reasons. Boiled removes most all the fat from beef and at times I will feed pepper some boiled beef and rice as a special treat. But as shared with me Bullys and beef don't mix and that it was far better to have my bully on a raw, washed veggie diet along with a good non -wheat dry dog food then to consider a diet that included raw meat.


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
Some time back I asked two of the most knowledgeable experts on Bulldogs that I happen to know. One gave me Pepper. I was curious of a raw food diet for her. They help me quite a bit with anything about Bully's I need or want to know.Both have some 60 years combined in raising and breeding.
Both of them told me a raw food diet is very detrimental for good health for a Bully. They are even more susceptible to E-coli and other harmful bacteria than humans. When a Bully gets Food poisoning from them its the dehydration that kills them quick. A Bully gets to sick from bad food it is susceptible to what is basically a Stomach Flip.The stomach and gut basically knots up and it is fatal and not at all a pleasant sight to watch a Bully suffer with. Feeding a Bully raw chicken is taking a gamble, chicken can spoil after only being out 15 minutes.
Beef is only a bit safer but Bully's have a heck of a time digesting it.Both have told me that the only Safe Beef to give a Bully is to boil it and strain it , not even baked or fried beef is advisable. If you feed your Bully beef and you have issues with Gas then you know now one of the reasons. Boiled removes most all the fat from beef and at times I will feed pepper some boiled beef and rice as a special treat. But as shared with me Bullys and beef don't mix and that it was far better to have my bully on a raw, washed veggie diet along with a good non -wheat dry dog food then to consider a diet that included raw meat.

That's what I thought in the beginning too. But now that I've read up on raw, whenever people mention the sensitivities of a bulldog's, or any other dog's, stomachs to such bacteria I remind them that eating poop or licking after themselves is a common habit and they've never fallen sick doing either. Authorities have also reminded us that all kibble has some trace of salmonella, and it's been advised to wash your hands after touching them.

Don't forget, rawfeeding has been around before kibble was introduced. :)

Victor Y

Sep 19, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Pepper. The Belle of Birming'am
For every other breed of dog I would agree with you SMJ ...BUT The EBD is a totally man made dog that in itself is not capable of surviving if it were not for human intervention. A complete raw food diet for the breed I have been advised never to try. Peppers dam is still alive and kicking , 12 years old and never feed a day on a raw food diet, just veggies and a natural Kibble free of grains. You can get a great dry that has the needed vitamins, protiens , carbs etc if a person takes the time to actually read the ingredients. With Bullys its avoid feeding grains and kibble high in beef content.
I thought that feeding a raw food diet was the way to go I found out otherwise . its up to choice but I will share this .
One of the people who I go to for any info on raising Bullys is a paid professional EBD breeder and caretaker for the EBD's for the royal family. when a person who has spent his life training , raising caring for just one breed and does it well enough to hold such a prestigious position as to be trusted with their Bullys suggest that I forego a RFD and put my efforts to a proper diet that aids to better health and longevity then I am going to listen to his advice. But its too each his/her own. Its not so much a diet as a whole as it is certain foods. Some have this conception about Bulldog tough but really they have a very delicate stomach and disgestive system


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Aug 22, 2011
Metro Detroit
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Victor....for every trainer/breeder/vet etc etc that has had the experience of that sort as you have come by to - there is those that have the opposite experience and opinion. It is to each their own. I would whole heartedly agree with savemejeebus and ask what the the EB do 60 years ago and over when kibble didnt exist. It was still very much a man made dog as almost every one that resides as a pet.

Victor Y

Sep 19, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Pepper. The Belle of Birming'am
Just about every breed is pretty much a pet. The EBD due to its breeding is considered a man made dog, basically a designer dog and because of that has Numerous health issue. why do you think that some vets refuse to work with them? I would suggest you read about the breed in detail . You ever see a wild Bulldog let me know.:) You won't see one running wild like a stray dog, they cannot take care of themselves
From the first time I asked him this is the response I got.
"Why do you Yanks always seem so enthused about fad food diets? "

As I said to each his own, Best of luck to ya
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Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
Sorry, I'm not convinced that raw's a fad food diet at all, considering it's been around more than kibble has.

And, yes, I've read about how our wonderful bully's have come about. We're all enthusiasts here after all.

When people tell me what kibble they feed I always wonder to myself, "Do you know what's in that food?".

What convinced me about rawfeeding is not the angle of how our pups are most related to wolves but rather the stats on the increase of fatal diseases, such as cancer, since kibble was introduced. Many are also now dying at a younger age.

I agree, there are many good processed dog food out there, but I feel and have witnessed how raw can turn a once struggling pup around.
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New member
Aug 22, 2011
Metro Detroit
Bulldog(s) Names
Just about every breed is pretty much a pet. The EBD due to its breeding is considered a man made dog, basically a designer dog and because of that has Numerous health issue. why do you think that some vets refuse to work with them? I would suggest you read about the breed in detail . You ever see a wild Bulldog let me know.:) You won't see one running wild like a stray dog, they cannot take care of themselves
From the first time I asked him this is the response I got.
"Why do you Yanks always seem so enthused about fad food diets? "

As I said to each his own, Best of luck to ya

Have you ever seen a breed that is completely free of hereditary sickness? I think not. All dogs are designer dogs! The Pit Bull once back in the time was called a designer dog. The french bulldog too. Now, after centuries passed by they are not anymore. All dogs are human created - like really.

Kibble is a fad diet if you ask me. Its only 50-60 years old and people have been feeding dogs human food before kibble stepped foot. Raw or cooked it doesnt matter. It was NOT a kibble. Even the highest quality grain free kibble is what it is - processed food. If you are happy with it - good for you.

Me, personally I have talked to raw fed owners of EBs and to kibble fed. Thats why I decided to go raw. My pup is going to grow at a stable rate - not an excellerated one by kibble (excuse my spelling, english is not my native language) with fewer health dangers. A dog prone to allergy can have a reaction to the kibble as well as the raw. BUT, feeding raw I know exactly what goes in my dogs belly.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
"Designer breed", "man made dog", all of these are buzz words and a combination of words that truly takes away from what the English Bulldog is - a dog. Regardless of it being bred to LOOK a certain way, you need to delve deeper into the actual anatomy of the bulldog. It's insides - anatomy, physiology - is essentially the same as any other dog/wolf out there. You need to step back and ask yourself do you really think Bulldogs have been so drastically changed, internally, that they are any different than other dogs? There is no such thing as evolving a dog into something completely different in less than 100 years.

I've religiously done my research on the Bulldog, and other breeds, and I may be stepping outside of my practical knowledge since I'm just about to own my first one next week, but based on every iota of information I've gathered, a raw diet is easily the best and smartest way to feed any dog. Just need to think logically about evolution, anatomy and the physiology of ALL dogs, English or otherwise.

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