My Girl Joey - A Story and A Journey


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
My Girl Joey
Hello all, I have stopped in and read through the forum to try to stay up on all that I can. I have been away for a bit only because I did not know how to tell the story and just was not in the right frame of mind to share at the time.

I will start at the end. Joey is a MIRACLE and A BLESSING!!!!

Late September through early October Joey was at VCA Metzger animal hospital in State College, PA. On the morning of the day of her LAST follow up for second grid keratotomy Joey went into acute respiratory distress. She ended up being their second longest patient. They had to do an alternate airway, she had a tracheostomy for 5 days. It was a long journey back, I spent so much time on my knees praying and crying. I just did not see a way out of this that was kind and gentle for my girl. Well, long story short she is a WARRIOR !!!!! She fought and fought to get home and she did. They were able to reverse the trach and she breathed on her own. She has been home ever since. Her vet came to the house to remove the sutures and will continue her routine care here at home. There is a chance that her being stressed for SO LONG with vet appointments (heavy breathing, etc.) that this could have been caused by extreme wear and tear. This did happen within 12 hours of her going to have her nails done at her regular spot but by a NEW nail tech. We just are not sure what happened that caused half of her throat to become so very swollen.

Well friends, that is the Readers Digest version of our journey. After speaking with Ms. Ellie's Mom yesterday I thought it was time to visit and tell the story. I will be visiting more often to see my dear, dear friends here !!

Sue and Joey

Oh Sue! I am so sorry to hear this! Gilbert and I are sending you and Joey many hugs and we are so glad that she is on the mend and doing well!! Joey is such a beautiful girl! Keeping you both in our thoughts.
Oh Sue! I am so sorry to hear this! Gilbert and I are sending you and Joey many hugs and we are so glad that she is on the mend and doing well!! Joey is such a beautiful girl! Keeping you both in our thoughts.
Hi!!! Thank you very much for the kind thoughts and words from you and Gilbert! Quite the journey but thank God she's home and better than ever!
Oh boy...what a trip that was! Way to go...both of you.
Joey, you are truly a BADA$$...a beautiful one at that!
I know none of this matters now, but my guess would be that she fell off the table & injured her throat...but not badly enough to cause immediate problems.

What a tough little girl you have there, Sue.
Oh boy...what a trip that was! Way to go...both of you.
Joey, you are truly a BADA$$...a beautiful one at that!
I know none of this matters now, but my guess would be that she fell off the table & injured her throat...but not badly enough to cause immediate problems.

What a tough little girl you have there, Sue.
Hi there! A trip indeed, I could not even think straight!!! It will always be in the back of my mind, although the important thing is that Joey is home and OK. Her regular groomer comes here to the house now every other week. All of the docs worked so hard to figure things out. Biopsies (inconclusive, mostly just regular cells and no cancer) There are times apparently that some tumors can respond to steroids however her vet does not think that is what happened so we are of the mind set that it was physical trauma and not something that will reoccur. How she fought and fought, it almost crushed me BUT she showed ME how to fight too. Thanks Chip for all of the kindness and support!!!!!
Hello all, I have stopped in and read through the forum to try to stay up on all that I can. I have been away for a bit only because I did not know how to tell the story and just was not in the right frame of mind to share at the time.

I will start at the end. Joey is a MIRACLE and A BLESSING!!!!

Late September through early October Joey was at VCA Metzger animal hospital in State College, PA. On the morning of the day of her LAST follow up for second grid keratotomy Joey went into acute respiratory distress. She ended up being their second longest patient. They had to do an alternate airway, she had a tracheostomy for 5 days. It was a long journey back, I spent so much time on my knees praying and crying. I just did not see a way out of this that was kind and gentle for my girl. Well, long story short she is a WARRIOR !!!!! She fought and fought to get home and she did. They were able to reverse the trach and she breathed on her own. She has been home ever since. Her vet came to the house to remove the sutures and will continue her routine care here at home. There is a chance that her being stressed for SO LONG with vet appointments (heavy breathing, etc.) that this could have been caused by extreme wear and tear. This did happen within 12 hours of her going to have her nails done at her regular spot but by a NEW nail tech. We just are not sure what happened that caused half of her throat to become so very swollen.

Well friends, that is the Readers Digest version of our journey. After speaking with Ms. Ellie's Mom yesterday I thought it was time to visit and tell the story. I will be visiting more often to see my dear, dear friends here !!

Sue and Joey

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Wow that was such a great thing to hear. I'll keep routing and saying a prayer for Joey. Keep the faith!
Wow that was such a great thing to hear. I'll keep routing and saying a prayer for Joey. Keep the faith!
Ohhhhh thanks so much! We keep the faith daily! In that faith are our prayers for you and Max!
Oh precious girl!!! Such a scary time for sure! Joey sure is a warrior! So glad the story has a happy ending and she’s doing better now!
Holyyyy…..Thank god our baby girl is a tough cookie. I too think she fell off the table. Just glad she’s home ❤️
Hi Helene!! Yes, that seems to be the thinking. But no matter, as you say just glad she is home. I can't wait to see more photos of your new digs!!!
OH Sue... I'm SO heartbroken to read about this, I'm heartbroken for what you & Joey have been thru!!! Honestly I think that the older our babies get, the worse their OCD becomes... and it doesn't get any easier. We literally have the vet & groomer come to our house now because Walter is SO damn OCD!!! He seriously is done before we get him out of our vehicles.

I'm glad that Joey is home, and doing better... ((HUGS)) to you both my friend, and please reach out to us!!! We are always here for you both!!! :heart:
OH Sue... I'm SO heartbroken to read about this, I'm heartbroken for what you & Joey have been thru!!! Honestly I think that the older our babies get, the worse their OCD becomes... and it doesn't get any easier. We literally have the vet & groomer come to our house now because Walter is SO damn OCD!!! He seriously is done before we get him out of our vehicles.

I'm glad that Joey is home, and doing better... ((HUGS)) to you both my friend, and please reach out to us!!! We are always here for you both!!! :heart:
Hi Tracey!!! Thank you so much. You understand 100% I see! We will do whatever our bully babes need! There were many times that I wanted to reach out during the nightmare but some days it was all I could do just waiting for phone calls from the hospital and we made the trip to the hospital every day when they said we could. I truly know that you're always here for us and HAVE BEEN for over 6 years now. BIG HUGS back Tracey my friend!!!!!!

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