I cant stay mad at my buddy

I yell scream and clean up the mess , ignore her , and like you give in in time . I never hit, throw stuff or take any personal actions on any of them it is not the answer . I do talk in a firm voice at them saying stuff I can not repeat here but that,s about it , if it becomes a repeat problem I spray the garbage with a NO Chew product that is a last resort and works
That was funny! You hear the cans in the background being stepped on. Lolll

Get a metal trash can that resemble a pop can hahahaha... not much you can do but stand your ground and scoll him.
That face!!! It was the cat

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Precious face. Like he has no idea...

I'm lucky with Bentley. He never bothers anything but his Cocker Spaniel brother, Milo, gets time out (restriction from spaces) because he cannot be trusted alone!