How do you know when it’s your dogs time ?


New member
Jun 12, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Murphy Bufflyn (2011-2019)
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Hey guys I havnt been on here in a while, and the reason I am now is not a happy one. Our bulldog who has had health issues pretty much from the start is to a point where I’m asking advice how to know when it’s time to let them go? She’s had allergies forever and we’ve fought that for a long time and finally figured out how to make it work for her. However as soon as we did her body started giving up on her she has a disease where her brain isn’t talking to her spine correctly so her legs slowly got weaker and worked less and for the last while she has pretty much been imobile. She can stand for very short periods walk maybe 5 feet at the best of times but mostly just lays around or crawls a bit of needed. She sleeps with us, we carry her out to her other bed or the couch in the morning pick her up and set her to stand to eat. (She still loves to eat). She falls while eating often and needs to be picked up again. Then we carry her outside for the bathroom she can stand to do that for the most part she still falls some but only the odd time has she fell and stepped in it. She lays out in the grass when she’s done and we carry her back in to the bed or couch. She still loves to snuggle and nap with us but has started to bark randomly not knowing what the bark is about we usually try whatever we can think of, a drink or try her outside again or sit with her or give her one of her vitamin treats. I guess I’m just looking for guidance or reassurance because I’ve never had to put a dog to sleep befor she’s been out best friend for 8 years. I was going to ask what signs people look for in making this decision but the fact that I’m on her asking is probably the clearest sign. Any advice or other things that helped or would help any of your decisions in this difficult event would appreciated. For quite some time I thought she was still happy cause she still liked food and liked to cuddle but at this point with the random barking and carrying her for everything I just feel like I’m keeping her going for my own selfish reasons. I love her and my wife and 5 year old daughter feel the same it’s just going to be so hard for so many different reasons. Thanks for any help.[/FONT][/FONT]
It makes me so sad to hear what you are going through. I have had to deal with this many times, and I do know how hard it is-especially when YOU have to make that decision. This is the time to try to make an unselfish decision. Decide for Buff, not for you. We want them to be with us forever. The random barking is one sign, the "useless legs" is another. You need to look into her eyes, and see if her "spark" is still there. Dogs are so unselfish, that if they are suffering, they still try to stay.
Her quality of life should help you decide. Is she enjoying life. The decision is yours,as you love her, and would not want suffering.
Since you have a child, her dog (if you decide) her dog will be at the rainbow bridge waiting there. God help you with your decision.
In time a puppy would be good for you. **** Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
OMG, God bless you and your family in this difficult time! I cried reading your story. From what you describe time to make a sad decision is very close. Try to figure out if she is in pain. If you have strong suspicions she is in pain I think it is more kind to let her go.
Your daughter is still very young, I don’t want to be arrogant with advice, hope you take no offence, but I would recommend not to inform her about medical side of the process, it could traumatise her, just take doggy early in the morning to doctor and just tell her that when everyone woke up, doggy was not around, because very sick doggies leave home and go to a rainbow bridge and further on tell her that beautiful story Manydogs wrote for you.
I am so sorry to know you are going through this. I could not even get through your message or any of the comments without sobbing.
I know it breaks your heart to make this kind of decision and as Manydogs said, we want them with us forever. I can't offer any additional advice because what has already been said was so very good.
I can however promise that you will be in my thoughts and prayers as you journey through this and beyond.
Sadly she has lost all quality of life except for her meals. She basically needs your help 24/7 which isn’t fair for you nor for her. I think you already know what has to be done and it will be the right thing to do. It’s not easy but she’ll be pain free. :assurred:
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]Thanks for the help, kind words and thoughts. I guess I knew it was time but it just never feels right and is never going to. I would love any advice or to pointed towards threads that might help me in dealing with any and all parts of this process. I would also apreatiate ideas on how to make buffs last days special for her and us. Again I’m very thankful for the messages and this group in general as they have helped me and this group has guided us through our first bull dog and helped us in many different situations time and time again. Thanks again everyone. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT="][FONT="]Thanks for the help, kind words and thoughts. I guess I knew it was time but it just never feels right and is never going to. I would love any advice or to pointed towards threads that might help me in dealing with any and all parts of this process. I would also apreatiate ideas on how to make buffs last days special for her and us. Again I’m very thankful for the messages and this group in general as they have helped me and this group has guided us through our first bull dog and helped us in many different situations time and time again. Thanks again everyone. [/FONT][/FONT]

You’re already doing it. You’re there for her needs and she knows it. Her memories will always be in your heart no matter where you go or what you do throughout the day. There’s not much anyone can say but take it day by day. :assurred:
So sorry for what you are going through at this time.
I don think anything could be said better than what [MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION] has said.......
Prayers for you and your family..
So sorry to hear about your dog. I'm just wondering if as a last ditch attempt you could try giving her some pain meds like CBD oil,movoflex,turmeric, and maybe gabapentin and tramadol which need a prescription? She must be in some pain and the CBD oil especially seems to be helping a lot of dogs, just a thought, don't know if it's just grasping at straws.
Thanks for the suggestion we have tried cbd to calm her and help with any underlying issues. but as it’s a nerve and muscle miscommunication we were assured there was no pain from that part it’s just a lack of coordination and progression of weakness.
Hi, I'm so sorry you're going through this, I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet and family member. I lost my Jack Russell 9 years ago, and I still miss her. She was sick as well, and I wrestled with the same questions as to when to let her go. In the beginning, She still loved to eat, even though she was sick, and she was happy, tail wagging when she saw us, still loved to on short walks, but as she got older and sicker, she slept more, her back end was wasting away, she developed a sore on her cheek, that wouldn't heal, and she needed help going down the stairs of the front door to go,outside. We had to carry her. My vet said that as long as she wasn't in pain, she could live with the cancer, and we could keep her comfortable, but she said that if her quality of life was no longer there like she couldn't walk, or was in pain, or she wouldn't eat, or didn't play anymore, then she wasn't living a good dog life, and we should think about letting her go. We fortunately didn't have to make that decision, because she did one night in her sleep, and we found her in the morning on her bed pillow. She passed away peacefully in her sleep and she wasn't suffering anymore. It's the hardest decision we have to make, but sometimes the kindest, and I believe they let us know when it's time. She knows she is loved, and when the time comes, just be with her, stay with her and let her know you are there. A lot of vets will come to your home and let her pass away at home and surrounded by her family and familiar surroundings. I know this very difficult and sad, and remember there is no time limit for grief, everyone's is different. Thinking of you at this sad time, and praying for you and your family.
Your story is heartbreaking... and I remember going thru this many times. The last time was the worst for me personally, my 10 year old boxer Roxie had to be put down. She was unable to walk, eat by herself and she was having seizures. She had cushings disease, and had developed a tumor in her brain. I remember one particularly rough night, I was laying down w/her and she was having seizures... and she gave me this look... she was ready to go home. AND I had to find the strength to let her go, and I did...

