I made a HUGE mistake!


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Sooo, I went to the mall today and I went into the pet store to let my kids look at the puppies. Don't you know they had a bulldog puppy. No, I would never get a puppy from a pet shop. But, I could NOT resist. I asked to see her, and they brought her out. I got to hold her and play with her for a minute. Soooooo sweet! I cannot wait till the day I get a pup! :D This is definitely going to make the wait that much worse!
Sooo, I went to the mall today and I went into the pet store to let my kids look at the puppies. Don't you know they had a bulldog puppy. No, I would never get a puppy from a pet shop. But, I could NOT resist. I asked to see her, and they brought her out. I got to hold her and play with her for a minute. Soooooo sweet! I cannot wait till the day I get a pup! :D This is definitely going to make the wait that much worse!

At least you had willpower. I would've left with a pup. They make it too easy, just put you on a payment plan and it's done. I no longer go to any stores to sell puppies, because I am WEAK, and plus I feel so sorry for them....

I cannot wait until you get a bulldog either!!! How is the hunt going???
i would have totally been in the dog house if i did that!!!
PLEASE DO NOT BUY A PUPPY FROM A PUPPY STORE!!!!!!!!! They are not from a reputable breeder, and usually have lots of problems!!!
My willpower is pretty darn low, believe me! This was the most adorable little girl! I do worry so much about her regarding all the health problems she will probably endure due to the improper breeding at puppy mills. I don't know how anyone can do that to any dog. The thought of those beautiful defenseless dogs sitting in those mills being used as puppy making machines. Makes me sick.

I have put my puppy search on hold for a bit. We are trying to buy a 10 acre lot about 5 minutes from where I live right now. Then we will build a nice one story home. I don't need fancy, believe me. That is not me. I just cannot wait to have a 1 story house, for me and my furry family! After we get into the house, watch out!! Let the bully party begin!!!!:up:
Willpower for sure. I wouldn't have been able to resist. It is bad enough I have knowledge of litters coming up with the breeder. Lord give me strength...:pray:
Agree! No will power here! :bust: Last time I was in a pet store I went to buy a beta fish and ended up with a siamise mix kitten, I just couldnt leave such a beautiful cat in such an awful place! Let me tell you my husband didnt talk to me for a few days (that was our 4th cat at the time)! :eek:
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I've been there before. Just stopped in to see the bulldogs, even though every fiber of my being wants to have those kinds of places go out of business...of course, I end up holding the baby bulldog puppy and tearing up when I have to give her back, knowing she's going to sit there in a tiny cage like a toy on a shelf waiting for someone to pick her. Ugh, those places...those dogs deserve so much more.

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