Getting in the Car

Bea and Bo can jump right into grandma's car and will with little encouragement, but I've always had to help hoist them into my old SUV and my new SRX. Bo has to put his front feet on top of the bumper and then I hoist him up by his back end and he kind of clambers into the back doggie area. Bea is 45 lbs and I must pick her up and lift her into the back -- although she tries to put her feet on the SRX bumper (per our ritual) the bumper is higher on this vehicle and she cannot reach it as easily as she could on the old Explorer XLT.
We always pick ours up and down from the car. They ride in the back of our SUV and we don't want them jumping down and getting hurt. Sometimes I will load one in the side rear door and they could jump in that way, but I still lift them up, so not to take a change of them hurting themselves.
We have three trucks in our house: F150 (my truck), F250 (husbands truck), Ford Ranger (lol; Amber and Ruby's truck). Now, Amber can get up in the Ranger with no problem but I have to help her up in the F150 and F250 because they are too high. I am looking into a ramp to put in the back of my truck since we now have both of them. I heard Costcos has some ramps that arent too expensive and I am checking into them because our bed is rather high too and we have to pick up both of them to let them up. Most folks I have seen with Bulldogs assist them getting in the vehicle or have a ramp just for them.
I have to give Wilson a boost up, as well as Emma but she probably could make it easy if she really wanted too. I have a 4Runner. Wilson can jump up on the couch but he really has to work at it. I never let either jump out of the car. Wilson's so top heavy, he's tumble on his noggin if he jumped out.
Thanks everyone for all your feedback. I figured our EBD would need some form of assistance getting into our Nissan Rogue. I'm a petite person (5'2 and 130 pounds) so I was a little concerned, but I've picked up my collegue's 100 pound lab so I don't think it would be too big a deal.
I lift Tubby in and out of my car even though its lower. I drive a Honda prelude. I worry about him huirting himself. Same thing for his dad's car too in and out. I call it my workout for the day when I have to cause at 35lbs he is starting to make my arms burn when lifting him lol
I also have a small SUV (Highlander) and Gio will jump right in himself, he just turned 3 today so he is young. Gio is also a bit taller so is able to jump in and out. Princess on the other hand is 10 and is much lower to the ground, I have to pick her up and put her in and take her out, she is 55lbs so shes not too bad to lift
We lift Bogey in and out of our cars( Buick lacrosse and ford mustang) I have seen too many injuries from dogs jumping out of cars, no matter what the size. Bogey has a 4 month old EBD buddy that is in a cast with a broken toe from jumping out of their car last weekend. Nope, he will not jump in or out on our watch. We lift him in. He is allowed to help though!
It will depend on the dog. A young spry, athletic bully will probably jump right in. HRH on the other hand at 6.5 yrs., I pick up and place in our Jeep Grand Cherokee. But,,, she is only 40 pounds.. I dont know what we would do if we had a 70 pounder!.

I respectfully disagree that HRH needs to be picked up do to her wise 6.5 years, I think she would've needed that at 6 months had you had her then! LOL I'm sure she would prefer to be carted about by Royal litter carriers like an Egyptian Queen, hint hint.
Lola hops right into the back seat to the floor. once in a hotel parking lot she jumped into the open trunk!! we have a large sedan

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[MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION] I'm with you, I'm so afraid she'll get hurt, that won't let her jump up or down. I even worry about her jumping down from the couch...:confused:

Edited to add:
[MENTION=8470]shobbsie[/MENTION] Your Lucy is very cute! I too had a boxer before we got a bulldog. There will always be a hole in my heart until I see her in heaven. They just aren't with us long enough... Sniffle Sniffle
Ellie hops right into my truck and the wife's Hyundai Tuscon without a problem. Sometimes right into the seat and other times into the floor and then the seat. Either way, she's in as soon as the door is open wide enough for her. I do everything I can to keep her from jumping out of the vehicles, but she has jumped down to the floor and then out. As long as she's on her harness and I have a hold of her leash, I can "live" with her hoping down to the floor and then out, but I try to pick her up to get her out. Thankfully she's smaller and only about 40lbs.
It doesn't matter what we've had I've always picked them up to get in and out.

I don't know if they could do it on their own or not as I never let them try!!
I have a Nissen Patrol and I lift Ftse on Nd out as I am too afraid he will hurt himself, hubby has a Ford Ranger he can get in this because it is so low to the ground but I still help him in and out of it

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