Interesting article on raw feeding- why precautions needed

Dollys Owner

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2017
Bulldog(s) Names
Just read this article on the resistant bacteria in the raw food we feed our dogs. I'm committed to raw feeding because of my dog's allergies, but it's interesting that one of the studies mentioned recommended:
In view of the antibiotic-resistance problem, dogs who are being treated with antimicrobials should not be fed raw diets; nor should dogs living in homes with infants, elderly people or immunocompromised individuals because these subgroups are more vulnerable to infection.

Basically it's recommended to buy foods from companies that use high-pressure pasturization (HPP) or other effective methods to kill bacteria in their commercial raw food products in these situations.
Some example of high pressure processed raw foods include Primal Pet Foods and Stella & Chewys and Healthy Pet Products
It seems like a lot of the commercial brands these days are or have already switched to HPP because of all the recalls raw recently had.
Iā€™m going to tell you something thatā€™s happening in Canada n in the USA in the food industry. If I eat any kind of fish/ seafood and been doing this for decades, itā€™s going to be ā€œonlyā€ wild caught. No farmed whatever. In Canada as you probably know, weā€™re not allowed to use any antibiotics, growth hormones, steroids etc to any of our farm animals. But the problem that is the other countries thatā€™s uses all these chemicals in their countries entering in ours. Check the link below thatā€™s one example how Canada turns a blind eye as we say. The antibiotics thatā€™s in shrimps from China, India, Vietnam etc his horrifying. Shovels of antibiotics thrown on the shrimps ā€œbeforeā€ packing them up n selling it as commercial to example Costco, Walmart etc. we as humans even pet food are now ā€œantibiotics resistantā€. Again this goes for pet food. Our so call super bug thatā€™s out there, now our antibiotics canā€™t even kill it. Itā€™s up to us to simply stop buying from countries that has no regulations. Nothing is wrong with raw if youā€™re cleaning up after yourself. Bleach kills everything. And Iā€™m on about the real bleach you use in your whites.
Iā€™m going to tell you something thatā€™s happening in Canada n in the USA in the food industry. If I eat any kind of fish/ seafood and been doing this for decades, itā€™s going to be ā€œonlyā€ wild caught. No farmed whatever. In Canada as you probably know, weā€™re not allowed to use any antibiotics, growth hormones, steroids etc to any of our farm animals. But the problem that is the other countries thatā€™s uses all these chemicals in their countries entering in ours. Check the link below thatā€™s one example how Canada turns a blind eye as we say. The antibiotics thatā€™s in shrimps from China, India, Vietnam etc his horrifying. Shovels of antibiotics thrown on the shrimps ā€œbeforeā€ packing them up n selling it as commercial to example Costco, Walmart etc. we as humans even pet food are now ā€œantibiotics resistantā€. Again this goes for pet food. Our so call super bug thatā€™s out there, now our antibiotics canā€™t even kill it. Itā€™s up to us to simply stop buying from countries that has no regulations. Nothing is wrong with raw if youā€™re cleaning up after yourself. Bleach kills everything. And Iā€™m on about the real bleach you use in your whites.

I never eat raw seafood and have started limiting my consumption of even cooked seafood because of the horrible conditions that these farmed crustaceans are grown in.

It's crazy how the farmers give antibiotics to the animals to make them grow faster. I can understand treating illnesses, but not for growth. They even spray antibiotics on food crops because bacteria can also infect plants.
I use locally sourced frozen raw dog food which doesn't come HPP processed, but if I had someone in the house who was severely immunocompromised ( eg. transplant patient ) I would switch to HPP processed or dehydrated raw. I would also switch my dog to HPP processed or dehydrated raw if she was on an immune suppressant such apoquel or prednisone or cyclosporin.
I never eat raw seafood and have started limiting my consumption of even cooked seafood because of the horrible conditions that these farmed crustaceans are grown in.

It's crazy how the farmers give antibiotics to the animals to make them grow faster. I can understand treating illnesses, but not for growth. They even spray antibiotics on food crops because bacteria can also infect plants.

I donā€™t eat raw.. I cook everything that comes out of the ocean n land. Aside from veggies n fruits. :)
This is not true ...."To date, most of the purported advantages of feeding raw are based on personal stories and anecdotes and do not have support from controlled feeding trials."
This is not true ...."To date, most of the purported advantages of feeding raw are based on personal stories and anecdotes and do not have support from controlled feeding trials."

I would say the Finnish raw food studies in the video are much more detailed than a controlled feeding trial. AAFCO guidelines for a controlled feeding trial means 8 dogs have to be given the dog food for 26 weeks and at the end they have to appear healthy, not have lost more than 15% of their body weight, and their hemoglobin, packed cell volume,serum alkaline phosphatase,and albumin have to be normal. The research study in the video measured more expensive markers for inflammation in the body. It's ridiculous to even assume you need a feeding trial at this point because so many of us have had our dogs on either PREY model (80% Muscle meat,10% Bone,10% Organs (5% liver)) or BARF model (~70% muscle meat,10% bone,10% organs (liver being half),10% fruits, veggies and/or dairy) for years now.
I have pretty much lost all confidence in so called scientific studies and scientist. "Scientists" are lead and controlled by money and their own prejudices.
I have pretty much lost all confidence in so called scientific studies and scientist. "Scientists" are lead and controlled by money and their own prejudices.

I lost all confidence decades ago. Just like in humans being told by all these doctors for decades eat low fat, sugar free, eat little meat, stay away from seafood....and now that the planet has proved that theory by doing the opposite with Keto diet or a low carb diet. Dramatically the weight comes off fast, no more diabetes, full of energy because youā€™re eating good fats etc n little carbs. Why now doctors/scientists cannot go against keto or low carb diets cause thereā€™s so much evidence people are much healthier.
Makes my head spin... but you canā€™t argue the fact that grain/carbs just are not needed for any ā€˜bodyā€™. Veggies, fruits and meats ... as for raw for meā€” no way, everything meat/seafood is cooked

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