cut paw pad


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Aug 13, 2010
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lex 19 months
ok guys you all know how we have been having problems with lex's left leg with bo using him as a starting block and ending up at the emergency vet, and the insident at petsmart :angry:

so after the petsmart deal lex didnt limp for a good while, well about a week or 2 ago he started limping and thats when we started having crazy weather 80's one day 40's the next. so i thought it was due to weather changing and everything, so we decided to give him glucosamine for joints he felt good after taking it but to good and he started limping again:eek:.
well for some reason i thought i should look at his paw pad, and guess what he has a long cut on it. so i put neosporine on it (only thing i had at the time) and wrapped it with what i call horse bandge (its wrap that sticks to it). well i found the coronas whool fat and since that curses everything quick i tried it but the bandage isnt staying it rides up and not sure how to keep it down around the foot area. havent put anything on it in a couple days cause i ran out of bandage and the stores were closed :(

my questions are has anyone ever had this problem with the paw pad, is there anything else i could put on it to protect the cut, and how to keep the bandage down lol... i know its a hard area to keep the bandage on but im sure someone has an idea lol
heres a pic i know its not very good but he wouldnt sit still long enough

Maybe try some socks? Remember the foot is hard to heal, I would wash it as much as you can, keep it clean.
ive thought about that wrapping it then putting the sock over it? jeff wonders if we should take him to the vet, i think its a waste he might just give us different kind of med, dont really know what the vet can do differently than what we are doing.
have you tried a sock? If you have a sock in the house that you can put on his foot but still be tight fitting, it may help. you could also use medical tape around the sock to tighten it up. I remember when Bella busted open her incision from her Spay, I had butterfly bandages, large band-aids, dog diapers, all kinds of things to wrap around it in the middle of the night until I could get her back to my vet. Good Luck.
i also have some bactine pain relieving cleaning spray that i have used but we have a race around the house when he sees it lol
Wow that is a tough one, I know Vegas would chew off anything I tried to put on his foot, I think the sock idea is a good one and taping it tight against his leg, but again I know Vegas would go crazy trying to get it off.
Looking at the pic it doesn't look like it is very deep.... not deep enough for a vet visit...... unless you insist on helping him pay for his Mercedes. ;)

Does it bleed at all? Is there loose skin? Can you see 'meat' in the cut?
I'd say a baby sock. They make little, tight fitting baby bootie type socks that would fit best. Of course he probably won't keep it on, but if you slather it good with neosporin and then put the sock on, maybe he'll keep it on long enough for the ointment to soak in and help it heal. Good luck!
i dont think its deep enough either its just open. i'll see if i can find a baby sock and try that. i'll prolly wrap it with some wrap and then put the sock over it, i dont want all that med all over my floors cause its greasy!!! before jeff goes to work i'll have him help me hold him down so i can wrap it good!! after i got his foot wrapped before he was fine never tried to take it off just dont know what he'll do with the sock on. thanks guys i know its kinda common sense just trying to get other ideas of what i can do.
How are things going? Before the cut have you ever tried a paw protector cream, I use it for Silva in the cold so her paws wont crack.
[MENTION=1217]Lacey28[/MENTION] well we ended up putting the sock on his foot then wrapping it that way the wrap wont ride up he has been a big boy tonight and hasnt messed with it. it doesnt look like its cracked from the weather maybe that he stepped on something sharp. where do you get the paw protecotor?
[MENTION=1217]Lacey28[/MENTION] thanks girl ill look into that stuff!!
I'm a bit late on this thread ... but I'd say if it's not deep then the hard thing is just going to be keeping it clean and un-infected. I'd stick with the neosporine and the bandage with the sock. Sorry, I'm no help really.

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