It's not easy by no means... but IMO it's the most loving gesture you can do for anyone that you love dearly. I wasn't going to let her stay w/me and suffer just because I couldn't let her go. I'm not trying to make you feel bad about any decision that you make, I just want you to know that there is absolutely ZERO reason to feel guilty about helping your baby go home.

Sending prayers to you and your sweet family...
Thanks for the help, kind words and thoughts. I guess I knew it was time but it just never feels right and is never going to. I would love any advice or to pointed towards threads that might help me in dealing with any and all parts of this process. I would also apreatiate ideas on how to make buffs last days special for her and us. Again I’m very thankful for the messages and this group in general as they have helped me and this group has guided us through our first bull dog and helped us in many different situations time and time again. Thanks again everyone.

I am in tears typing this... wishing you all the strength and guidance you need to help your girl along.. I wish I could hug you all. You love her dearly and she knows it.. what a great family you have been for her.
Well that was one of the worst days ive every had. We put Buff down today, she was the best dog I’ve ever had troubles or not we loved her unconditionally for the last 8 years. We had a nice long weekend with her befor which makes me feel better from Friday at 4 until we lost her today at 4 either me my wife or my daughter was sitting without a couple feet of her we cuddled, we sat inside and outside, she got more people food than she’s ever had befor we gave her the best send off we knew how. I’ve shed more tears in the last 4 days than I have in the last 20 years I’m sure. I again want to thank everyone on here for all the advice though out our adventure with buff we learned a lot. And we know the only reason this hurts so bad is because we loved so deep. I know she’s happier now and can move again freely I just wish it didn’t hurt so bad down here on earth. I had a song pop up on shuffle on my phone and show up several times on the radio in the last 4 days that seemed fitting and will always hold a special place in my heart, now it may not be perfect but It sure hit me this weekend....

If I ever leave this world alive
I'll thank for all the things you did in my life
If I ever leave this world alive
I'll come back down and sit beside your feet tonight

Wherever I am, you'll always be
More than just a memory
If I ever leave this world alive

If I ever leave this world alive
I'll take on all the sadness that I left behind
If I ever leave this world alive
The madness that you feel will soon subside

So, in a word, don't shed a tear
I'll be here when it all gets weird
If I ever leave this world alive

So when in doubt, just call my name
Just before you go insane
If I ever leave this world, hey, I may never leave this world
But if I ever leave this world alive

She says I'm okay, I'm alright
Though you have gone from my life
You said that it would
Now everything should be all right

She says I'm okay, I'm alright
Though you have gone from my life
You said that it would
Now everything should be all right

thanks again for all the support. Please hug your dogs extra tight tonight for those who can’t
Well that was one of the worst days ive every had. We put Buff down today, she was the best dog I’ve ever had troubles or not we loved her unconditionally for the last 8 years. We had a nice long weekend with her befor which makes me feel better from Friday at 4 until we lost her today at 4 either me my wife or my daughter was sitting without a couple feet of her we cuddled, we sat inside and outside, she got more people food than she’s ever had befor we gave her the best send off we knew how. I’ve shed more tears in the last 4 days than I have in the last 20 years I’m sure. I again want to thank everyone on here for all the advice though out our adventure with buff we learned a lot. And we know the only reason this hurts so bad is because we loved so deep. I know she’s happier now and can move again freely I just wish it didn’t hurt so bad down here on earth. I had a song pop up on shuffle on my phone and show up several times on the radio in the last 4 days that seemed fitting and will always hold a special place in my heart, now it may not be perfect but It sure hit me this weekend....

If I ever leave this world alive
I'll thank for all the things you did in my life
If I ever leave this world alive
I'll come back down and sit beside your feet tonight

Wherever I am, you'll always be
More than just a memory
If I ever leave this world alive

If I ever leave this world alive
I'll take on all the sadness that I left behind
If I ever leave this world alive
The madness that you feel will soon subside

So, in a word, don't shed a tear
I'll be here when it all gets weird
If I ever leave this world alive

So when in doubt, just call my name
Just before you go insane
If I ever leave this world, hey, I may never leave this world
But if I ever leave this world alive

She says I'm okay, I'm alright
Though you have gone from my life
You said that it would
Now everything should be all right

She says I'm okay, I'm alright
Though you have gone from my life
You said that it would
Now everything should be all right

thanks again for all the support. Please hug your dogs extra tight tonight for those who can’t

I'm SO very sorry... many of us on here know how heartbreaking this is. Please feel free to reach out, you are not going thru this alone!!!

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