Samsons first week on raw diet


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Manitowoc, WI
Bulldog(s) Names
Samson "Sammy"
I started Samson on a raw diet last week - he's almost 5 months old and I'm already sick of all the dog food manufacturers (I don't feel like any of them are honest.) Anyways, I'm feeding him 3 times a day, in the morning he'll eat a portion of a leg quarter, he'll finish up the quarter in the afternoon, and then have another leg quarter in the evening. So far really GOOD! He's always had a really heavy dog odor, even though I religously clean his face every day and I was giving him a bath every week - no more dog odor! You can't smell him anymore! The hot spots on his back have also filled in, and he's not losing hair like he previously was. I thought maybe I was convincing myself that things were different because I really wanted to do this for him, but my boyfriend (who was COMPLETELY skeptical of raw feeding) is amazed at the difference in his smell and fur. He hasn't experienced a lot of the detox symptoms I read about, thankfully - his bowel movements are down to once a day (instead of 4 times per day), his ears are really goopy so I've been cleaning them twice a day, and his eyes are really gunky, again I'm cleaning them two or three times a day for now. From what I've read the ear and the eye drainage is pretty typical in the first week or two - not a big deal though. We found a great deal on raw chicken last week - 20lbs of whole chicken and chicken quarters for $9.00!! We're going to keep him on chicken for another week and then slowly add in pork and then organs eventually. I'm really excited because I didn't think I'd see results so quickly (and wasn't sure if I'd see them at all.) I'll keep everyone posted on his progress - good and bad (hopefully no bad though!) :)
Very interesting ... yes please, keep us updated on how you find it!!
YAY~!!!! Another one bites the dust. lol. I look forward to hearing about his progress. I am still working my blog if you wanna take a look and if you need any help, just PM and I will try. I am so glad you are seeing positive results so early. I have been too and am just waiting for the day that I can post the before and after pics of Gator's tear stains. They are lookin good!

Good for you, congratulations for taking the plunge.
That's awesome!!! I keep thinking about it for Chunk ... haven't found a kibble that seems to completely work for him.
Glad to hear of another member who is doing this and loving it. I am still in consideration phase but not quite sure about it just yet.
This is great news! I want to start violet on a raw diet but with us moving to north Carolina October 5th and we are driving I think it'll be to hard feed her.

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So nice to hear it's working well for you....Just out of curiosity, what kibble were you feeding him before you switched to raw? I'm fascinated by raw, but I don't know if it's for us or not.
[MENTION=1790]Luvin My Bullie[/MENTION] OMG the organs smell horrible, I bought chicken gizzards out of curiousity and I gave him one - he thought it was AWESOME, but they spell horrible! [MENTION=2594]MissPennyLue[/MENTION] Samson was on Fromm Beef Frittata and Surf and Turf, so one of the better brands, but after reading the letter that they were using Chinese chemicals I was done and decided to take the plunge! My mom has also been considering feeding raw for awhile and since I decided to do it, my mom stopped feeding her dogs (domerman and dachsund) Fromm and started on raw (last week Thursday.) [MENTION=1906]GatorRay[/MENTION] can you send me the link to your blog? I need any help I can get, especially from a fellow bulldog owner! I also joined the Yahoo rawfeeding and facebook rawfeeding groups, I saw that you recommended the Yahoo rawfeeding group - so far they have been VERY helpful.
@Luvin My Bullie OMG the organs smell horrible, I bought chicken gizzards out of curiousity and I gave him one - he thought it was AWESOME, but they spell horrible! @MissPennyLue Samson was on Fromm Beef Frittata and Surf and Turf, so one of the better brands, but after reading the letter that they were using Chinese chemicals I was done and decided to take the plunge! My mom has also been considering feeding raw for awhile and since I decided to do it, my mom stopped feeding her dogs (domerman and dachsund) Fromm and started on raw (last week Thursday.) @GatorRay can you send me the link to your blog? I need any help I can get, especially from a fellow bulldog owner! I also joined the Yahoo rawfeeding and facebook rawfeeding groups, I saw that you recommended the Yahoo rawfeeding group - so far they have been VERY helpful.

exactly why I don't think I could do it :nope:
@Mod85 there is also a rawpuppy group you may want to join, and rawchat. They are both good. @karenben also raw feeds and so does @savemejeebus . They helped me a lot. They have way more experience than I do and give good suggestions to issues.

Blog is here: English Bulldog News ~Forums~ - Recent Blogs Posts - Blogs

he organs ARE kind of gross smelling (and feeling) but I found after the first few times of handling it, it got a lot easier. After having 6 kids, with three in diapers at the same time, I find I can deal with some organs. lol
So are you following a specific diet plan? I was just curious because you didn't say anything about veggies, fruit etc, so I wasn't sure if you have a specific plan you are following.

I know there are also a lot of raw food companies out there, some of which have it all pre-pattied for you. With Bella's EPI I have to be so very careful of how and what I feed her, so I am very nervous about switching out on a good thing. Terri also does not like the idea of raw, but so many people out there swear by it.
I also like [MENTION=1790]Luvin My Bullie[/MENTION] have a problem with meat, although I eat it, I eat it very well cooked. Seems like everyone that is doing the Raw Diet is having excellent results. I just don't know personally if I could feed Vegas like that Joe says absolutely not, but If I had to I would. I am thrilled Samson is doing so great on it, and there is nothing like a good smelling bully. Vegas was so stinkey until I changed him to a grain free food.
i honestly cannot see why people disagree with raw,unless theres a medical problem then there really is no reason to at least not try it!!as you have read dogs smell better ,their teeth are cleaner,they poop maybe once a day ,no farting well apart fromGatorRAY bully lol,they are less likely to become allergic as their immune system is working at its highest,they very rarely get impacted anal glands,coats clean and glossy,clean ears,less chance of yeast infections,though it can take months for a kibble fed dog to rid its system of all the chemicals and rubbish thats in kibble its a case of persevering but you will see the difference eventually and may i add that its a fraction of the cost to raw feed a dog,plus once your dog is fully into raw then there are less vet bills,lotions ,antihistamines,and shampoo for the very smelly dogs lol,dogs dont need fruit and veg so i personally dont feed either, neither do i feed any dairy ,she gets ox heart as her main protein,chicken backs for her bone content,kidney and liver once a week,i give her flaxseed and primrose oil and of course the best apple cider vinegar i can buy,she has been allergic to something for the last 4 months this is why i switched her to raw,she has not itched for the last 2 days now her belly and pits are clear and healthy,i have kept her off grass and carpets so another week then i will introduce the grass ,if she starts to scratch then i will know its the grass,but i do know its not food related,im interested in the reasoning behind being against raw feeding ,is kibble feeding easier?cheaper?cleaner?your thoughts please.karen

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