Need some advise/help my EB right foot ankle area is lightpink and glows when he's hot


Jul 17, 2020
Port Orange Florida
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Charles Barkley aka "Bubba"
Please take a moment check this out my bully, only the lower right ankle area on my Bubba seems to glow warm PINK when he's hot like today after his am potty walk. We live in central Florida and its hot today. The area is NOT tender to my touch and it appears not to bother him. I can see no bumps or skin problems and no real odor. Can I treat this myself. I will attempt to attach a photo/attachment. I am relatively new to the site.....a newbe

IMG_20200915_085551598 (1).jpgIMG_20200915_085551598.jpg
From what I can see in the photo, it looks like he doesn't have much hair in that area-like he has been licking it. The pink skin is usually more sensative, and shows more pink,since there is less hair on it. I can't see any cut or abrasion, but you might want to get some NuStock or Bagbalm and rub it in real well. They both can be bought at horse supply, or sometimes pet supply. I am assuming that he is walking okay.
Agree... it looks like he is licking and could be a yeast or allergy issue. As Lynn, suggested Nu-stock will help, smells awful, but works miracles
Yes, as has been suggested, looks like he has been licking that area. I seem to always suggest chlorehexidine and will do so again: When Castor has red feet or skin rashes, it often helps to wash with chlorehexidine (diluted) as it kills off bacteria. There are shampoos and wipes (eg Duoxo and TrizChlor) or you can use chlorehexidine from the pharmacy (NB diluted - ask your vet or at the pharmacy. I buy 5 mg/ml and sometimes dilute further, depending on use).
Thank you both for your observations and suggestions ill be picking up Nustock or Bagbalm and chlorehexidine today.
I agree with others, looks like he is licking it. Also looks like a sore on his inside toe by his pad. Could be irritation from that.

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