Food?? Treats???


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Sep 17, 2010
Windsor Ontario Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Silva and Stella
I have an 18 month old named Silva who was orginally on Iams from the breeder, I switched her over to California natural b/c of another local breeder recommendation she has been on the herring and recently on the chicken, Lately she has been having digestion issues (diarrhea) I also read that with better food there is less shedding and less tear stains, which she does have slightly. I also have been checking out the site and noticed alot of members give salmom oil and pumpkin. I am certainly confused. What food and treats are recommended (I do live in Canada so not sure if some foods would be available here) and also treats?? Any input or opinions would be appreciated!! Thanks in advance!
Just from what you posted, did you just recently switch to the chicken forumla, and did the diarrhea start shortly after the switch?

If so, how fast did you switch foods?

Our resident Dog food expert [MENTION=4]Lindathedogsmaid[/MENTION] recommends the follow 4 foods to be the best for bullies: Fromm, Natures Logic, Nature's Variety & Merrick - in that order.

Salmon oil is fantastic for the (itchy) skin, and canned pumpkin (not the pie filling!) is considered a super food. With the pumpkin, just a spoonful a day to keep happy & healthy digestive & immune system. along with [MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION] suggestion, you can freeze some of it into icecubes.

Treats I recommend, more than anything- fresh or frozen veggies. Low calorie, and good for them! Otherwise, when looking at the feed store or petsmart, look for treats that are grain free.
Just from what you posted, did you just recently switch to the chicken forumla, and did the diarrhea start shortly after the switch?

If so, how fast did you switch foods?

Our resident Dog food expert [MENTION=4]Lindathedogsmaid[/MENTION] recommends the follow 4 foods to be the best for bullies: Fromm, Natures Logic, Nature's Variety & Merrick - in that order.

Salmon oil is fantastic for the (itchy) skin, and canned pumpkin (not the pie filling!) is considered a super food. With the pumpkin, just a spoonful a day to keep happy & healthy digestive & immune system. along with [MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION] suggestion, you can freeze some of it into icecubes.

Treats I recommend, more than anything- fresh or frozen veggies. Low calorie, and good for them! Otherwise, when looking at the feed store or petsmart, look for treats that are grain free.

Perfect answer. I just switched to Fromm after talking to Linda.But I am doing it very slowly, switching a 1/4 at a time every 3 days. I add Salmon oil to it 1 x day. As far as treats, raw carrots, blue berries and they love those fat free animal crackers.
Perfect answer. I just switched to Fromm after talking to Linda.But I am doing it very slowly, switching a 1/4 at a time every 3 days. I add Salmon oil to it 1 x day. As far as treats, raw carrots, blue berries and they love those fat free animal crackers.

Do you know how stubborn I was with [MENTION=4]Lindathedogsmaid[/MENTION]? She has been telling me to buy good grain free foods since I was a kid. Well, since 2002- when we met. I did find the kind she told me to get, but fell of the beaten path when I sent our sick little baby girl Sarah to her. I guess for me, it was 'unfamiliar'. I did not know these foods, so they kinda weirded me out. They were not advertised anywhere- so I was not brainwashed by their TV ads and magazine photos. I also figured I only needed that kind for Sarah- who was high in allergies- didn't think anything of putting my next bully 2 years later right back on Iams. I was stubborn to boot- and she should be waving a finger at me right now saying "LISA!!! I told you!!!!"
lol well you sure are making up for it desertsky. :) I agree with all the snacks and foods listed so far. I was also feeding california natural and it isnt a bad food by any means, I am just always in search of something better and am now moving onto fromm as well. Actually the herring formula made my Cutty have bad acid reflux so we went with chicken and he seemed ok with it. I do think I was in search of a firm stool at the time and thats why I changed maybe. Have been thru many foods and am never satisfied but hopefully once this transition to fromm is done we will be finally! As for snacks I say most any fruit is good, mine love bananas! I give frozen lima beans and green beans just because they last forever that way and arent so messy as a snack. Raw would be fine tho too. I do the baby raw carrots everyday also and most any other veggie leftover we happen to have with dinner. (Rinsed of any spices etc of course) I am also giving animal crackers at night since my daughter eats them with her bottle, we all get one now. lol. The canned pumpkin is hard to come by here this year but I will certainly be stocking up as soon as it is in the stores so we wont have to search for it throughout the year. It is very good for keeping your dogs stools healthy. If they have diarrhea or constipation it works. So does yogurt actually too I have heard. (1 spoon a day)
I feed Horse Nature's Logic Lamb (he didn't do well on the chicked or beef). They also make treats (that are basically the same as the food, just a tiny bit bigger). Horse loves apples (my son always gives him the core when he's done with his), frozen blueberries, strawberries and watermelon. We just started giving him salmon oil this week, so no changes yet, hoping to see a difference in the coming weeks! I also think Braeden and I will go pick some pumpkins at the orchard and cook them and freeze it for Horse (in ice cube trays, just like with homemade baby food!)
All the previous posts are all such good answers!! You know I was soo confused and thought I was feeding my dog okay food. But once I joined this site I realized that it wasn't the best. We've switched our bullys food about 7 times and after reading that a lot of owners on this site have their bully on Fromm we reasearched and recently just switched them. It is a bit pricey, but well worth it! They havent been on it for too long but so far we love it! I would deffenatly recomened it~! :)
Thanks for all the info, I will definately look into Formm! Silva has been on Califronia Natural Chicken for about 6 months and has digestive issues here and there. I appreciate all the input!!

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