Raw food !!!

Sorry, I'm not convinced that raw's a fad food diet at all, considering it's been around more than kibble has.

And, yes, I've read about how our wonderful bully's have come about. We're all enthusiasts here after all.

When people tell me what kibble they feed I always wonder to myself, "Do you know what's in that food?".

What convinced me about rawfeeding is not the angle of how our pups are most related to wolves but rather the stats on the increase of fatal diseases, such as cancer, since kibble was introduced. Many are also now dying at a younger age.

I agree, there are many good processed dog food out there, but I feel and have witnessed how raw can turn a once struggling pup around.

My thoughts exactly. I am glad this conversation came up, to be honest. I know there are many here that are afraid of raw feeding and that is ok. Everyone should do whatever it is that they feel comfortable doing. But it is good to see both sides of the debate.

For me, it was watching a failing senior deteriorating and wanting to do better for her. In learning what is best for HER, I concluded it was best for my EBs as well and guess what?? I was RIGHT! They say that good health on the inside shows on the outside by healthy skin, eyes, ears, teeth and coat and the improvement I have seen in all of these areas is amazing.

As far as bacteria goes, I am not really the one to argue that point but I am aware that their systems handle it much differently than ours do. You cannot equate a human digestive system to a dog's (or wolf's). Do wolves refrigerate or cook their meat? I think not. They also will eat meat that has been sitting out for days with no problems. I handle my dog's meat the same as I do my family's. I wear gloves, wash all surfaces and utensils thoroughly, freeze it and thaw it in the fridge so that it doesn't sit out for long periods of time. If it smells "off" I throw it away.

Honestly, I think it is an individual choice. Live and let live or feed kibble or raw, whichever you feel is right.
You raw feeders are doing what's best for your dogs...I think it's great. I just can't do it because meat really makes me gag! If I handle it a lot before cooking..I can't eat it! I love reading all of your experiences and I tell Jake ALL about what he's missing..but every once in awhile I accidentally see those pictures of karenbens that show like a FULL rib cage and it's almost like a scary movie..I have to speed by it! The first time I saw it I was :eek:.... But it doesn't mean you all aren't right..it just means I was probably an animal in another life!! :rofl: :j/k:
Ohhhh wait a minute..it's drug induced isn't it? Yup..ALMOST fooled me! :starwars:

I am fully aware that at times you can bump heads with the aficionados of This That or the Other and any time some expressing a different point of view they feel the inherent need to rear and defend their POV and dispel any info that counters what they believe or would wish for others to accept. Thing is it is so easy to just downplay the opposing view as not worthy of any thought and resort to trifling retorts . Then so be it. Some of you wish to defend your POV about how utterly perfect a Raw diet is that when an opossing view springs up in a forum you rush to dispel and never accept that maybe it is just as correct. Don't be so quick to just assume that just because I or anyone else says different that I or they do not have experience or practical knowledge to back their play.
My family is 3 generations of CERTIFIED service dog trainers. We also worked with Wildlife placed with us by Fish and Game and other agencies. Some of the bears my family have worked with and raised from orphaned cubs are now in zoo's nationwide. See We dedicated ourselfs to the care of animals either dogs or wildlife . I worked with Timberwolves for many years and myself, my daughter and father are dog trainers as well
I used to have a regular forum on another dog website offering answers to others training question and quit doing it as I got the same type of behavior from those whom held an opposing view yet thought theirs was the only way to go . I have a few members of this community that I currently work with daily with them and their Bully's for obedience and positive re-enforcement training . Bullys are my favorite and I have spent Many years learning Every little detail that I could from experts in the field and my own continuing observations .
So feel free to negate away, it matters not. If you come across an opposing point that you have issue with then you really do not have to read it but you do other pet owners a huge disservice when you try to force your own as the only way to do something and that it is the only correct way. You could well cause someone some possible heart ache and come out the fool.
All I will say on the matter. feel free to flame away :D
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[MENTION=1222]Victor Y[/MENTION]...i hope you didn't take anything I said to be aimed at what you said! I love different opinions and respect yours as much as anyone! We must not get our "panties in a knot" (a favorite family saying) over anything here..life is way too short and you have as much to offer as anyone! Just do what I do...ignore the threads you know you disagree with...I hope you are okay! :peace:
No hard feelings here :yes:. My objective was to share my view on why I chose the diet. I hope you can see from previous posts and threads that I don't force the idea or make it seem like it's perfect. You'll often see me promoting Fromm, NVI and such when other members inquire what's best for their bullies.

