Jozi and Lucius Playing


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Community Veteran
Dec 19, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Jozi, Wales
Lucius and Jozi have become pretty
good friends. They play fight all the
time now. But it wasn't always so.

We went from this, the first meeting:

To this:
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What a cutie!!!!!!!!!!! Thanx for sharing the videos. Puppy play is great!
And we don't normally have a plastic hose
running in our living room. We were changing
water in our fish tank.
We were wondering if that is what you were doing. We raise and show fancy goldfish.
[MENTION=1034]BruceP[/MENTION] Wellwehave a 38 Gallon tank. And we just had a couple
of gourami's and a pleco. They all died last week. We went to the
Sugar Bowl in New Orleans. We left on Sunday evening, and came back
Tues. evening. They were feed Sunday night before we left. Before that
I feed them every evening. When we came home Weds they were all 3

We have no clue what happened. Water temp was fine 72degrees.
We checked the water. The ammonia, nitrate's all were fine. The tank
has been up for years so it is an established tank.

So we tore it completely down last night and are going to start from
scratch today. We are going to have a cichlid tank now.
Im sorry, all my expertise is in goldies so I cant be much help. Sounds like it may have been a PH crash and only coincidental to you being away. If you add a little baking soda to the water when you do water changes it helps stabilize the ph and raises the GH which also helps. I don't know where you want your ph for cichlids but you do want it stable, I'm sure.
love it, my cats want nothing at all to do with Guinness and when he goes near them they swat him and he goes running
I have african cichlids, but only have two left.... and two plecos. They are easy to maintain because they like hard water so you just need to make sure you have the established bacteria. My suggestion is to just get one fish at a time, one ever 2 weeks when starting your tank. I always get over zelous and get like 5 fish a trip..... and end up with nitrate & nitrite issues! So I am 1/3 water changing everyday for a month!!! I would think I would learn my lesson......
That is so cute .. that's how our cat, Angel, played when we got our first dog Coco who is a shih-tzu/poodle mix. They are adorable!!!!!

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