How other dogs react to Canelo


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Mar 13, 2013
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I have a question, do other dog breeds typically respond or treat EBs with dislike, aggression or fear? Since we got Canelo at 6 weeks in 2011, we've noted how other dogs immediately act like they don't like Canelo and that he's a threat. Even our pugs at first didn't like him, now they are a 3 pack and they have their squabbles over toys, bones, and people.

Last year our inlaw's got a red nose tip pitbull puppy, female and named her Zoe. Last year when she was s pup she was scared to death of Canelo even though he has never barked or shown aggression. She sees Canelo about once a month and she is always skiddish around him. This weekend we went to Zoe's home. She immediately started barking, hair standing up at Canelo. My female pug, Lola, Zoe was trying so hard to be friends with, our male pug Chug, no issue with him. Saturday morning, Zoe went after Canelo to attack him. He was at the bedroom door of our inlaw's, she was in their room AND their 9 year old daughter was loving Canelo when Zoe went for Canelo. Canelo ran to me, he never growled or barked, he got scared. Zoe was called into the bedroom and kenneled. The 9 year old was safe. So we've been watching both Zoe and Canelo. Canelo could care less, has no issue with Zoe, Zoe though is very reactive so we are wondering if his size, his jowls, his bottom jaw sticking out, his breathing, his teeth and tongue hanging out at times may be causing some of the reaction he gets from Zoe. Also, I'm worried about Zoe down the road. She is VERY protective of the 9 year old, she's very good around us and the pugs but I WILL NOT put Canelo in a risky position again. I've never had a bad experience with a pit, know their reputation, believe training is critical and important but in this situation I feel she feels threatened by him, I want to understand why to see if it can be remedied but I'm not sure it's possible. Thoughts?

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May 2, 2013
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I have heard other stories of dogs being wary of English Bulldogs. I don't know why-but perhaps it is their different look, or their noises, and breathing.. If Zoe is protective of the little girl,as Zoe gets older, her protective instinct will be more so. I would be leary of having Canelo around her.

Texas Carol

Texas Carol....put the heart in EBN
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I would not trust Zoe around Canelo especially since she goes into protective mode.

Trust your instincts, accept reality (they are not going to be friends) and keep them
separated, always!

Love handsome <3


Pooper scooper
Nov 5, 2012
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Bulldogs breath hard, snort, pant. Much harder then most breeds just because the way they're built. Other dogs take that as aggression or growling. We know they're not and other bullies know that but thats why.


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Yes, it is somewhat common... I worked at a daycare and there was always one dog (regardless of breed) that would have issue with the EB that was in that same day. The trainer stated it can have to do with the breathing or the look/body language of the EB.... it could also be that Zoe senses Canelo is dominate or a treat to her dominace -- is best to keep them seperated. There are so many factors that could have caused this tension without you knowing it, so to be on the safe side accept that they can not be together. Breed has nothing to do with it... it is personalites and dog language


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Dec 22, 2012
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Yes. At first, I thought it was just something about Blue, but when we got Wellie, the same thing happened. Not all dogs, but enough dogs don't like them that I've become very careful when we take them off leash.

One of the issues we have, at least with Wellie (Blue's eased up on it) is the sniffing. They sniff other dogs way too much and the dogs hate it. The other issue is they get right up to their face. That can be read as a challenge.

I also think it's the more insecure dogs that have issues with it. The laid back ones couldn't care less, it's the uppity ones that growl and go after them.

Because of where we live, and the sheer amount of people, dogs and kids around, it was very important for us to keep them social. Recently though, I've given up. Too stressful to have them around unknown dogs and hope for the best. Even my husband has become leery of dog parks. Too many bad experiences.


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The other issue is they get right up to their face. That can be read as a challenge.

I completely agree with this statement, I see it time and time again. It's almost like bulldogs were not born with the canine instinct on how to meet another dog. They act more human and prefer face to face contact when they meet, rather than "sniff your butt first" meetings. They also stand tall and proud when approaching too which can be read as a threat. They are usually in play mode and excited when meeting but I guess in dog language it's not proper, they just don't follow dog meeting etiquette at all!


