How do you know when it's time?


Apr 1, 2014
Bulldog(s) Names
Lord Stanley
Hello all.. Haven't been to the boards in a bit. Lord Stanley's had a rough few years. He's 9 now... He's been struggling with kidney disease and arthritis. Which brings me to my question... How do you know when it's time to make that unthinkable decision? How do I know that I'm just not prolonging his life unnaturally for my own benefit? We're certainly not ready to say goodbye and I don't know what my life looks like without him. But his arthritis is bad, and we have limited pain management choices due to his Kidney disease. His BP keeps spiking to over 200 top number and we're managing that with 2 meds.. But he eats (kidney diet canned food), drinks, pees, poops, still plays for a few minutes ever few days.. But he mostly sleeps and lately, we've been having a harder and harder time getting him up in the morning to take his meds and eat.

So.. Those of you that had to make the hardest decision, how did you come to it? When did you know?
I know you are in a difficult position at this time.

We talked to our vet about quality of life especially with Bentley who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge last year due to his progressing lymphoma on our observation and the vets recommendation on his quality of life.

Our prayers are with you and your family at this time. Lord Stanley will let you know. He knows you love him as much if not more than his love for you.

God bless.
I recently made that final decision for Porkchop 3 weeks ago tomorrow. He had neuro damage that was gradually progressing making walking difficult. He was on meds for pain, though he never seemed to be in pain. Dogs are so stoic that it is hard to tell. He wasn't eating as much, refusing his yogurt treats and ice creams. Pork LOVED his treats! Not anymore. For at least a week before the last day, I would sit with him on the floor to watch TV as he no longer wanted to lay down on the couch. He would start licking me for 30-45 minutes non-stop and I would pet him. He was blind in his left eye due to dry eye disease and was losing his hearing. He wouldn't sleep in my bed anymore. If he woke up and didn't see me nearby, he would come find me and it was painful to watch, his right back leg pushing off and dragging the left behind. I had read that dogs can become 'needy' at the end, like wanting constant attention, petting and such. (Maybe that's why he was licking me?) Anyway, I realized I was keeping him alive, trying all kinds of treatments, yes, for him but for me too. On July 5, I couldn't bear to see him struggle so much. The past few days seemed to have been so rough for him. The vet was right. His quality of life was not there anymore. I'm still trying to adjust to an empty house. I am retired, not married. I miss his companionship. I don't want to get another dog now just to fill that void. I still tear up now but not as much as that first week. Yet Porkchop is no longer struggling to walk, changing positions when laying down as if trying to get comfortable. I'm at peace. He's at peace. The memories of the "Pork Butt" will remain with me. Folks will tell you that your dog will tell you when it's time. I thought that was kind of hooky. I don't anymore. Pork told me "It's okay, Mom". Sorry for the novelette. Pork's passing is still so raw yet. My prayers are with you.
Hello all.. Haven't been to the boards in a bit. Lord Stanley's had a rough few years. He's 9 now... He's been struggling with kidney disease and arthritis. Which brings me to my question... How do you know when it's time to make that unthinkable decision? How do I know that I'm just not prolonging his life unnaturally for my own benefit? We're certainly not ready to say goodbye and I don't know what my life looks like without him. But his arthritis is bad, and we have limited pain management choices due to his Kidney disease. His BP keeps spiking to over 200 top number and we're managing that with 2 meds.. But he eats (kidney diet canned food), drinks, pees, poops, still plays for a few minutes ever few days.. But he mostly sleeps and lately, we've been having a harder and harder time getting him up in the morning to take his meds and eat.

So.. Those of you that had to make the hardest decision, how did you come to it? When did you know?

Iā€™m sorry to hear this!

I have 2 dogs with kidney disease and one of them has bad arthritis. They were diagnosed with kidney disease 19 months ago and the vet said they only had 6 months at most of life left, the vet food made my dogs kidneys worse, and so many more issues.
My one dog with arthritis that was diagnosed with kidney disease first she was 6 when diagnosed and my other dog was 5 when diagnosed, the older one just turned 8 years old, and the other turned 7 years. The older one wasnā€™t well enough to go for walks, had no energy, lost 10 pounds from the kidney disease.

However, I switched them to a low phosphorus and low sodium raw diet, and BOTH dogs kidneys levels in bloodwork are ALL in the normal range and the vet is very surprised they are still here and is very happy.

Are you in Canada??

You donā€™t have to restrict protein, itā€™s phosphorus you need to restrict and a little less sodium. Low protein can worsen the quality of life and make them feel sick, and also over work the kidneys too, they NEED protein.

For the arthritis, I give Thrive(thatā€™s the brand) -Green Lipped Mussels powder, thatā€™s been amazing, and rare when she is extra sore I give CBD oil.

They also need the moisture in the diet, kibble dehydrates them causing more work for the kidneys.

Also I give them Pet Well-being Kidney Support Gold Supplement thatā€™s really good and eases the workload on the kidneys, and it helps with appetite and them feeling sick, my dog perked up and stopped drinking 6 dishes of water(each water bowl is 2 Litres), the supplement is amazing for them and improves the quality of life for them.

The green lipped mussels and CBD oil wonā€™t hurt the kidneys. I check everything that goes into my dogs to make sure itā€™s safe.

Which canned food are you giving her??

Hills KD?
Does he eat any kibble?
Do you give any treats?
What are you giving for arthritis??
Why he medications does he get?

The vet food creates more work for the kidneys.

Iā€™m happy to help, if you have anymore questions/concerns!

Here is a helpful article;

prayers to you all.. I have not had to make this decision so I have no insight. You will know when the time comes and you sweet boy will tell you.

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