Dozer has been doing poorly lately...

His eyes are droopy and sunken in. He cannot close his mouth fully. The muscles on his head are diminished and he's looking very old. He's been salivating like crazy and cannot hold food in his mouth. One pupil is dilated more than the other.
He looks like he is dying.
We finally got him in to see the Vet today and he's been diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuritis...a new one for us.
Trigeminal Neuritis read more here
Vet says he will need hydration and soft foods that he can swallow, like meat balls made from canned food. He loves ice cubes so he can get his water from them...not too many at once though. This boy has been through a lot over the years. He's only 6 and such a great guy. Vet says 2-4 weeks to completely recover. Expect some weight loss. I'm so relieved that it's something he will likely get past.
I’m glad you figured out what’s wrong with him and Tootsie and I wish him a speedy recovery!
His eyes are droopy and sunken in. He cannot close his mouth fully. The muscles on his head are diminished and he's looking very old. He's been salivating like crazy and cannot hold food in his mouth. One pupil is dilated more than the other.
He looks like he is dying.
We finally got him in to see the Vet today and he's been diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuritis...a new one for us.
Trigeminal Neuritis read more here
Vet says he will need hydration and soft foods that he can swallow, like meat balls made from canned food. He loves ice cubes so he can get his water from them...not too many at once though. This boy has been through a lot over the years. He's only 6 and such a great guy. Vet says 2-4 weeks to completely recover. Expect some weight loss. I'm so relieved that it's something he will likely get past.
I hope Dozer gets better soon. Sending hugs and good vibes.

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