Panalog Cream


I am in total control....I think
Feb 25, 2011
Louisville, KY
Bulldog(s) Names
Gator & Lucy Goosey, the Basset and Gigi (AKA Gypsy)
I am going to tag [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] on this one since she is the one that knows this stuff. lol.

I took Gypsy to the vet for her rabies shot and quick check up (and she is perfect, of course lol). But while I was there I had the vet give me some panalog cream and he did no problem.

Anyway, I remember it being discussed for many things and was hoping to get the run down on it. I thought it would be good to have on hand.
You can use it in any areas that get fungus or bacteria. Such as the nose rope wrinkle, between the toes (use sparingly), for females it is great for the vaj-j area.

When Tidus wore a cone he even got yeasty bacteria underneath his neck from the cone, and I just spread it all over my hands and rubbed it in the area like lotion. Was almost cleared up in just a day. Wash hands very well after using or use with laytex gloves. :) It is very sticky and will feel like it is not off you.
I love panalog!!! I use it in Chunk's face wrinkles ... Every so often, no matter how much I dry them, they need it because his tears run into those areas. Otherwise I'd be in the vet's office more often!!!
maybe I should ask my vet for some next month when I take the boys in to get weighed for their heartworm preventative!
Is this something that every vet has? I'm taking Brutus to the vet this weekend because one of his nose wrinkles is all red and regualr cleaning isn't doing anything for it :( Should I ask for this cream?
Is this something that every vet has? I'm taking Brutus to the vet this weekend because one of his nose wrinkles is all red and regualr cleaning isn't doing anything for it :( Should I ask for this cream?

I would keep it on hand..has a fairly good shelf life..make sure you get one that isn't too close to expiration date so you can get the most use possible. Up to this point I have only used it on ears..both cats and dogs..but I think it's great to keep around..especially after all the uses on a bully!
Thank you so much for the info! I didn't even intend to get any but I heard him talking to someone about a rash and it triggered that I would like to have some on hand. lol
Sounds like a useful thing to have on hand!!
My vet did not offer it. I asked for it. He is VERY cool about listening to me when I think something is necessary. It is probably because I am able to have and in-depth discussion with him about our issues. This webiste has really educated me in the special needs of my bullies. I got him more interested in researching food options for certain conditions as well thanks to all of you guys here!
Vets usually don't have a problem giving it to bully owners as long as you can tell them what you want it for. Yeast in tail pocket and nose rope will cover it!

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