Reggies Parents

New member
Dec 30, 2016
Bristol, UK
United Kingdom
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi everyone!!

Our names are Em & Kev and we are the proud owners of Reggie, our 18 week old English bulldog.
We have had hime since he was 8 weeks old and we have been using these forums like a bible ever since, although we have only just got around to joining.

Looking forward to meeting all of you, especially any members in our area as we would love to meet up - Reggie needs some serious lessons from a well behaved bully!

We'll be posting more soon, including pictures as I can't seem to add any to this post - sorry!!
Hoping to get some advice on training and dealing with unwanted behaviour issues. But for now - helloe from us & Reggie :D

:welcome3: to EBN!!

To add picture, look at the tool bar just above the comment box, the forth from the right end will say 'insert image'... that is how to add a photo
Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more about him and seeing pictures!

Greetings Em, Kev, and Reggie and welcome to EBN. Jewel and Bentley say hello.

There is plenty of information here on the forum so by all means peruse the site and you should find answers to your questions. If not, just post a thread and someone will chime in and provide information. You are never alone here at EBN.
:welcome4: :welcome2: :nice2meetu: :welcome: :smileywelcome: :welcome3:

Hello to Em, Kev, and Reggie and welcome to EBN. I'm looking for to pictures and stories of your baby!
Hi Em and Kev.

We named our bulldog Reggie also.

Love your puppy's name!
Hi Em and Kev.

We named our bulldog Reggie also.

Love your puppy's name!

Yours too lol :D
It is a cool name. We were thinking of getting another bully, a girl we would call Veronica so we would have Ronnie and Reggie. But now I think one is enough ;)

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