My poor lil fella....

Luvin My Bullie

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Community Veteran
Jan 29, 2011
Tuscumbia, Alabama, United States
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So every since we went to vet and Chaos was given his second dose of simplicef and baths with medicated shampoo every three days I have had my fingers crossed that this would be it and he would be all better in no time. That is not the case, at least so far. His legs seems to be drying up but today after his bath he appeared to have some new or still highly irritated places on his tummy. He is 5 days into a 14 day dose of meds, but shouldnt it look better than it does? Or am i freakin out too soon? Any suggestions for what i could do or change to help him out? Here is a pic....tell me what u guys think, oh yeah and Chaos said please dont laugh at whats left of his man parts.....:p


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OUCH... what did the vet say it is and what caused it?
Poor baby. I can only sympathize I know nothing about staph.
Nitschke had staph awhile back... very high dose (1000mg a day, i think)of anitibiotic for two weeks. It did get worse before it got better, but maybe call the vet to check if that is alright. May be that the dosage is not enough for your poor
Ouch! Does it itch him? I was wondering when your kids have hives..or chickenpox...the baths make more come out?? I don't know in poor Chaos' case..but it could be has to look a little worse before it's totally out there! Poor guy!
That is what Tubs seems to have where I posted bumps, bumps, and more bumps. He has red bumps on the insides of his thighs like that. He also has dry scabby spots on his back. I have been putting animax on all of his bumps. This is great stuff, however, more bumps seem to keep popping up. Like Chaos, Tubs doesn't seem to be bothered by them. It was suggested that it might be allergies........
His first bout was bump formation, took antibiodics and it cleared up. This time it looked like this and was all oved as u can see. The vet did say he beleives its caused byvan allergy. He said if the meds clear it up then great but if it comes back we will be doing an allergy test, etc. But it will require meds to get rid of it so u may wanna make a vet appt :(

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So every since we went to vet and Chaos was given his second dose of simplicef and baths with medicated shampoo every three days I have had my fingers crossed that this would be it and he would be all better in no time. That is not the case, at least so far. His legs seems to be drying up but today after his bath he appeared to have some new or still highly irritated places on his tummy. He is 5 days into a 14 day dose of meds, but shouldnt it look better than it does? Or am i freakin out too soon? Any suggestions for what i could do or change to help him out? Here is a pic....tell me what u guys think, oh yeah and Chaos said please dont laugh at whats left of his man parts.....:p


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Yep, staph, thats what my Jack gets, we fought it for at least two years, he still gets it in the summer but not as bad as when he was young. It never shows up on the exact same spot. always new spots but the same ugly scab. the best thing we found was the shampoo. it really drys the stuff up. Pyoben is the name of it. get from the vet. benadryl three times a day @ 1mg. per pound. It seems like alot but it helps. Also the antibiotics for three weeks.
Sterilize the tub. It can spread & you may be able to catch it. Talk to the vet.

My husband had a staff infection (not from the dog), but we had to sterilize the tub and wash the sheets & his clothes in hot water. Not fun. Hope Mr. Chaos is on the road to recovery :)

@Luvinmybullie... get the full screen allergy test done anyway... find out what the issues are and you could possibly prevent a repeat performance of the staph.
His first bout was bump formation, took antibiodics and it cleared up. This time it looked like this and was all oved as u can see. The vet did say he beleives its caused byvan allergy. He said if the meds clear it up then great but if it comes back we will be doing an allergy test, etc. But it will require meds to get rid of it so u may wanna make a vet appt :(

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I just took another look and things seem to be clearing up with no new bumps. I will keep an eye on him and if anything else pops up I will get him into the vet right away!

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