Miss Lola

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Sep 25, 2014
Maple Ridge
Bulldog(s) Names
Lola, Floyd
Ok here goes my rant, I'm going to take a short story and make it long...

Some of you will have already heard the beginning of this story so bare with me. When we got our boy pup last November I noticed something odd with his urine with in a day and had it tested thinking a possible UTI. It turned out he had crystals in his urine and the type he had could really only be Two things, we ruled out the first which was a liver problem and then proceeded to have a DNA test done to get answers on the second. He tested positive with two mutated genes for Hypercuricoseria. To have two mutated genes meant both his mother and father are at least carriers. I won't get into a full explanation but Hypercuricoseria can lead to problems with stones and has to be controlled with a specific diet and even then isn't a guarantee.

I was a little annoyed when this all took place as I spoke with multiply breeders in Canada and the states and most test for this condition prior to breeding as bulldogs are one of the breeds more prone to it. I had a few issues due to compensation as well but stood my ground and we eventually worked that out. However I was further annoyed to see that he was still breeding the male. I know that if breed with a female who has zero of the genes it shouldn't be an issue but I strongly feel passing on being a carrier is still not right when you have several other dogs that you could be breeding plus I really doubted he took the time to have the female tested to confirm she also wasn't a carrier.

Moving along....every once in awhile I pop on his website to check who is having pups or to look at cute puppy pictures because I can't help myself. Last night I went on and saw that he just breed the same two dogs together. I was so livid I couldn't even post on here because I didn't trust myself to type appropriate content. I am so mad at him because that's putting more innocent pups at risk of complications and diet restrictions,( as if they don't have enough already)

I feel like he didn't take the situation seriously, and because he hadn't heard of any of these problems prior to me he was just humouring me. One more thing I will point out is it is very very rare a dog would be diagnosed with this condition as a pup, usually not until a few years old when they start having complications so I figure he may not have ever had someone come back to him about this because everyone's health guarantee would have already expired. Also my vet said lots don't ever get diagnosed they just deal with the issues at hand, because it's not the only reason for stones.

So my question is where do I go from here, I feel like I need to do something about this. Clearly he didn't listen to a word I said. I forwarded him everything I received from the vet plus more info I had found on my own. This info included breeding charts of all the different scenarios of the parents no mutated genes, one mutated genes , two mutated genes and the % outcomes from this. So in my mind he should not have ever breed those two dogs together again. I feel like I can't talk to him about this again as I know I can no longer be civil. So would the next appropriate step be contacting the CKC as he clearly is not making mating choices to better this Breed?

Sorry for such a long rant but I felt like I needed to give as much of the facts as possible. Any advice would be welcomed as I may not be thinking with a clear head right now because this hits too close to home.


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Sep 30, 2011
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Taisto, Kylli, Salli, Angel-Usko and Angel-Voitto
My Usko has hyperuricosuria and if this would happen in Finland I would scream my head off about this breeder in all medias available to me and notify the finnish kennel club as well. You have medical proof so it would not be just slandering.


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
:angry: I would be mad as all heck ...... not sure what you can do, but I guess contacting the CKC is a start


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
I would be mad and upset that he is not taking the welfare of the breed into consideration. There will be more pups in rescue because the unforeseen medical issues these babies will have will be too much for some to handle. I would call the CKC immediately and start posting on social media sites just to get the breeders name put out there as a fore warning to others.

Texas Carol

Texas Carol....put the heart in EBN
Community Veteran
Jul 4, 2012
Central Texas
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus & Cami live in Heaven
I picture him in hell, on a spit, rolling over & over, roasting those
tiny, withered, blistered balls of his...it WILL happen.

So very sorry, how horrible, good for you trying to let others know!

Praying over you & your bully, keep us informed!


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee
Bulldog(s) Names
Willow (2015) Walter (2014-22) Winston (2012-13) Wellie (2012-13) Bella (2007-13)
I agree… you should be telling everyone about this. We all know that many of these pups will end up being homeless because people will NOT want to deal w/the time or money to buy special food or increased vets visits. This is an absolute shame...


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
b and w
You need to report him to the Canadian Bulldog Club, and let CKC know about it as well.

Also, I'd post his name all over FB- in each and every bulldog group (I can give you the name of quite a few). Then, I'd review him on yelp, google and any other forum where a potential buyer would look.
By the time I was done, everyone would know what he's about. In fact, I'm about to do just that with a certain trainer.

Your breeder needs to be called out on his practices.

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