Isabella ~ December 23/08 to July 16/22


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Aug 22, 2013
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My heart is broken and my chest is heavy. Today my husband and I had to make the decision to put our 13-1/2 year old bully to rest. She was such an integral part of our lives. I credit her long life to ditching kibble and store treats for human grade foods and home made treats. She LOVED my cookies, almost as much as she loved my husband. The last week saw her lose interest in food and she was becoming incontinent. She aged quite a bit over the last 2 years, losing sight in one eye and hearing loss. But she still wanted to be with us and go out with us. However, it was clear yesterday that she no longer had quality of life and we had yo make the dreaded decision. As much as I want yo have her laying on her ā€œspotā€ on the couch, I know sheā€™s in a better place. Rest easy Giz.


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I'm so sorry for your loss šŸ’” I love that she was 13.5, so many great years with the sweet girl. šŸ™šŸ¼
My heart is broken and my chest is heavy. Today my husband and I had to make the decision to put our 13-1/2 year old bully to rest. She was such an integral part of our lives. I credit her long life to ditching kibble and store treats for human grade foods and home made treats. She LOVED my cookies, almost as much as she loved my husband. The last week saw her lose interest in food and she was becoming incontinent. She aged quite a bit over the last 2 years, losing sight in one eye and hearing loss. But she still wanted to be with us and go out with us. However, it was clear yesterday that she no longer had quality of life and we had yo make the dreaded decision. As much as I want yo have her laying on her ā€œspotā€ on the couch, I know sheā€™s in a better place. Rest easy Giz.

Iā€™m so sorry for your loss of your adorable girl! She was beautiful.
13.5 years is great, you gave her a great life and AMAZING food and treats to make that happen.

Rest easy sweet girl
I'm so very sorry for your loss... she was a beautiful girl, and how lucky to have been with you guys for 13 plus years. May she RIP :angelheart:
I am so sorry for your loss of beautiful Isabella. I know it is devastating to loose them. Pray that you can dwell on all the good memories and the love that you had together.
I am so very sorry for your loss. 13.5 years! What a great age! RIP Isabella.
My heart is broken and my chest is heavy. Today my husband and I had to make the decision to put our 13-1/2 year old bully to rest. She was such an integral part of our lives. I credit her long life to ditching kibble and store treats for human grade foods and home made treats. She LOVED my cookies, almost as much as she loved my husband. The last week saw her lose interest in food and she was becoming incontinent. She aged quite a bit over the last 2 years, losing sight in one eye and hearing loss. But she still wanted to be with us and go out with us. However, it was clear yesterday that she no longer had quality of life and we had yo make the dreaded decision. As much as I want yo have her laying on her ā€œspotā€ on the couch, I know sheā€™s in a better place. Rest easy Giz.
My deepest condolences on the loss of your pup. I had to let go of Porkchop just 2 weeks ago and I still feel an emptiness in the house. Yet I remember the laughs and joy he gave me and what a funny guy he was. You'll remember those things with Isabella and smile from time to time. She was a beautiful babe! RIP Isabella.
So sorry for your loss.
She was a beautiful girl. You did right by her letting her go when it was time. All good Bulldog parents know...
Rest in peace, Isabella.
RIP Isabella.
Your long life is testament to the dedicated love and care your pawrents have provided for you. Rest easy and chase rainbows.
So very sorry.. what a great long life you have her!
hugs and prayers to you allā€¦. Rest well sweet girl
My heart is broken and my chest is heavy. Today my husband and I had to make the decision to put our 13-1/2 year old bully to rest. She was such an integral part of our lives. I credit her long life to ditching kibble and store treats for human grade foods and home made treats. She LOVED my cookies, almost as much as she loved my husband. The last week saw her lose interest in food and she was becoming incontinent. She aged quite a bit over the last 2 years, losing sight in one eye and hearing loss. But she still wanted to be with us and go out with us. However, it was clear yesterday that she no longer had quality of life and we had yo make the dreaded decision. As much as I want yo have her laying on her ā€œspotā€ on the couch, I know sheā€™s in a better place. Rest easy Giz.
So sorry to hear about Isabella šŸ’” You had 13 1/2 wonderful years with her full of happy times and memories. She was loved and she knew it. Our thoughts and prayers are you and your family. Rest easy sweet girl šŸŒˆšŸ¾:pray:
I am sorry for your loss. It sounds like she had a great life. Keep those memories.
My heart is broken and my chest is heavy. Today my husband and I had to make the decision to put our 13-1/2 year old bully to rest. She was such an integral part of our lives. I credit her long life to ditching kibble and store treats for human grade foods and home made treats. She LOVED my cookies, almost as much as she loved my husband. The last week saw her lose interest in food and she was becoming incontinent. She aged quite a bit over the last 2 years, losing sight in one eye and hearing loss. But she still wanted to be with us and go out with us. However, it was clear yesterday that she no longer had quality of life and we had yo make the dreaded decision. As much as I want yo have her laying on her ā€œspotā€ on the couch, I know sheā€™s in a better place. Rest easy Giz.
Iā€™m so sorry for your loss.
My heart is broken and my chest is heavy. Today my husband and I had to make the decision to put our 13-1/2 year old bully to rest. She was such an integral part of our lives. I credit her long life to ditching kibble and store treats for human grade foods and home made treats. She LOVED my cookies, almost as much as she loved my husband. The last week saw her lose interest in food and she was becoming incontinent. She aged quite a bit over the last 2 years, losing sight in one eye and hearing loss. But she still wanted to be with us and go out with us. However, it was clear yesterday that she no longer had quality of life and we had yo make the dreaded decision. As much as I want yo have her laying on her ā€œspotā€ on the couch, I know sheā€™s in a better place. Rest easy Giz.
No words for the loss of a bullyā€¦..may Isabella be waiting for you with hugs and kisses!

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