Emma took a tumble down an entire flight of stairs

She will probably just be a little stiff or sore in the morning due to bruising, give her lots of hugs and TLC, she'll be fine. Sending love and hugs for Mom too, and Jack, he didn't push her it was an accident. Give him a hug from me too, sounds like you all need one. And maybe a glass of nice red wine for Mom. Lol
HOW scary moment!!! So glad she is OK
WOW, poor girl. Thank God she wasn't hurt. What a tough little girl!
I think Mike was more shook up than I was. I was the calm one. She's wanting to play ball right now so I think she'll be good. Maybe a bit sore like a bruise but good. I always thought it would be Wilson who'd take the tumble down, not her. Wilson's so top heavy. I felt bad for her and poor Jack getting yelled at.

Monica it's always worrisome no doubt. I don't ever worry about them going up our other stairs and still don't. I think what happened here is that they had no where to go when they were at the top because of the baby gate. Lesson learned on my end.

So very glad Emma's okay.
hi Jeannie, sorry I'm late to this but just read it...I'm glad Emma is okay after that tumble. I know our bullies are pretty resilient but falls and tumbles like that can be scary and dangerous. Give her a big hug from us!
Was just checking in to see how Emma was doing, and am glad to read she is okay. She's a tough cookie.
I've watched Bacon fall down stairs and your heart is ready to pop out your mouth - SO SO SO SO SO very glad Emma is okay. I know just how you feel.
​Checking on Emma and keeping y'all in prayer...Much love, Carol
So happy she is OK, poor baby.
I've watched Bacon fall down stairs and your heart is ready to pop out your mouth - SO SO SO SO SO very glad Emma is okay. I know just how you feel.
It's a horrifying sound huh? :( Did Bacon get hurt at all. I still can't believe Emma is just fine.

You pushed her didn't you... :scared:
:secret: Jack did!! :eek:
hi Jeannie, sorry I'm late to this but just read it...I'm glad Emma is okay after that tumble. I know our bullies are pretty resilient but falls and tumbles like that can be scary and dangerous. Give her a big hug from us!
I gave her a :hug:

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