How many words does your bully know?


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
I am sure there are more than I can think of but how many can you come up with that they understand?

The usual, come, sit, stay, laydown, paw, etc. Cookie, of course. Ball, outside, bye bye, back it up, take it nice, bath, no lick, kisses of course. Maybe thats all I can think of now.
Chester knows "treat".. "pen".. "outside".. and "leave it". But, he's only 6 months old, and I do have a feeling he knows more, but just doesn't listen :p My shih tzu.. I have to spell "walk" or he goes nuts and wants beat feet immediately! :)
The spelling. :) Only works for a little while then they learn how to spell. Actually we have to spell b-a-t-h and the boys now know that too.
horse's favorite word is nap! when i tell my son it's time for a nap, he gets upset and runs the other way. when horse hears me telling him this, horse comes running over to me, wiggling his butt! then horse races upstairs and waits for braeden in his bed! other good ones i can think of are: bum-wipe, daddy-meegle (thats what the boys call their daddy, who they don't see very often), groundhog (we have a family of them eating our garden, and horse likes to chase them into their burrows), i think that's it, besides the basics. now we just gotta get him to catch the groundhogs so they stop eating the garden!
Samson knows alot I don't even think I can remember it all. Sit, stay, lay down, outside, go to the room (the bedroom for bedtime), kisses, stop, up (like into the backseat of the car), treat, hungry?, nice (I tell him that when he takes a treat), bath, walk, go bye bye?, go to grandma's house?, beach, park, toy, he knows tons of words associated with food.
If I say the word "hungry", Orion drops whatever she is doing and gives me all her attention. She'll do the same for "treat". Vegas knows sit, down, hi-five, put your nose in the corner, close the door, bang-bang, down, up, soft, kiss, bye bye, bedtime, potty, poo, hungry, treat, roll-over, 'nuggle, come, leave it.........
Orion knows sit, down, potty, hungry, nose in corner, leave it. It's hard to teach her any tricks because Vegas will act them out before she has a chance. It seems as if she knows more, but she ignors them. BUT, last week Vegas and O were fighting over a toy. I told Orion if "she let Vegas have it, she could go out into the garage and choose any toy she wants out of the box". (I took all the toys away because they fight non-stop over every little thing. Vegas has a few upstairs and O has a few in her kennel and they get to play with them when they are by themselves........they have no idea the box of toys is in the garage, in fact, Orion has snooped out there plenty of times without bothering the box of toys) So, I told O to drop the toy and she could get one out of the garage. She dropped the toy and followed me to the garage. After I opened the door, she went down the stairs, to the box, grabbed a toy, back up the stairs, and into the livingroom. My mouth just hung open. I closed it pretty quick when they started fighting over the new toy.
Molly can speak English. I think she knows everything we say. The rest of them know basics, especially "lets go", "treat", "inside" "outside", "eat"
If I say the word "hungry", Orion drops whatever she is doing and gives me all her attention. She'll do the same for "treat". Vegas knows sit, down, hi-five, put your nose in the corner, close the door, bang-bang, down, up, soft, kiss, bye bye, bedtime, potty, poo, hungry, treat, roll-over, 'nuggle, come, leave it.........
Orion knows sit, down, potty, hungry, nose in corner, leave it. It's hard to teach her any tricks because Vegas will act them out before she has a chance. It seems as if she knows more, but she ignors them. BUT, last week Vegas and O were fighting over a toy. I told Orion if "she let Vegas have it, she could go out into the garage and choose any toy she wants out of the box". (I took all the toys away because they fight non-stop over every little thing. Vegas has a few upstairs and O has a few in her kennel and they get to play with them when they are by themselves........they have no idea the box of toys is in the garage, in fact, Orion has snooped out there plenty of times without bothering the box of toys) So, I told O to drop the toy and she could get one out of the garage. She dropped the toy and followed me to the garage. After I opened the door, she went down the stairs, to the box, grabbed a toy, back up the stairs, and into the livingroom. My mouth just hung open. I closed it pretty quick when they started fighting over the new toy.

that is great!!!! What is nose in the corner? :D

Love the naptime one too my boys know are you hungry when I ask Sierra she runs the other way and they both run to the kitchen knowing she will feed half of everything to them.
that is great!!!! What is nose in the corner? :D

Love the naptime one too my boys know are you hungry when I ask Sierra she runs the other way and they both run to the kitchen knowing she will feed half of everything to them.

PUNISHMENT!! Kidding! I taught him this because he's my "kid" and kids in trouble get time outs with a nose in the corner! (and it is so stinkin' cute!!!)
One time I came downstairs and Vegas had the pantry door open and he was nose deep in the shelves. I scolded him, asked him to close the door, then put his nose in a corner.
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WOW! I'm in shock. That was one amazing video! He is really smart and you've trained him so well! How long did it take to teach him those things? Close the door, all the way, nose in the corner, all the way in the corner?
I admire you and Vegas so much!!! Please tell me your training methods. What a handsome fella he is.
Oh geez..."hungry?" "food" "water" "treat" "let's go" "car" "toy" "keys" "ball" Where is _" (knows to look out the window or door) and "LASER" if I say laser he looks on the have a video I need to post. It's really funny. I am sure he knows more....I read an article a while back about a study that most dogs are at the level of a 2 yr old as far as language BUT EB are like in the bottom 3...So this means they are not very smart! I don't believe it.
That is am amazing video of Vegas, so awesome! I have heard of nose in the corner, I knew a guy that taught his pitbull that and it was just like when she got in trouble that was her "time out"
haha, that is a great video!
Lola knows sit, paw, stay, down, high five, hungry, car ride, mommy, daddy, out, bath, in the room, and some that escape me right now...sometimes when i'm throwing her tennis ball and it's too far for me to get, i'll say "you get it" and she'll go get and drop it closer.

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