GREEN THUMB PEEPS - Blue Rug Juniper Weeding - HELP


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
My Girl Joey
Hello Green Thumb Peeps!

My new house has a front bank with blue rug juniper, I like it BUT need some help on controlling the weeds. I can pull what is there (uggg) but would LOVE if anyone has any suggestions for prevention OR even a safe herbicide to use.

Thanks in advance!
I think vinegar might work... let me research to make sure it does not kill the plant . I use it in some areas of my yard and I haven't notice any damage (yet)
I think vinegar might work... let me research to make sure it does not kill the plant . I use it in some areas of my yard and I haven't notice any damage (yet)

Ohhhh awesome, thank you so much! I just KNEW one of my green thumb peeps would be by with help :)
Ohhhh awesome, thank you so much! I just KNEW one of my green thumb peeps would be by with help :)

My neighbour has ALL yes all his front lawn with them n now he regrets it. Theyā€™re been there for decades. When I walk by with the pups I pull them closer to me so the donā€™t scratch their eyes :(

They need to be de rooted but like Christine said vinegar. I would use it pure to kill all roots. Try to dig a bit around it n pour it in on a non rainy day... :)
My neighbour has ALL yes all his front lawn with them n now he regrets it. Theyā€™re been there for decades. When I walk by with the pups I pull them closer to me so the donā€™t scratch their eyes :(

They need to be de rooted but like Christine said vinegar. I would use it pure to kill all roots. Try to dig a bit around it n pour it in on a non rainy day... :)

Hi there Helene! Thank you! At the front of the house there is a steep embankment so the blue rug juniper is necessary there and no one walks by it BUT I need to control the weeds, they're not bad but I don't want them getting out of hand. Would a photo help explain what I mean as to the embankment? The house sits up high....
Hi there Helene! Thank you! At the front of the house there is a steep embankment so the blue rug juniper is necessary there and no one walks by it BUT I need to control the weeds, they're not bad but I don't want them getting out of hand. Would a photo help explain what I mean as to the embankment? The house sits up high....

pictures are always a great help
pictures are always a great help

OK, here you go. The embankment goes around this one side and the front (sorry no photo on the front bank) The blue rug juniper ground cover is on the bank to the right of the driveway.

59th (5).jpg
Ugh, this is also my problem. We have these junipers separating my yard from the neighbor's and weeds poke up above it. My husband just weed whacks the top of the junipers every week. I really don't like chemicalizing my yard because I have an organic garden but with these junipers it seems like there's not much I can do about it besides the standard pre-emergent chemicals sprayed during spring and fall. I found that vinegar kills juniper leaves although it doesn't kill the plant. So if you can find a way to pour it under the leaf line, that would be a solution.
Ugh, this is also my problem. We have these junipers separating my yard from the neighbor's and weeds poke up above it. My husband just weed whacks the top of the junipers every week. I really don't like chemicalizing my yard because I have an organic garden but with these junipers it seems like there's not much I can do about it besides the standard pre-emergent chemicals sprayed during spring and fall. I found that vinegar kills juniper leaves although it doesn't kill the plant. So if you can find a way to pour it under the leaf line, that would be a solution.

Awesome information, thank you! Maybe just good, old fashion weed pulling.....uggggā€¦..

- - - Updated - - -
OK, here you go. The embankment goes around this one side and the front (sorry no photo on the front bank) The blue rug juniper ground cover is on the bank to the right of the driveway.

View attachment 119792

OH WOW -- that would be a tremendous amount of work to weed, but it is understandable why they placed them there. Can't mow!! Only other option would be a retainting wall.... $$$$$ cha-ching
OH WOW -- that would be a tremendous amount of work to weed, but it is understandable why they placed them there. Can't mow!! Only other option would be a retainting wall.... $$$$$ cha-ching

Exactly! It has been really well maintained and I'd like to keep it that way without chemicals. Looks like I will be setting a weekend morning aside for front weeding LOL
Exactly! It has been really well maintained and I'd like to keep it that way without chemicals. Looks like I will be setting a weekend morning aside for front weeding LOL

At least once a month will be dedicate to weeding those out. I have gotten to where I just walk the property each Saturday or Sunday morning and pull what I can see
At least once a month will be dedicate to weeding those out. I have gotten to where I just walk the property each Saturday or Sunday morning and pull what I can see

Sounds like a good plan.....I know what I will be doing tomorrow's CHILLY Pennsylvania Saturday morning LOL !!
...Maybe just good, old fashion weed pulling....

You must train Joey to help out in the garden! :tongue:

Is it possible to get under the juniper to spread out bark mulch or something like that that would stop at least some weeds? Or do the juniper plants lie flat on the ground?
You must train Joey to help out in the garden! :tongue:

Is it possible to get under the juniper to spread out bark mulch or something like that that would stop at least some weeds? Or do the juniper plants lie flat on the ground?

As soon as I train Joey to pick up her own p___p then I will work on her weeding HAHAHAHAHA!

It does lie flat on the ground, too thick to mulch under now, it is rather mature. I am looking for a long handle weeding tool because there are some "jabbing" needles on the juniper, making weeding even LESS FUN LOL

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