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May 2, 2013
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I completely agree with this statement, I see it time and time again. It's almost like bulldogs were not born with the canine instinct on how to meet another dog. They act more human and prefer face to face contact when they meet, rather than "sniff your butt first" meetings. They also stand tall and proud when approaching too which can be read as a threat. They are usually in play mode and excited when meeting but I guess in dog language it's not proper, they just don't follow dog meeting etiquette at all!
Oh you got that so right!(of course!) Most all EBD's have no concept of cautious.(ones that have never been mistreated) They think the whole world loves them, and so does every dog.As was planned,most of the fight was bred out-but they still have a bit of fearlessness(except of vacuums,or something out of place):ROFL: but those things don't count!!!


Flip'n'bullies stole my heart!
Jan 10, 2013
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Bulldogs breath hard, snort, pant. Much harder then most breeds just because the way they're built. Other dogs take that as aggression or growling. We know they're not and other bullies know that but thats why.

I have wondered at times if the reason Mabel is aggressive toward other dogs is because maybe she had an altercation with a dog in the past. She exhibits some interesting behavior when other dogs are around. Lord knows she has some pretty loud snorting/breathing!


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See now what everyone says makes absolute sense. We stopped taking Canelo to dog parks because no dog wanted to be his friend. The last time we went, a Boston Terrier named Charlie attached his jaws to Canelo's jowl and his owner pried him off, apologizing the entire time and thoroughly embarrassed. We were cracking up, Canelo was fine, not bothered by it at all. He knows no strangers, like running and jumping in the pizza delivery guy's car, no joke. He loves everyone and thinks everyone loves him. What I find interesting is where Zoe lives, in the country, there are 5 outside dogs, the alpha is a mix named Killer. He could care less about Canelo, he's very affectionate and accepts Canelo, but he guards his property well so look out, lol. Zoe walks on tip toes around him. While we were visiting, Killer was in the house and curled up next to me while we watched a movie. Zoe avoided Killer and stayed on the other side of the room. Canelo came and hung out with Killer and myself. Thanks all.

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Cali Doll

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See now what everyone says makes absolute sense. We stopped taking Canelo to dog parks because no dog wanted to be his friend.

Aww, this whole thing makes me sad. Right now, Bella doesn't have this problem. Hopefully things wouldn't change when she gets older and bigger because she's SUPER friendly.


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Aww, this whole thing makes me sad. Right now, Bella doesn't have this problem. Hopefully things wouldn't change when she gets older and bigger because she's SUPER friendly.

Oh don't let that stop you. Canelo is BIG! Also people are always curious about him so for those that are curious I'll tell people "he's friendly" and then they will come closer. I also tell them he's a lover and they can touch him. His youngest visitor was an 18 month old. We were all waiting at a tire shop and the little one was all over Canelo and he ate it up. Halloween we dress Canelo in a costume so kids don't freak at the door. He has to say hello to everyone. The costume breaks down a big barrier and we have a child's gate up so the kids choose if they want to pet Canelo, he's not up on them so that helps too.

If Bella is little, she won't be so intimidating so don't give up!

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Pooper scooper
Nov 5, 2012
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I completely agree with this statement, I see it time and time again. It's almost like bulldogs were not born with the canine instinct on how to meet another dog. They act more human and prefer face to face contact when they meet, rather than "sniff your butt first" meetings. They also stand tall and proud when approaching too which can be read as a threat. They are usually in play mode and excited when meeting but I guess in dog language it's not proper, they just don't follow dog meeting etiquette at all!
@cali baker That's pretty funny, whenever Buster has met another bulldog he goes straight at the crotch of the other dog. In fact when he was with Tate the last time he could not leave Tate's penis alone, so much so Tate turned and let him know, leave my dick alone bud!!!! lol


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[MENTION=1904]cali baker[/MENTION] That's pretty funny, whenever Buster has met another bulldog he goes straight at the crotch of the other dog. In fact when he was with Tate the last time he could not leaves Tate's penis alone, so much so Tate turned and let him know, leave my dick alone bud!!!! lol

:rofl: mine do that second, after the in your face meeting. Too funny.


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[MENTION=6717]dolphin[/MENTION] , @bullmama

mine seem to love the private bits too. but they only do the face to face after they've got their fill of the bottom half. it's so

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