Photo & Video Theme: English Bulldogs with Pretty Paws


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
The photo and video theme today is pretty paws. Show off those gorgeous bully paws with your favorites

One of my weaknesses with bulldogs is puppy paws. Similar to how I feel about skin baby's hands and feet- they are so tiny yet so detailed of the hands and feet of humans- and the toenails kinda go sideways a bit- both Yuna and Tidus had very large puppy paws... :) Even to this day their paws still look too big, they are now 'teenagers' who need to grow into their body parts!


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re: Photo & Video Theme: Pretty Paws Thursday

Talk to the paw!

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re: Photo & Video Theme: Pretty Paws Thursday

Ha I loooove that! Excellent jillh10!!!
re: Photo & Video Theme: Pretty Paws Thursday

I love paw pics too...


  • best friends 004.jpg
    best friends 004.jpg
    84 KB · Views: 163
  • leroy paw 002.jpg
    leroy paw 002.jpg
    91.6 KB · Views: 167
re: Photo & Video Theme: Pretty Paws Thursday

re: Photo & Video Theme: Pretty Paws Thursday

My poor boy.. when he wasn't big enough to get out of his little pen we had for him.. he was pathetic! LOL

re: Photo & Video Theme: English Bulldogs with Pretty Paws

Oh how I just love this theme :heart:

It's pretty paws Thursday again :heart:

My all time fav pic of Yuna (yes this one again.... cuz it's so cute!)


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