Do you have a morning routine with your bully/bullies/other breeds?


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
Bulldog(s) Names
When we get up in the morning or I should say when Mr.Beefy wakes us up in the morning with his possesed moans lol. First its off to the kitchen for breakfast. My skin kid gets grits almost daily lol its his favorite and my fur-kids line up for theirs. They all get 1-2 teaspoons of cottage cheese/organic yogurt and Mr.Beefy and Baby Joe who are my fruit and veggie lovers get banana and carrots either steamed or frozen, Georgia prefers her doggie food. Then its Baby joe and Mr.Beefy out for their morning business. We just started somemorning "group therapy" centered around structured training.( they need it) This is EVERY DAY, If they dont have their morning routine I will be bombarded with bulldog booties until I start the day.:eek:Do you have a morning routine with ur fur-kids?
Wake up between 5:30 to 6 am..... Yuna and Jesse outside for potty first, meanwhile Mandy, Molly & Tidus are fed. Then Jesse & Yuna in to be fed and Molly & Tidus out for potty. Quick return of Molly & Tidus, then Mandy out for potty. Then we let Yuna, Jesse, Molly & Tidus out for some pack play- with Molly closely monitored because she can try to be dominate to Jesse. After that 2 go in their crate, two (M&T) are loose in the house, and Mandy & I go out for some chasing of the lizard time. I hate that she has to be alone so I stay with her almost always. Then the kids get up for some breakfast and the indoor rotation begins throughout the day, Molly & Tidus together, Jesse alone, Yuna alone, Mandy alone (Jesse, Yuna and Mandy cannot be paired up in the house- they are too crazy and get too riled up and jump on the babies- alone is fine....) During rotations 2 of them or Mandy is outside then 2 in their kennels.... then naptime at noon-to 1ish---- right before I make lunch--- then we repeat this entire process again at 3PM for their dinner.

Yes- it is very exhausting but the only way we make it work- we love them all so much we have to! :heart::heart::heart:
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] WOW!! I almost forgot u had 5 fur kids . Then home school ...How do u do it all. U must be superwoman, I think u need an award!!
As Gracie has only been with us for about 6 weeks we don't have a real routine yet but lately there has been one kinda established. Whoever gets up first lets Gracie out... 30 seconds later lets her in, two minutes later lets her out, 30 seconds later lets her in,,,, repeat. LOL She is trying to get us to go out with her but we arent giving in. :) She will eventually poop, kick it around some, and come in. Then she has her two cups of food served and she will eat almost a cup and save the rest for later. By then Lari has come into the room and is in the reclining love seat to read email and catch up on EBN. That's when she and Gracie have a quiet time together. Gracie cuddles up next to her. It is sooo cute :) That's about it for routine.... so far.
We dont really have much routine. I get up when my hubby leaves for work and the boys for some reason will not stay in bed without me so they drag out to the living room with me. lol. We hang out and watch the news for a bit then head to the office for our morning emails and ebn and the boys sleep at my feet under the desk until it is daytime and they are ready to start their morning. Since we free feed they always have food to eat in their bowls so they just do as they please.
MooShi is not a morning bully, so it goes something like this, around 5am I can get up ,shower , make coffee,get my lunch together
get my daughter up and moving for school and my chubby little dumpling is still snoring in my bed.When I can finally roll her out , it's out to party and back in to sit bye the door to wait for Grandma.Grandma takes my daughter to school because of the hour my husband and I work , and she also brings little miss spoiled pants special cookies every morning. Off ot work and school for eveyone else ,off to snoozing for MooShi.
I get up at 8 (or so, no rules, we're retired), and let the girls outside to potty. They stay out a while so I can make coffee and get their breakfast ready. If they're inside, Ida stands in the kitchen and barks at me til I want to smack her (drives me nuts!). So by leaving them out, she's quiet. I fix their breakfast, their dry food with a little cottage cheese with either yogart or canned pumpkin. Then they come in to eat and by then my coffee is ready. So we have our breakfast together.
Simple routine, as soon as I get up at 5:30AM we go downstairs. Feed the dogs, dry food with salmon oil mixed with fruit and/or veggies. They eat, potty then go back to sleep downstairs on one of their beds, the couch or the lazy boy. Well thats on the week days, on the weekends we sleep in a little later so the dogs don't always go back to sleep after we wake up.
On the weekdays I get up @ 5, let Stig out to do the number 1, come in, play a little bit, make his breakfast, dry food with 1 benadryl & salmon oil, with a little water to moisten. I wait and watch him eat cuz he seems to like it that way. After he finishes the 1 cup of food, I give him some frozen blueberries to munch on while I vacuum the floor. lol. Then I give him a little bit more attention before I go back to bed for a 1/2 hour. My bf wakes up at 6:30 to take Stig out for a walk to do the number 1 and 2. After a 1/2 hour to 40 minutes, comes back put Stig in his crate and by this time Stig's so exhausted and the Benadryl's kicked in so he snoozes for a couple of hours.

