
New member
Sep 2, 2018
United states
Bulldog(s) Names
Luna has been getting these red spots on her tummy for a while now. They come and go. I'm not sure if it's a rash or maybe shes allergic to something. It doesnt seem to bother her,she doesn't scratch or lick it. We did change her food recently but if I recall correctly she was getting them before the switch. She was on taste of the wild (food from breeder) and we switched her to zignature (lamb). She goes to the vet this week so I will be sure to ask them but I just wanted other opinions. (Shes 13 weeks today)


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When do you seem to notice them popping up? Coming in from outside or just randomly? Has anything environmental changed? Being that you said she had them before the food change I doubt that is the cause and am leaning more towards environmental.
We will watch her more carefully to see when it gets worse. She does love to go outside and lay in the grass when we take her out to potty. She will walk 2 steps and just plop down and lay there until we physically move her. I dont know why she loves being out there in the heat.
I dont think we have used any chemicals in our yard since moving here (a year ago) could she just be allergic to the grass?
The picture I posted was from last night and this pic is from 9am this morning


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Agree with Todd... looks like contact irritation from the grass or weeds

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We will watch her more carefully to see when it gets worse. She does love to go outside and lay in the grass when we take her out to potty. She will walk 2 steps and just plop down and lay there until we physically move her. I dont know why she loves being out there in the heat.
I dont think we have used any chemicals in our yard since moving here (a year ago) could she just be allergic to the grass?
The picture I posted was from last night and this pic is from 9am this morning

It very well could be the grass or even the underlying soil that is causing it. When it cones to allergies it is always and adventure to find out what it is exactly with our babies.
Hank will show those and ............... he also loves to lay down flat in the hot dirt/weeds/grass what ever. He lays on bugs too. I 'think' for him, the moist morning grass may carry little nats that may nibble on him? cause thats the only time he itches from being outside i think.
Yep...looks like classic contact dermatitis. Wipe down with baby wipes after contact with grass...especially fresh cut grass/high grass
I've been cleaning her belly off when we come inside and it seems to be working. The vet said if it gets really bad I can give her Benadryl.
Sure could be environmental. Don't know where you live, but mosquitoes and "bugs" are horrible this year in Tn. ! They like dog blood, too!:halloween16:
Hank will show those and ............... he also loves to lay down flat in the hot dirt/weeds/grass what ever. He lays on bugs too. I 'think' for him, the moist morning grass may carry little nats that may nibble on him? cause thats the only time he itches from being outside i think.

If Hank is getting topical Vectra 3D or K9 Advantix II for ticks and fleas, like my dog does, he probably won't get bites since the permethrin repels insects.

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