On my own now..


New member
May 10, 2012
Vancouver, BC
Bulldog(s) Names
So times are changing in my lil corner of the world.

I'm about to be a single dad for my bulldog... could use some advice.

Booker is about 11 months old now, healthy. I already take care of the vet apmts, daily chores ect so thats not going to be an adjustment at all.

His routine was: gets up between 7-8am, eats at 8, business before 8:30, crate from 8:45-3pm 'til i get home.... wash, rinse, repeat. Easy enough.

Problem now is I leave for work @ 6:30ish... and the ex would be home from then 'til 9 to keep the guy company. For the most part while he is awake from 7-9 he isin't doing much at all, looking for a softer place to lie down is about rowdy as it gets in the am.

I need a new routine. I was thinking.... wake him up at 5:30ish with food, keep him awake and somewhat moving 'til 6:30 if possible then crate until 2:45-3pm.

7.5 hrs in the crate right after sleeping seems like its no fun tho..... thats what I struggle with.

Even though i'm lucky enough to have him favor me, should I expect there to be a huge amount of separation anxiety to deal with now that she is gone? If so does it last long?

thanx, Dan



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I too have recently become a single bulldog mom, but I work from home so I dont have the long time alone issue. You could looking into having a dog walker come to your home to have a mid day visit, or even a daycare for once or twice a week. It would help break up the week for him. I didnt find that gregory missed my ex when he wasnt there anymore, but it could be different for your guy. Just stick to a routine and he will be adjusted in no time. Good luck
i think he'll be OK, just be sure to play with him a lot once you get home! he will adjust and if you havent seen any anxiety issues yet you probably wont see any. puppies sleep a lot.
I agree, set up a routine and stick with it, the more consistency in his life the less he has to worry about, bulldogs are great at adjusting to new things. Once I return to work my babies will be in crates as well and depending on where the job is will depend on how long but they are great in their crates and seem to love it because sometimes even though I'm home all day I will find them in the bedroom sleeping in their crate (I leave the crate doors open all the time) Good luck and remember not to feel bad for him, he will pick up on that energy, stay positive, focused on work and him and everything will work out.
First of all, I'm glad you're here! At 11 months, I'm sure Booker will be fine. A little more movement with you in the morning should more than compensate for extra time in the crate. You both will fall into a new routine pretty quickly.Make the time you have with him really matter. Like bulldogs4me said..Don't feel sorry for him! He has someone who he loves to take care of him. His surroundings are the same and you love him! I know breakups are a world of hurt. I wish for You and Booker peace. :D
Tonka gets up at 7 and hangs out/eats/poops/sleeps til 815 and he's crated in his crate/xpen combo until 5-6 and he's just fine. He goes for a full day of doggy daycare on Wednesdays and I make sure to always have him out n about when I am home and on weekends :)
First of all, I'm glad you're here! At 11 months, I'm sure Booker will be fine. A little more movement with you in the morning should more than compensate for extra time in the crate. You both will fall into a new routine pretty quickly.Make the time you have with him really matter. Like bulldogs4me said..Don't feel sorry for him! He has someone who he loves to take care of him. His surroundings are the same and you love him! I know breakups are a world of hurt. I wish for You and Booker peace. :D
I'm sure Booker will adjust easily, and breaking up his week with a dog walker or doggie day care a couple days a week would be great!
I think he will be fine. However as he gets older and more responsible, then maybe you can get a portable pen to put up. That way he can play and roam around while you are gone. You can even put in his crate in it for his naps.
:butterfly: since he is older does he really need to be in a crate?
Welcome Welcome! Glad you joined us :) he is lucky to have a dad like you! He will adjust with you. Brutus is 15 months and by no means can be left out of his crate for longer than 30 mins if we aren't home! He is into everything!!! Lol I agree with maybe trying an xpen . When I worked my dogs had about an 1 1/2 hr before crate time in the a.m

Good luck with everything! Thanks for sharing pictures with us :)

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Hey there! I am in a similar situation, and recently became a single mom to my bully. We relocated from Montreal back to Chicago. I haven't found a new job yet, but once I do Rook will be having more crate time than he was used to in Montreal. I'd love to hear from you how Booker does with the extra time in the morning.
I can tell you that Booker is going to be just fine because you are a great bully dad. I was really worried about how Rook would do being separated from my husband. But Rook has done really well with the move, and he doesn't seem down about losing his "playmate". I've kept his routine as consistent as possible and added a couple extra fun activities for him... He may have gotten spoiled with some new toys too. They really do pick up on our emotions. So if Booker seems down, he is most definitely picking up on your vibe.
Best of luck to you and Booker! Keep in touch, and let us know how you are doing!
Oh sorry about to hear about the big change! :hug: As for Booker, he'll be fine. When Stig was an only doggy, he had free roam of the kitchen and dining area. We blocked the other rooms with a baby gate. When he was a pup, I attached his crate to an x-pen. He'd sleep in his crate and walk out into the pen whenever he felt like playing. He also went to daycare once or twice a week. He'd be passed out for a day or two after, which was a big lifesaver.

Although once he was housetrained, we did let him sleep on the bed with us to 'compensate' for us being away for the day. Not sure if you'd like to try that. But it did give me some sort of relief that we're able to at least spend more time with him ... even if we're all asleep.

Don't forget, we're all here if you need anything. Hugs again!
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:welcome: and good luck.

I remember when I first joined EBN reading a post from a member who had been off work for some time and was now faced with going back to work leaving her two bullies. She was so freaked out by this that I instinctively followed her story. She installed this webcam and camera type package which meant she could watch these two precious babies at all times. I don't remember exactly when she went back to work, but I do remember her posts following that. She had taken time and money to set up this fantastic web cam. Only to find that the moment she left to the moment she came home her two bulldogs remained comatose - snoring and farting as only bulldogs can do.

This story just sums up the life of a bulldog!
If it is an option you could put in a doggie door with a kennel on the outside, we got one from costco for relatively cheap and it allows Bacon to go outside during the day to stretch his legs and do his business. As [MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION] said they sleep all day when we are gone. I have a webcam inside and outside and Bacon sleeps all day long. Good luck and Welcome
Have you thought about hiring a dog walking service to come let him out and walk him during the day while you're gone?

A girl at work uses a service here outside of Boston for her two non-Bully dogs and swears by it.

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