Ollie and Rambo


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
King Ollie
Soooo long story short, weā€™ve sort of gotten shared custody of Rambo. For those who might remember, Rambo is Ollieā€™s half-brother, same mother, different dad. Ollie turned 3 yesterday. Rambo is 15 months old. Rambo belongs to our neighbor. The neighbor and U are close friends. She is single and has 2 boys. She works full time. The kids are with her 50/50. When kids with her, they are either at school or summer camp.
Rambo was alone so much. I couldnā€™t stand it. Iā€™d sit here and think about how lonely he must be. After fifty years with dogs of many breeds, I think bulldogs have the most sensitive loving souls of them all. They love their people so much. They need people.
So where this is heading is this...Rambo has been with us the last five dayā€™s and nights while kids with their Dad. He will go home tonight when kids return and come back tomorrow when everyone goes to camp or school. Iā€™ll keep him days. The next week, Iā€™ll keep him full time. Every dog needs a family. Weā€™ll see how this goes. Heā€™s a good boy. Heā€™s bigger than Ollie. Heā€™s sweet and easy going. This is whatā€™s been going on for the last hour since we all got up.

Aww... well maybe they will realize that Ollie should stay w/you guys permanently, although I DO know that my bullies love it when my grandson is here especially Willow.
Nothing like some brother time! I know Louie wouldnā€™t be a good only dog, he needs someone to play with.

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Youā€™re such great neighbours! I want to move next to you.
This is awesome... you are a fantastic neighbor and a wonderful person to realize Rambo needed you and more human contact. Thank you for adopting him into you world and giving him that extra love.

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How sweet of you - you are right that dogs need company.

Could I just ask those of you with several dogs what is probably a very silly question. I looked at the video and it seemed like the darker one - who I assume is Rambo? - was the more active one. Just want to check that Ollie is as happy about the play as Rambo? And how does one tell when it's not ok (ie that one dog is too dominant). Will Ollie tell Rambo off if he isn't up to it or how do dogs in an indoor situation find a balance in their relationship?

When Castor was a young pup he played a lot with older female dogs and they would certainly tell him when they thought he should back off, and these days he is very balanced and lets pups and females play with him but puts dominant males into place if they try to hump him, for instance. There have been very few "situations" but the few times he has become angry I really didn't see it coming. So, how do you tell when it's time to break up - or do you always let them play until they stop themselves?
How sweet of you - you are right that dogs need company.

Could I just ask those of you with several dogs what is probably a very silly question. I looked at the video and it seemed like the darker one - who I assume is Rambo? - was the more active one. Just want to check that Ollie is as happy about the play as Rambo? And how does one tell when it's not ok (ie that one dog is too dominant). Will Ollie tell Rambo off if he isn't up to it or how do dogs in an indoor situation find a balance in their relationship?

When Castor was a young pup he played a lot with older female dogs and they would certainly tell him when they thought he should back off, and these days he is very balanced and lets pups and females play with him but puts dominant males into place if they try to hump him, for instance. There have been very few "situations" but the few times he has become angry I really didn't see it coming. So, how do you tell when it's time to break up - or do you always let them play until they stop themselves?

I have 3. Jax will let it be known if he does not want to play or if heā€™s done playing. Louie and a quite patient with Ella and she is very persistent when she wants to play with him. Heā€™s only snapped at her once when she was annoying me. There are times when she latches onto his jowls and pulls on him when I will intervene because Louie is too nice to her and wonā€™t put her in her place.

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Hereā€™s another video from this morning. It all sounds very ferocious with the tug rope. I never let them play with it if Iā€™m not right there. They make a lot of ferocious noises, but it never amounts to anything sort of like ā€œfull of sound and fury signifying nothing.ā€
(Wm. Shakespeare- Macbeth)

When they get tired, theyā€™ll drop the rope, do some chewy face the both drop on the floor spread eagle for a nap. Twenty minutes later, the take away-keep away starts all over again. Does anyone think this behavior can turn dangerous and I should hide the rope?


Rest time

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Hereā€™s another video from this morning. It all sounds very ferocious with the tug rope. I never let them play with it if Iā€™m not right there. They make a lot of ferocious noises, but it never amounts to anything sort of like ā€œfull of sound and fury signifying nothing.ā€
(Wm. Shakespeare- Macbeth)

When they get tired, theyā€™ll drop the rope, do some chewy face the both drop on the floor spread eagle for a nap. Twenty minutes later, the take away-keep away starts all over again. Does anyone think this behavior can turn dangerous and I should hide the rope?


Rest time

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Louie and Ella always do the chewy face and so does Louie and his brother when they play. Bulldogs playing always looks and sounds worse than it actually is. You should be able to tell if it is going to turn aggressive, demeanor and look in the eyes will most likely change.
Agree with Citty.. you will see and hear a difference if they r no longer playing. Watch for stiffness in body language. You giving a command should stop it as they are very aware you are watching and in the room

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