One sunny day


Well-known member
Community Veteran
Sep 30, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Taisto, Kylli, Salli, Angel-Usko and Angel-Voitto
Voiton_lankku.jpgWe haven't seen the sun here in weeks and once it came out, we rushed out too..
DSC_0308.jpgVoitto wanted to rub some that brightness on himself
remember_to_stretch.jpgHe's one funny boy...
DSC_0333.jpgUsko does this only in his bed
DSC_0436.jpgHe still has some dignity left
DSC_0397.jpgMy beautiful boy posing....This was a few days ago and the sun hasn't made another appearance...
Love the pics. Your bullies are both great looking.
Oh my gosh - just beautiful pics. That third one looks like he's doing yoga!!
Both your boys are so beautiful! Love the pics -- thanks for sharing!
Yes, your boys are so beautiful, and you always take such wonderful photos! When I think I have taken a good one-when I download it, they are always awful! No talent here!
Wow! Those are really nice pictures! They really are enjoying being outside!
Thank You for Sharing your pictures of your Beautiful Bully's, I love all the pictures, the first one looks like he is stretching, and the third one looks like he is holding his legs, too cute for words. Precious Bully Babies.
Beautiful pics of the boys… Voitto looks like he's the "WILD" one of the two… Lol
You have a great eye for photography! WOW

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