Flea Medication Recommendation Needed


Jul 11, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Bentley, Linus, Truman
In preparation of starting to send Baby T to daycare one or two days per week (we go visit the daycare for a tour and evaluation this weekend), we need to start him on a flea preventative. I have not used any flea meds on any of my bullies so I am hoping someone will be able to offer a recommendation that has worked well with your bullies.

We have a vet appointment on Monday so I am going to ask about a prescription then and want to go in there informed!

How exciting for Baby T!!! I like advantage and used that for a long time but now I use k9 advantix because it repels other things like ticks which we need because we love to go camping.
Is this a requirement?, or something you just feel you need to do? I haven't seen a flea in all the 13 years I've lived in Az. Do they even have fleas here?
Is this a requirement?, or something you just feel you need to do? I haven't seen a flea in all the 13 years I've lived in Az. Do they even have fleas here?

It is a requirement to attend doggy daycare.
I use Frontline Plus ... that was just by vet recommendation. I am definitely interested to hear what everyone uses - since EBNers have the best info. :up:
When Gracie and I were at the vet a coupl of weeks ago for a routine shot I got in a discussion about flea meeds with the vet assistant. I asked about the Hartz brand because it was a tenth of the price of the others. She said don't use it as some dogs have died from it. What was more interesting is that she said that they are seeing a 'resistance' to Frontline (flea immunity) so they are starting to recommend Advantix now. HRH will be using Advantix this season. :)
We have always used Revolution because it also prevents heartworm, earmites and mange.
Don't use any flea stuff at the moment because we don't seem to get them ..... I shouldn't have said that because now I just know I'm going to have a flea epidemic this summer ... :eek:
Thanks everyone - I took Truman to the vet today and completely forgot to ask about flea medication with the sore on his foot and his mange follow up but I will return for a prescription after we visit the doggy daycare of Saturday afternoon. I appreciate the advice!

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