Everyone's free to do their own research and make their own decisions. But for the sake of those who are curious and only needs a little push to start because they're still reluctant, I'm very happy to defend against and offer explanations to the opposing views and answer other questions they may have.
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You raw feeders are doing what's best for your dogs...I think it's great. I just can't do it because meat really makes me gag! If I handle it a lot before cooking..I can't eat it! I love reading all of your experiences and I tell Jake ALL about what he's missing..but every once in awhile I accidentally see those pictures of karenbens that show like a FULL rib cage and it's almost like a scary movie..I have to speed by it! The first time I saw it I was :eek:.... But it doesn't mean you all aren't right..it just means I was probably an animal in another life!! :rofl: :j/k:

Stop looking at the ribcage, look at the nice toddler chicken zeusmommy posted. :laugh:
im just wondering what was fed to bulldogs before kibble was invented!!the bulldog is a dog ,my breeder is against raw feeding she says they need kibble for the roughage!!!bit of a bum argument really ,im in the uk and my vet says raw is the best diet any dog can be fed in fact both vets at the practice say the same,my bully doesnt have gas at all ,she did nothing but fart when on kibble,she handles all the meat shes fed very well ,i wouldnt class the bulldog as a designer dog ,yes they can have problems but then so does every breed,its each to their own ,i would rather know what i was feeding my dog than rely on what is written on a bag of kibble,the amounts of salmonela in kibble can be prety high and even kibble fed dog can suffer from bloat especialy the giant breeds that havnt been crossed with any other breed,karen
I am fully aware that at times you can bump heads with the aficionados of This That or the Other and any time some expressing a different point of view they feel the inherent need to rear and defend their POV and dispel any info that counters what they believe or would wish for others to accept. Thing is it is so easy to just downplay the opposing view as not worthy of any thought and resort to trifling retorts . Then so be it. Some of you wish to defend your POV about how utterly perfect a Raw diet is that when an opossing view springs up in a forum you rush to dispel and never accept that maybe it is just as correct. Don't be so quick to just assume that just because I or anyone else says different that I or they do not have experience or practical knowledge to back their play.
My family is 3 generations of CERTIFIED service dog trainers. We also worked with Wildlife placed with us by Fish and Game and other agencies. Some of the bears my family have worked with and raised from orphaned cubs are now in zoo's nationwide. See We dedicated ourselfs to the care of animals either dogs or wildlife . I worked with Timberwolves for many years and myself, my daughter and father are dog trainers as well
I used to have a regular forum on another dog website offering answers to others training question and quit doing it as I got the same type of behavior from those whom held an opposing view yet thought theirs was the only way to go . I have a few members of this community that I currently work with daily with them and their Bully's for obedience and positive re-enforcement training . Bullys are my favorite and I have spent Many years learning Every little detail that I could from experts in the field and my own continuing observations .
So feel free to negate away, it matters not. If you come across an opposing point that you have issue with then you really do not have to read it but you do other pet owners a huge disservice when you try to force your own as the only way to do something and that it is the only correct way. You could well cause someone some possible heart ache and come out the fool.
All I will say on the matter. feel free to flame away :D

Everyone that starts raw feeding their dog does a very good research first. No room for assumptions. Is it for everyone? Nope. We are going to defend, because you came in a thread where person is asking about raw to say how bad raw is for EB and how kibble is the way to go. For someone that keeps saying "to each their own", you dont seem to practice what you preach. Raw feeders do not go to people asking about kibble writing about how perfect raw feeding is. We help those people to make a good choice and get a high quality kibble. Very simple. Respect.
Oh no Jake I have no issue with what you saia and nothing you wrote I take offense with. You are really someone I have come to enjoy reading your posts I find them insightful. But I do know that it is easy to bump heads with others when it comes to discussing issues that we are really involved in . so to you and others, SMJ (which is reallyon heck of a screen name LOL) ain't no hard feelings . peace to you all.
BTW I found a sire for Pepper, I post more info later.
@Victor Y ...i hope you didn't take anything I said to be aimed at what you said! I love different opinions and respect yours as much as anyone! We must not get our "panties in a knot" (a favorite family saying) over anything here..life is way too short and you have as much to offer as anyone! Just do what I do...ignore the threads you know you disagree with...I hope you are okay! :peace:
so to you and others, SMJ (which is reallyon heck of a screen name LOL) ain't no hard feelings . peace to you all.

hehe. Yeah, that's why I got the 'most creative name' award last year. Hopefully everyone here knows that I got it from one of The Simpsons episode. It's not to be taken seriously at all.

And your input is always welcome here. There's no harm in having a healthy and civil debate from time to time.
i for one enjoy this raw feeding thread,if someone has issues with kibble making their dogs ill then what else are they going to feed,there is a lot of rubbish that goes into kibble and many hidden ingredients and all that is in some kibble is not always written on the packaging,to be honest a lot of bulldog breeders disagree with raw feeding but i have yet to read something that tells us raw is bad for a bulldog yet as we see on many forums bulldogs being allergic to kibbles and really suffering ,swapping kibbles constantly because they are allergic to it does the dog more harm than good.when my dog started with her contact allergy my vet didnt try and sell me some expensive hypoallergenic kibble he advised me to keep feeding raw as it will boost her immune system so as to combat her allergy,just because a breeder whos been breeding many years believes that raw is bad for bulldogs doesnt make it so ,bulldogs are just dogs not special needs dogs,karen

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