My Girl Joey - A Story and A Journey

Hello all, I have stopped in and read through the forum to try to stay up on all that I can. I have been away for a bit only because I did not know how to tell the story and just was not in the right frame of mind to share at the time.

I will start at the end. Joey is a MIRACLE and A BLESSING!!!!

Late September through early October Joey was at VCA Metzger animal hospital in State College, PA. On the morning of the day of her LAST follow up for second grid keratotomy Joey went into acute respiratory distress. She ended up being their second longest patient. They had to do an alternate airway, she had a tracheostomy for 5 days. It was a long journey back, I spent so much time on my knees praying and crying. I just did not see a way out of this that was kind and gentle for my girl. Well, long story short she is a WARRIOR !!!!! She fought and fought to get home and she did. They were able to reverse the trach and she breathed on her own. She has been home ever since. Her vet came to the house to remove the sutures and will continue her routine care here at home. There is a chance that her being stressed for SO LONG with vet appointments (heavy breathing, etc.) that this could have been caused by extreme wear and tear. This did happen within 12 hours of her going to have her nails done at her regular spot but by a NEW nail tech. We just are not sure what happened that caused half of her throat to become so very swollen.

Well friends, that is the Readers Digest version of our journey. After speaking with Ms. Ellie's Mom yesterday I thought it was time to visit and tell the story. I will be visiting more often to see my dear, dear friends here !!

Sue and Joey

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This truly is a miracle, and that photo is stunning! Joey, you are so beautiful and look very wise!
This truly is a miracle, and that photo is stunning! Joey, you are so beautiful and look very wise!
Thank YOU dear friend for being there for Joey and I throughout this journey!! Your friendship is priceless!!!!
Sue @sisters3 ā€¦ I donā€™t even have words, I teared up reading through and even thoug I read the ending first, it still hurt my heart knowing all the stress and pain for you both.

sending tons of hugs and kisses to your beautiful girlā€¦ and a few hugs for you too.

thanks for coming back and letting us all know how much of a fighter that sweet girl is .
Sue @sisters3 ā€¦ I donā€™t even have words, I teared up reading through and even thoug I read the ending first, it still hurt my heart knowing all the stress and pain for you both.

sending tons of hugs and kisses to your beautiful girlā€¦ and a few hugs for you too.

thanks for coming back and letting us all know how much of a fighter that sweet girl is .
Ohhhhh Hi Christine!!!! Thank you so, so, so much!! It was equally as hard for me to write. I can't believe that it took me so long to come back and tell the story. I wanted to so many times but just could not. But here I am with my girl Joey right next to me, as usual. I prayed that everything would be ok but it was so bad for so many days, I truly believe in miracles!!!!!!
Ohhhhh Hi Christine!!!! Thank you so, so, so much!! It was equally as hard for me to write. I can't believe that it took me so long to come back and tell the story. I wanted to so many times but just could not. But here I am with my girl Joey right next to me, as usual. I prayed that everything would be ok but it was so bad for so many days, I truly believe in miracles!!!!!!
Well, she is now on my daily prayer list! Need to keep her wrapped in them, both of you . šŸ™šŸ»ā¤ļø
Hello all, I have stopped in and read through the forum to try to stay up on all that I can. I have been away for a bit only because I did not know how to tell the story and just was not in the right frame of mind to share at the time.

I will start at the end. Joey is a MIRACLE and A BLESSING!!!!

Late September through early October Joey was at VCA Metzger animal hospital in State College, PA. On the morning of the day of her LAST follow up for second grid keratotomy Joey went into acute respiratory distress. She ended up being their second longest patient. They had to do an alternate airway, she had a tracheostomy for 5 days. It was a long journey back, I spent so much time on my knees praying and crying. I just did not see a way out of this that was kind and gentle for my girl. Well, long story short she is a WARRIOR !!!!! She fought and fought to get home and she did. They were able to reverse the trach and she breathed on her own. She has been home ever since. Her vet came to the house to remove the sutures and will continue her routine care here at home. There is a chance that her being stressed for SO LONG with vet appointments (heavy breathing, etc.) that this could have been caused by extreme wear and tear. This did happen within 12 hours of her going to have her nails done at her regular spot but by a NEW nail tech. We just are not sure what happened that caused half of her throat to become so very swollen.

