Ida's poor little face....

Gertie's Mom

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Jul 17, 2010
SanTan Valley, Az.
Bulldog(s) Names
Gertie & Ida
I posted a few days ago about Ida's face becoming red after I started adding cinnamon to the girls' breakfast. It did improve when I quit giving her the cinnamon, but now her nose rope, tear stain areas and even up around her eye is soooo red. Someone said to use a wash of vinegar and water, someone else said yeast ointment, I've also heard coconut oil. So here's my question. I have all of those three items. If I wash and dry her face, do I use the ointment or the coconut oil? I remember reading not to use the ointment where they can lick it off. Well that's pretty much everywhere on her face, right? Her face does NOT stink, so I don't even know if this is yeast. Ugh! Please help!
If it were me, I would just leave her face alone for a couple days. All the experimentation - with cinnamon, coconut oil, etc - could be irritating it and making it red. I would just stop everything up completely and see if it reduces the irritation. If that doesn't work, I would get yourself some Desitin because if it's red and it's not yeasty, Desitin will protect and soothe the skin while it heals up.

I hope that helps!
Just to be clear, I have left it alone. I quit the cinnamon after two days, and I haven't even opened the coconut oil. I'm just trying to decide how best to treat this. It's been left-alone for days and it's not going away.
Is it her skin that's red or is it a brown/reddish staining?
If the skin seems irritated, I would try the Desitin, since it calms and protects.

If it's yeast, which doesn't always stink, I would search the board "yeast" and "wrinkles" because there are about 1000 ways you can handle it - cleaning, cornstarch, and everything in between. A good way to see if it's yeast is to wipe a damn cloth or baby wipe over it and if it comes back with a rusty color on it, yeast is the likely culprit.
[MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION] How is Ida doing now?

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