Help Needed! New English Bulldog Parents need Advice

[MENTION=19440]MoeKnows[/MENTION] :welcome3: Sara and Moe!! Thank you for saving Moe:loveeyes::loveeyes: Ellie and I hope you are doing better, any updates today?? keep us posted.

Ellie had a similar scare the ended her up at hospital for a couple days when she was puppy (6mos), hang in there, you got this

EBN family has got you covered
[MENTION=19440]MoeKnows[/MENTION] :welcome3: Sara and Moe!! Thank you for saving Moe:loveeyes::loveeyes: Ellie and I hope you are doing better, any updates today?? keep us posted.

Ellie had a similar scare the ended her up at hospital for a couple days when she was puppy (6mos), hang in there, you got this

EBN family has got you covered

Thank you for the warm welcome and kind thoughts! Moe is doing so so much better. Weā€™ve continued the steam showers, coupage and essential oils in the diffuser, as well as antibiotics prescribed from the vet. He had so much more energy today, and has eaten with normal appetite! While I know we arenā€™t in the clear yet, we are so relieved, it was a very rough first week! He goes for a follow up with the vet on Friday, I will provide more updates then!
Thank you for the warm welcome and kind thoughts! Moe is doing so so much better. Weā€™ve continued the steam showers, coupage and essential oils in the diffuser, as well as antibiotics prescribed from the vet. He had so much more energy today, and has eaten with normal appetite! While I know we arenā€™t in the clear yet, we are so relieved, it was a very rough first week! He goes for a follow up with the vet on Friday, I will provide more updates then!
Great to hear!! [emoji7][emoji7] Please make sure at the follow up they do xrays on the lungs to make sure they are clearing, We needed it for Ellie and it was piece of mind for me.

Ellie had Kennel Cough/Pneumonia 2x before she was a year old, you are doing all the right stuff. Keep steaming and coupaging, and get those pallet and nares checked.[emoji847][emoji847]

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