Weekends are more laid back. We tend to get up at 8ish then do the routine again.
Up at 7, open his door to his crate, wait for him to stand up in his crate and come out to sit by the door, let him out, go out poop and pee, in to eat his breakfast, lays back in his crate while I get ready for work, back out for one more pee, lays around on the couch, or bugs me while I am on the computer, I go into the bedroom put on my work clothes and I SWEAR he knows, Vegas will go into his crate (although I do not shut the door, only at night) I tell him bye and I will see him in a few hours and he pouts.
mine is easy, Terri gets up at 4:30, takes a shower, then gets Bella up, takes her out and incubates her food for 20 minutes, when done eating, Terri brings her to my room and she crawls under the covers until I wake up at 6. Abby doesn't get up until Krystin does around 7 and then she goes outside.
Bear's routine that never fails is keeping us glued to the bed because he is so snuggly we just don't want to get up. He also torments my husband while he is getting ready for work by stealing his socks and trying to get his belt while the hubby is trying to put it on. Then he cements his butt onto my husband's lap so he won't go anywhere. It is so dang hard to get out of bed because i just love the snuggles.
Maggie sleeps with us so she will often get up with the last person to get out of bed. The first thing she wants to do is eat ..... breakfast is number one priority!!! So she never goes out to do number 1's or 2's unless she's really really really desperate. I keep telling my husband that she must have a cast iron bladder!! Once Maggie has eaten she STILL may not go out but will go back to bed on the couch!

Now if she is still upstairs in bed and somebody happens to put food in the dog bowls and she can hear it ........ and believe me she ALWAYS hears it ..... then it doesn't matter how early in the morning it is or even if me and the hubby are still sleeping. She will step all over us until one of us gets out of bed to lift her down so she can go and eat ... the word "greedy" does spring to mind!! :D
Maggie sleeps with us so she will often get up with the last person to get out of bed. The first thing she wants to do is eat ..... breakfast is number one priority!!! So she never goes out to do number 1's or 2's unless she's really really really desperate. I keep telling my husband that she must have a cast iron bladder!! Once Maggie has eaten she STILL may not go out but will go back to bed on the couch!

Now if she is still upstairs in bed and somebody happens to put food in the dog bowls and she can hear it ........ and believe me she ALWAYS hears it ..... then it doesn't matter how early in the morning it is or even if me and the hubby are still sleeping. She will step all over us until one of us gets out of bed to lift her down so she can go and eat ... the word "greedy" does spring to mind!! :D

Abby is the same way. Cast Iron Bladder. She will head to bed with us around 10 and if we don't make her get out of bed, she will stay up there until about 9-10am!!! Last one to leave has to force her down stairs and outside.
Oh yes.. my husband gets up every morning with him at 4:30. He goes outside and pees.. then comes in to eat.. goes outside to poop and then he gets his folds/ears cleaned and baby cornstarch powder applied. Then, he goes in the bathroom while my husband showers (so he can lick the water off the tub of course).. and then goes into his crate while he gets ready for work. I get up and leave him run around until I leave.. then he's crated for about 6 hours until my husband gets home.

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