fish food

bulldog family

New member
Aug 14, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Norman, LeRoy and China
My son has a small aqaurium in his room with a Betta (named Charlie) in it. He keeps the food on the bottom shelf of the fish stand. Well China got into a brand new jar of blood worms and it it all. Including the container. So, we put the other fish food on a higher shelf. The next day she ate a half jar of fish food witht he cardboard container. She only leaves the lid. So I go out and buy another container of food and put it in the middle of his desk so she can't reach it. Well, guess what. She got it and ate the entire jar. But left the broken container this time. I don't know what to do with this old girl. This is all new. She usually is very easy-going. Never really does anything wrong.

My question is this: what should I look for after eating all that food? Is it really bad for her?
I wouldn't expect there to be a problem... worms are a good protein source, nothing harmful about them.
I am guessing she smells the food can cannot also sounds like you need to find a higher shelf. :)

I don't think she's in any danger though - if it is not harmful to a fish, I doubt it would do any damage to a dog.
Besides being a new bully owner we raise and show Fancy Goldfish and a few Koi and one Betta. We have a LOT of tanks in our house and some ponds in the back yard. We have a lot of fish so we buy their food in bulk and then transfer to other air tight containers.

The bloodworms won't hurt China at all, aside from if she ends up being allergic or has some tummy upset.

I think perhaps a glass or metal airtight container is your next step. Good Luck!

On a side note..we've decided to change Gracie over to a better dogfood...the Koi are going to help her out by finishing off the old dog food. :)
I agree, I think you have nothing to worry about except finding a good spot to store your fish food! :eek:
Well... Thanks everyone. We've had this fish for a good 6 months and kept the food in this spot and she never tried to get it. Just all of a sudden. (Well, since we got NOrman).
Definitely watch for an allergic reaction. Most bloodworm containers are actually marked with an allergy warning. Bloodworms aren't typical worms, they are actually larve of the Midge Fly.

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