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Community Veteran
Aug 13, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
lex 19 months
ok so are any of yalls bullies espesically males protective over a certain person, just girls, or just guys??

Lex is very protective over me and my boyfriend jeffs girls. Even if Jeff comes and sits next to me on the couch he will come sit between us on the floor and sometimes if we're cuddling hell want up on the couch and he'll lay in between us. one nite jeffs oldest maddy fell asleep in our bed w lex, and as soon as jeff sat on the bed he got up and curled up right next to maddy, he does the same thing w me... if anyone mainly guys come up to talk and he doesnt know them he will just sit and watch. o and he will sit by the back door like hes on gaurd. i have never seen a dog so protective and on gaurd like him
Mr.beefy doesnt do that but both my female olde's do that . They are very protective when it comes to me and my kids it took me awhile to get them use to my dad . They both gueard opposite parts of the house my 2 yr old Georgia guards my room and 8mnth old Baby joe gueards the living room. Its very comforting
I don't think it's a bad long as it's just a stare-down.
he's only 7 months old and he started it when he was about 2 to 3 months!!! and when he gaurds he sits where nothing is behind him or in the corner, at nite he will sleep in front of the bedroom door, its like he's thinking anyone that comes through this door has to get through me first. and when the girls are here we cant get him to come to the room he thinks he has to stay in their room and protect them, and at bath time he just sits and watches makin sure they dont get hurt lol... i love having a dog thats protective cause we also have a 100 lb lab thats scared of his shadow
Hmm, I've had three males and all of them didn't have overly protective bone in their bodies. It sounds like he loves to be with his humans, which is totally naturally bully!

As other said, be sure it's just an attentiveness that never turns to action. Of course, he shouldn't be confrontational to guests in your home or strangers.
I don't know if it protective or spoiled, but no one can get next to me as far as Abby is concerned. If anyone sits close enough to touch me, she gets moves right inbetween, even if she has to walk/sit on someone. Bella is protective at night in bed, she has her spot and if Abby tries to move closer to me, Bella gets upset, but I truly think it is just over her "space" We were at a meet-up one weekend and another bully came over to see me, Bella homed in and did not like it, but more in a jealous way.

I would feel very honored to have my dogs protect us like Lex, what a sweet little boy. That is so awesome.
Horse is definetly protective of Braeden and I. He sleeps between us at night, as close to us as possible, if we're outside he stays right near us keeping a close eye on anyone else that comes into the yard. He also lays (sleeps actually) on the mat outside the shower if one of us in in it. It's definetly him being protective of us, because if we're not home and someone comes in the house (landlord, a friend), he goes into his crate. When we're home, he is not friendly to the landlord and I have to keep him leashed. Once, the landlord came to fix something and beat me here, he was in the house when I got home and I was super nervous that Horse would try to bite him or something, protecting his home, but no, Horse was passed out in his crate with the door open. He only came out and barked at the landlord when I got home! So, with Horse it's more protecting his mom and skin-brother than his turf.
I don't know if he is protective or I am just his!! He follows me everywhere, gets between me and my husband on the couch, if I try to snuggle with my husband he "humps" him. We take him to the dog park (when it's cooler weather) and he will go play, BUT if he sees me petting another dog he immediately comes back and sits on my feet. So protective?? No I could have a robber come in my house and Vegas would want to play with him, I think it is more of a dominance issue and I AM HIS!! :heart:
I don't know if he is protective or I am just his!! He follows me everywhere, gets between me and my husband on the couch, if I try to snuggle with my husband he "humps" him. We take him to the dog park (when it's cooler weather) and he will go play, BUT if he sees me petting another dog he immediately comes back and sits on my feet. So protective?? No I could have a robber come in my house and Vegas would want to play with him, I think it is more of a dominance issue and I AM HIS!! :heart:
I believe you are right. Mr.Beefy has tried to "hump" any that has come in the house lol. its not aggressive or protective he's just jelous lol.