Cottage Cheese or Yogurt????


Jul 31, 2010
Grafton, OHIO
Bulldog(s) Names
Maggie (My Angel Baby 5/31/2012). Daddy (2 years). Linus (1year). Bella (4 years)
I want to add cottage cheese and/or Yogurt to Maggie's diet.

So .......... do you use both or just one, and if just one which is it?

How often do you give it to your bullie, and how... ie with their food or as a treat?

Do you get the organic, normal, or diet brands?

Do you buy flavored or plain?

Just looking for some advice, as I want to increase her calcium intake.:rolleyes:


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Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
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I use both, with the yogurt i go organic, i use stonnyfield they make yobaby which has alot of flavors i normally do plain or vanilla since they can be picky. With the cottage cheese its hard to find organic in the grocer so I just use 4% milk small curds. For breakfast i give a tablespoon of both either by spoon or mixed in their food. I also freeze teaspoon size portions for snack of the yogurt. I also do the canned pumpkin now that its sold at the grocer.They wont eat it from the spoon so i freeze teaspoons of it as treats also.


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May 7, 2010
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Both are good but I think because of the cultures that yogurt would be better. I give Samson both though, yogurt I do every other day a heaping spoon full on his food. Cottage cheese is more of a every once in a while thing. Desertsky I think said stick with plain yogurt and I don't think it matters if its regular or organic. I give Samson fat free plain yogurt, just regular not organic. I eat cottage cheese as part of my breakfast every morning and I prefer full fat so thats what Samson gets when I do give him some.


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Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
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Don't mind my organic thing lol. I read alot for school and had to do a paper on pesticides and growth hormones so i switched my skin kids and furkids to organic produce and milk.


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Jan 28, 2010
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I would go with Yogurt or pumpkin every other day. Save the effectiveness of cottage cheese for when you need a bland diet.

Feeding high quality foods makes it not necessary to add everyday, kinda a treat to keep that digestive system in cue. Plain yogurt is best. Of course organic is better! The fruity ones may contain additional sugars/fake sugars that are wasted elements and cause weight gain. Plus, keep it in cue cuz you don't want your bully to get fat! ;)


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Aug 13, 2010
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we get yogurt at sams and its usually bluberry, strawberry, and peach. i give lex yoplait light the peach flavor cause i dont like the peach lol he seems to like it hasnt made him gain any extra weight. i just give it to him in a tupperware bowl bout everyother day or so and he gets carrots bout everyday


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May 7, 2010
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Don't mind my organic thing lol. I read alot for school and had to do a paper on pesticides and growth hormones so i switched my skin kids and furkids to organic produce and milk.

[MENTION=355]gatorfan85[/MENTION] I just recently got real into that too I just can't afford to buy that stuff for Dave and I AND the dogs. They get really good food so I don't bother with buying organic yogurt for them. Have you switched to the hormone and steriod free meats too? I am too afraid to watch it but my brother was telling me about the movie Food Inc and all the disturbing info in there on the long term affect those hormones and steriods have on our bodies. And the effect is has on the poor animals they inject with that crap!


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Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
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[MENTION=355]gatorfan85[/MENTION] I just recently got real into that too I just can't afford to buy that stuff for Dave and I AND the dogs. They get really good food so I don't bother with buying organic yogurt for them. Have you switched to the hormone and steriod free meats too? I am too afraid to watch it but my brother was telling me about the movie Food Inc and all the disturbing info in there on the long term affect those hormones and steriods have on our bodies. And the effect is has on the poor animals they inject with that crap!
[MENTION=574]TessaAndSamson[/MENTION] The stonnyfield isnt really bad price wise, if i find myself pinching pennies i'll get the Dannon AllNatural Lowfat yogurt($1.79 32oz)price may differ on where your located. They dont have alot of places with steriod free meat around here so we eat alot of locally caught fish. I am not a health nut but cancer runs in my family and everyone on my dad's side has had some form by age 25. I just turned 25 so making sure I get foods that limit my exposure to toxins, hormones and pesticides makes me feel a little more at ease.


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Sep 17, 2010
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It is really scary what they are putting in foods. I am a palliative oncology community nurse and see so much in a day, it is so important to feed our love ones and ourselves the best we can, it can be hard with life being so busy. Thanks for the topic I was wondering about the yogurt as well and will look into plain organic yogurt and alternate it with the pumpkin! ;)


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
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Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
[MENTION=355]gatorfan85[/MENTION] how do you freeze the yogurt and pumpkin? Just on a cookie tray by the spoonful or in ice cubes or what? That is a great idea to be able to give it that way, so fast and easy and I know my boys will love it. I normally use the spoon but that is more messy.

Gertie's Mom

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Jul 17, 2010
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I mix everything into Gertie and Ida's food. I give a spoon of plain yogart and a spoon of cottage cheese in their breakfast. Every third day or so they get a little canned pumpkin instead. They really love it all. I get fat free or reduced fat, depending on what I can find. I've never gotten organic.


Wrinkle Wiper
Mar 23, 2010
Rockingham, VT
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canned pumpkin is on my shopping list for this week! although, i've heard that the organic canned pumpkin is almost $4 a can! so, i may be spending a day this week cooking and freezing pumpkin for Horse! eating organic is definetly a lifestyle change, I've read a lot about it, and living in Vermont has made the switch to all organic, natural foods an easy switch for us (although meats are definetly way more expensive). I eat a lot of yogurt(Stonyfield) and cottage cheese (Cabot whole milk), so I give Horse a spoonful once in awhile.


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Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
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[MENTION=340]laurentourville[/MENTION] where do u get the organic cottage cheese? I am going to buy some pumpkins for the kids to carve instead of buying more canned pumpkin.


Jul 31, 2010
Grafton, OHIO
Bulldog(s) Names
Maggie (My Angel Baby 5/31/2012). Daddy (2 years). Linus (1year). Bella (4 years)
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I'm bumping this thread back up to the top in the hope somebody will be able to answer this one.

I'm giving Maggie the Stoneyfield plain yogurt - tablespoon every other day. Now how much should I give Daddy??? That is if I should give him it now or should I wait until he's older - he'll be 11 weeks old on Tuesday.

We've not even started the switch to FROMM yet as we're going to give him a few days to settle down into his new home first. Maybe we'll start the switch at the weekend because I don't like the food the rescue place gave us :crazy:

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