Well friends, that is the Readers Digest version of our journey. After speaking with Ms. Ellie's Mom yesterday I thought it was time to visit and tell the story. I will be visiting more often to see my dear, dear friends here !!

Sue and Joey

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What a terrible ordeal. From Northeast PA Boomerboy and I are so happy that Joey pulled through. Hopefully she is back to normal in no time.
Maybe we are over protective but our baby Hannibal means the world to us. The vet insists on taking him out of the room to do his nails which we were not comfortable with. Only way we agreed is that they take my phone and video the whole process. If there was a fall we had proof or if they used a collar on him we had proof. Our. Er said when he dies he wants to come back as my Bulldog. He says Iā€™m so careful with him but Hannibal as smart as he is still has t learned to talk! LOL
Hello all, I have stopped in and read through the forum to try to stay up on all that I can. I have been away for a bit only because I did not know how to tell the story and just was not in the right frame of mind to share at the time.

I will start at the end. Joey is a MIRACLE and A BLESSING!!!!

Late September through early October Joey was at VCA Metzger animal hospital in State College, PA. On the morning of the day of her LAST follow up for second grid keratotomy Joey went into acute respiratory distress. She ended up being their second longest patient. They had to do an alternate airway, she had a tracheostomy for 5 days. It was a long journey back, I spent so much time on my knees praying and crying. I just did not see a way out of this that was kind and gentle for my girl. Well, long story short she is a WARRIOR !!!!! She fought and fought to get home and she did. They were able to reverse the trach and she breathed on her own. She has been home ever since. Her vet came to the house to remove the sutures and will continue her routine care here at home. There is a chance that her being stressed for SO LONG with vet appointments (heavy breathing, etc.) that this could have been caused by extreme wear and tear. This did happen within 12 hours of her going to have her nails done at her regular spot but by a NEW nail tech. We just are not sure what happened that caused half of her throat to become so very swollen.

Well friends, that is the Readers Digest version of our journey. After speaking with Ms. Ellie's Mom yesterday I thought it was time to visit and tell the story. I will be visiting more often to see my dear, dear friends here !!

Sue and Joey

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Thank God she is better. I get so nervous when I take my cookie for her name clippings and long rides in the car.
Oh Sue.... I am so sorry to read through this message. It brought me to tears because I can imagine how horrifying it was for you.

I am so relieved that Joey has come through this. What a fighter your sweet girl is. Continued prayers for you both.
After reading that this happened possibly due to something during her nail trim.. I immediately thought about the last time i took my 2 in to the vet for their trim. It was the first time since covid we (the parents) were allowed to come inside again instead of sitting in our cars.

While Stella was getting her trim, one tech holding stella while the nurse trimmed. The way the tech had her arms wrapped around stella one arm was right under her throat and forcing her head upward.. Stella started breathing funny, and i quickly told the girl you need to move your arm.. i actually moved it for her. It was as if she was applying too much pressure trying to keep stella in the position she wanted and it was making it hard for her to breathe. It all worked out fine but all the way home i couldn't help think i need to watch her like a hawk and make sure she is breathing, drinking and eating fine. She was fine, but i will now never allow them to be taken back without me, ever, for any reason. Had i not been in there could she have accidentally done damage?

I wonder if something like this could have happened to your Joey?
Whatever the cause, I am so grateful Joey is home and doing fine.

Please give her kisses and hugs from me and my crew. XXXOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
What a terrible ordeal. From Northeast PA Boomerboy and I are so happy that Joey pulled through. Hopefully she is back to normal in no time.
Hi there to you and Boomerboy! Thank you so much for the kind words! Joey is better than ever, amazingly so!!! NE PA !!! Whereabouts? We are near Altoona.
Maybe we are over protective but our baby Hannibal means the world to us. The vet insists on taking him out of the room to do his nails which we were not comfortable with. Only way we agreed is that they take my phone and video the whole process. If there was a fall we had proof or if they used a collar on him we had proof. Our. Er said when he dies he wants to come back as my Bulldog. He says Iā€™m so careful with him but Hannibal as smart as he is still has t learned to talk! LOL
INDEED!!!!!! Way to go YOU!!! The only care Joey will receive now is here at home, nails, vet, shots, etc. It has to be that way now and everyone has been so supportive of that, especially her local vet who is a God send!!!

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