Please Help!

Theresa Warrner

New member
Aug 15, 2010
Lakewood, Wi
Bulldog(s) Names
Lilith (age 9) Porkie (age5) Margo ~ Foster (age ?)
I have been working with dogs forever, but I need advice on this matter. My usually sweet and good natured bully, Mz. Porkie has turned into a demon. She has been constantly trying to attack/fight with my geriatric bully Lilith. Today I tried to seperate them and ended up with three good bites on my legs. Neither dog has issues with our other 2 dogs.
Some history ~ Lilith is her mother, and has been the alpha forever. She ruled the roost until a few days ago. Lil hasn't been feeling well and is being treated for ear and eye infections for the past month. She just can't kick them. this is the fist time we've ever had to deal with either type of infection concerning her. I think she is failing and Porkie knows it. Is Porkie trying to take over the alpha role? She will even try to get at Lil through a crate. They've been taking turns staying closed up in my bedroom, but Porkie will still growl at the door if Lil is near it. Sorry I'm so long winded, but I really need advice. :confused:
Oh Theresa, you are not alone. I feel for you. Two of mine hate each other, namely Mandy with Jesse. Got along great for about 6 months. Now Jesse hates Mandy too. So now Jesse is paired up with Yuna. Well, now Jesse is being mean and dominate to Yuna. Sigh. I am trying to stop them with ME being the alpha role leader, before it turns into a Jesse/Mandy and Molly/Mandy situation. I think *I* am the problem. :whistle:

Yes, it sounds like she is trying to take over the leadership. The problem with that is YOU should be the leader. I know, right? This is coming from me, who has not been able to establish MY role as pack leader.... but I am working on it.... :eek:

Whenever Jesse is trying to show her dominance I roll her over on her back. She submits to me immediately. But as soon as I let her back up she is right at it again with the dirty looks to Yuna. This technique is supposed to work. I also bark and growl (I know, it is funny to picture this, right?) to show *I* am in charge. It is working.... a little. But I am afraid it is too late for Mandy and Molly or Mandy and Jesse. :/
I am so stressed...I try to be the Alpha and sort of follow Ceasar's techniques. I have to wonder if bringing our new foster into the equation may have upset the balance. She has become Porkie's new "best friend". Everything happens so fast, it's hard for me to take control. My youngest daughter cries when they fight and that only makes it all worse. Today they got into it under my kitchen table and I ended up throwing water on them. Lil submitted and was on her back, but Porkie just wouldn't give up. They are both a bloody mess and I have 3 large bruises and a few small puncture glad that I wasn't wearing shorts, or I would probably need medical attention. After separating them, I pinned Porkie on the floor until she was quiet and then put her in my bedroom. She had a 3 hour time out. They manged to pass each other with only a growl this evening. I know I am the problem. I don't feel as though I am doing anything or acting differently as of late other than having a terrified foster stuck to me like velcro. Tomorrow is a new day. I will not hold a grudge...I will not show fear...I will not get angry... (Telling my self this over and I will force them to go for a walk together. We don't do that often as we have a large yard for them to bomb around in, but I have to try something new to show them i am the leader. Thanks ~ theresa
I am off no help...i just had to rehome my baby due to her trying to kill my EB. She is my OEB's daughter and as soon as Mr.beeefy(EB) came into the house she made it her mission to assert her dominance. Nothing I did worked because just as they would start to get along ...she would jump him for moving to quickly. It seems like the daughter knows her mother is weak, so she is trying to cancel out the weekest in the pack. You see this alot with wolves and wild dogs, when one member gets sick the others will attack and kill it. Hopefully this is just a dominance issue and can be corrected. I wish u the best
sorry you are having such problems i sure do hope you can get it under control pretty quick before you or anyone else gets hurt worse....
It does sound like she is challenging for the Alpha role. Its a normal part of the pack mentality. You really need to take that role ASAP. They know when you are unsure and will take advantage of that...just like children do.
Thanks everyone. I just wonder when and how the dynamic changed. This battle between the 2 of 4 has been a challenge to say the least. Thing are somewhat better today. I have been claiming ownership of Lil and Porkie is respecting me for that. I've always been their Alpha in the past, but something happened. The question is: WHAT? Porkie has a small tumor that needs removing asap and I've been fussing over her a bit more because of it. I know it's my fault that this is happening. I just have to reclaim my position. I also think that when Lil (age9) is feeling better and no longer a weak member of our pack things will return to normal. Thanks again and any advice is welcome.
Im sorry I am no help.. Thankfully my dogs all get along.. I thought I would have a problem with my boxer when I brought home my Great dane. But I kept them seperte for a while then one day I came home and my dane was gone from the front yard.. I had a heart attach. But she got over the 6ft fence into the back yard and was hanging with the boxer lol. Now they are together all the time.. my boxer is the alpha dog with everyone (but the human family lol). I wish you luck and hope that everything works out...
I have a problem with mine. But, not so much any more. If I see them look at each other, I stand between the 2. I'm the boss. I suggest buying an air horn and keep it at your side at all time. When you see ANYTHING sound the horn. The sound makes them pay attention to that instead of each other. I flip over the dog that initiated the fight, and I don't let them turn back over until I feel they both are relaxed. i even let the other dog sniff the one laying on it's back. But when you do that, make sure you have a hold of the scruff of the neck of the dog laying down. Good luck... It can work. It's working for me.

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