Introducing a new littermate to an adult male


New member
Aug 15, 2019
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi everyone. I just wanted to get some input on knowing when the right time is to introduce a puppy. Cooper is now a little over a year old and loves other dogs and people. Our ā€œbreederā€ recommended we purchase another puppy for him before he is 2 years old. Is that a hard and fast rule? Iā€™m in Alaska so there are very few reputable breeders here, which means weā€™d have to go ā€œoutsideā€ to bring home a puppy. We do however want to take our time and not rush into a breeder that we do not know. I guess my question is how long is too long to wait?
Although I have no experience of more than one dog in the household, my guess is that there are no rules but that it depends on the dog and owner how that works out!
I have a two female english bulldogs 6yrs old and 1 yr old the oldest gets tired out by the youngest one then wants to sleep my youngest has lot of energy. Sometimes she ends up playing by herself. Im contemplating about getting a male but I know three will be alot of work

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So I brought in Louie when Jax (French Bulldog) was 4 and it was not love at first site. Louie was full of energy and bugged Jax but Jax tolerated him. Jax is now 7 and Louie is 3. In January I brought home a puppy, Ella. She is quite energetic and will tire Louie out. Jax will play when he feels like it.

I honestly donā€™t think there is a cutoff age as to when to bring another puppy home. Itā€™s more dependent on the personalities of all dogs involved.

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I just brought Jasper home a month ago, and I have a 5 year old bully, Sophie, who has always been very playful. My son and his dog, a rescue of unknown origin named King who is at least 5 live with us. Jasper wants to play all the time, and really likes to use his teeth! He is learning from King and Sophie when enough is enough. They take turns playing with Jasper, and sometimes they all three play together.

It did take a few days for Sophie to learn not to play too rough, and King took about a week before he would tolerate Jasper.
I have 4.
One was 11 when Bella came, one was 9 (the only male) and one was 8. (None of them are bulldogs)
They all took to her pretty well. Actually the only male we had was the one we were worried about, but wouldnā€™t you know he is her favorite to play with!

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My son has Bogey, who was 7 when they adopted Ruger at 8 weeks old. It was not love at first sight:no: but my son did a great job of showering Bogey with lots of attention, making sure Ruger did not get overly "shark like" with him, and spent time with Bogey when Ruger was sleeping or crated. Just like you would do with an older child bringing home a new sibling. Bogey and Ruger are now inseparable and Bogey is very tolerant of Rugers puppy antics.
I have a two female english bulldogs 6yrs old and 1 yr old the oldest gets tired out by the youngest one then wants to sleep my youngest has lot of energy. Sometimes she ends up playing by herself. Im contemplating about getting a male but I know three will be alot of work

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OMG!! I just had my son's 2 bulldogs along with mine for 5 days. We are exhausted!! 3 dogs are nuts!! And they were good- just a lot of walking, tussling with toys, barking at nothing ( when one starts, the other 2 follow), and poop bags- went through a ton!! Hard to keep things neat and tidy with 3 dogs, my floors were a mess. And the hair- ohhhhh the hair!! I love them all, but 1 is enough!!!
Wow, guys! I havenā€™t been here in forever. (I hope everyone is well!)

Iā€™m likely going to bring an English Mastiff puppy home with my sweet Bella and me (one day-post pandemic), so I came here to post a similar question. My Bells is 6-years-old. Iā€™ve never had two dogs, so Iā€™m trying to gather tons of info and advice.

OP, good luck!
I brought brisket home just a little over a month ago, and my older pet, Oreo is very playful and jumps at the opportunity to play with other dogs so he welcomed brisket. Heā€™s 5, and he does well with keeping up with Brisketā€™s energy but also enjoys his breaks when brisket is crated or asleep.

But it depends on your pets temperament and how they react to someone new coming into their home. I had Oreo, and our former mix, Twix together for 3 years and they grew up great together. Enjoyed tussling and playing all the time, but Twix did not like other pets in our home if it wasnā€™t Oreo. He was friendly on the street and in our yard but once another dog walked into our home, heā€™d attempt to take a bite out of them.

Every dog is different, but the best way to do it is give them a chance to meet on neutral ground, and slowly allow them to spend time together. Separating them with a door gate may be a good idea to let them familiarize themselves. Energy wise, Iā€™m sure theyā€™d fair great together.

Good luck!! And share pictures when you welcome your new member!!
I have always had 4 or 5 dogs at a time. I just can't resist dogs!! Love 'em. I have never had a problem introducing another dog into the home. Most of the time, it was a pup, but sometimes a "teenager". I usually introduce them outside (all fenced). If it is not a pup, I have it on a leash,watching the reactions. My next last rescue Katy(adult bullie 5yrs. old)after awhile started having seizures, and all the dogs were very concerned,but learned to stay away,until she would recover. I have been very lucky, in that my dogs have just always accepted others, and love pups, but can let them know without hurting them, when they should stay away. After Katy passed away from a stroke, I rescued an 8 wk old shihchi. Once mine all sniffed her, they said "oh well" and no big deal. If your dog is pretty easy going, and you act nonchalant as I think they read your signals, but watching the body language of your dog,and the pup,who should be a little submissive at first, all should go well. Even though my dogs have never been walked where there were other dogs, as "we've" always had(fenced for dogs) a farm,they've still accepted others. My biggest problem is DOG HAIR!!! ha!ha! Oh yes, make sure Bella feels very included with attention ,so she does not feel jealous.
My biggest worry is if I pass away.
My biggest worry is if I pass away.

That is my biggest worry too. I know Brisket will be looked after by my husband, but he doesnā€™t put in the time and work that comes into caring for a bully. Also, he is not the biggest fan of Oreo (because he has gotten a bit ballsy with him) so Iā€™m afraid he wouldnā€™t be taken care of. My family loves pets and adopts them when the opportunity arises, BUT no one puts in the time to make sure all their needs are met and they are taken care of like I do.
But still, I am luckier to have them than they are of me. They are my babies, and I canā€™t imagine not having them with me

They are always by my side. Especially baby Brisket now!

No matter where I go, there he is!


Wouldnā€™t have it any other way
They are always by my side. Especially baby Brisket now!

No matter where I go, there he is!

Wouldnā€™t have it any other way Yes, I have 5, who do the same thing! On rare occasions, I feel suffocated,but they are my besties. I have one "internet" friend, who says she would find homes for them-if needed:)
They are always by my side. Especially baby Brisket now!

No matter where I go, there he is!

Wouldnā€™t have it any other way Yes, I have 5, who do the same thing! On rare occasions, I feel suffocated,but they are my besties. I have one "internet" friend, who says she would find homes for them-if needed:)

WHYYYYY are bulldog puppies the cutest things ever?? :w00t:
They "know" how to control you that way!!ha!ha!

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