Going RAW… puppies


May 1, 2022
Bulldog(s) Names
Louise and Chief
I might sound like a complete idiot but I’m going to ask anyway. I’m ok with being the idiot 😜
These are my first dogs and first EB’s.
Chief is 3 months old - 20 lbs.
Louise is 4 months old - 15 lbs. (she’s my sick baby, has been battling pneumonia/bronchitis-on antibiotics for weeks- also has hypoplastic trachea)
I feed them both “Bil-jac” puppy kibble (what the breeder recommended) and I feed them plain Greek yogurt and cottage cheese daily in between meals.- more yogurt for Louise because she’s been on antibiotics for a while. Also I have fed them boiled carrots and banana which they loved.

Everyone is talking about going raw, and I see it everywhere that it’s best and most recommended for the dogs. But what about the possibility of salmonella or listeria? Has no one had this happen? Any salmonella infection at all? I read that it’s uncommon for dogs to get salmonella but that they can be carriers of it, if they contract it they may show no symptoms at all, but they can shed the bacteria in their stool and saliva and spread it to the household. That’s what Google said. But I know this site is just for EB owners and lovers so figured I’d ask your experiences.
Thanks in advance!

I should also add that we have a 4 and 6 year old (human) girls and 2 7 year old cats.

Photos because I love them and want to show them off. Also a photo of what I discovered they were secretly working on beside the house on their “potty breaks”
We are in Texas in the US and it’s HOT here so they don’t get to spend much time outside, but when they do they make the most of it! 🐶 😋 🤷🏼‍♀️


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I might sound like a complete idiot but I’m going to ask anyway. I’m ok with being the idiot 😜
These are my first dogs and first EB’s.
Chief is 3 months old - 20 lbs.
Louise is 4 months old - 15 lbs. (she’s my sick baby, has been battling pneumonia/bronchitis-on antibiotics for weeks- also has hypoplastic trachea)
I feed them both “Bil-jac” puppy kibble (what the breeder recommended) and I feed them plain Greek yogurt and cottage cheese daily in between meals.- more yogurt for Louise because she’s been on antibiotics for a while. Also I have fed them boiled carrots and banana which they loved.

Everyone is talking about going raw, and I see it everywhere that it’s best and most recommended for the dogs. But what about the possibility of salmonella or listeria? Has no one had this happen? Any salmonella infection at all? I read that it’s uncommon for dogs to get salmonella but that they can be carriers of it, if they contract it they may show no symptoms at all, but they can shed the bacteria in their stool and saliva and spread it to the household. That’s what Google said. But I know this site is just for EB owners and lovers so figured I’d ask your experiences.
Thanks in advance!

I should also add that we have a 4 and 6 year old (human) girls and 2 7 year old cats.

Photos because I love them and want to show them off. Also a photo of what I discovered they were secretly working on beside the house on their “potty breaks”
We are in Texas in the US and it’s HOT here so they don’t get to spend much time outside, but when they do they make the most of it! 🐶 😋 🤷🏼‍♀️

For the salmonella, E. coli and listeria potential, it’s not common for raw fed dogs to get it. Dogs have very short acidic stomachs that make it hard for the pathogenic bacteria to grow.

Kibble on the other hand, dogs don’t have as acidic stomachs because of the starch content in kibble(it’s what hold kibble together), kibble contains mycotoxins(cancer causing molds that you can’t see), glyphosate is the active ingredient in roundup weed killer, it’s in kibble too.
Some kibble is made of dead or diseased animals and other waste!

Also lots of ‘garbage/waste from human foods that aren’t edible’, it’s used to make kibble.

Kibble also and even cooked foods and dog treats have been recalled for E. coli and salmonella. Since they don’t have a very acidic stomach when eating kibble, that makes it more likely for them to get sick from E. coli and salmonella. Kibble takes 12-14 hours to digest, raw diet takes 2-4 hours to digest(very quick). And that’s why they are less Likly to get sick from raw dog food.

No matter what dogs are eating all dogs shed salmonella/e coli in the feces no matter of their diet.

Raw diet for dogs is not buying just meat and that’s it, it’s meat organs and bone made for dogs, frozen, then you thaw it and then feed it next day.
Dogs have enzymes in their saliva and in their stomach that kill harmful bacteria like salmonella and E. coli and listeria.

If your kibble were contaminated a dog would get sick from it in kibble, not raw because of how it digests. Thousands of recalls on kibble and canned and cooked foods for dogs, same with our foods.

When you Google raw diet for dogs, some articles will try to scare people away from feeding raw to market for their not good kibble(lots of recalls for other stuff as well as toxins and vitamin D toxic levels and GMO ingredients like corn).

Don’t mix kibble and raw diet together in the same dish though because they digest differently and that can cause the bacteria overgrowth because of the kibble taking long time digest and stomach isn’t as acidic, so if you ever decide to do kibble and raw, do 1 meal kibble(breakfast for example) and other meal is raw(dinner for example).
Just give probiotics when you start them on raw diet as with any transition.

I’m not knocking kibble, but all those reasons I explained above are not in raw diet, and also raw diet is 70% moisture so the dog eating it isn’t in constant dehydration like they are when they eat kibble due to the 10% moisture. That overworks their organs and immune system causing diseases.

Raw diet gives them only what they need with no other ingredients that cause health issues or toxins.

Raw diet doesn’t cause inflammation in dogs (carbs/starch , rancid fats in kibble, and other toxins I listed) all cause inflammation which =diseases and other health issues such as cancers!

All 3 of my dogs are raw fed and no issues, they eat and sometimes come and lick my face, no has gotten sick.

My 2 dogs got kidney disease from their kibble they were eating(ages 6 and 8) the vet said they had 6 months no longer- they were diagnosed 14 months ago! Their kidney levels are in Normal range now, raw diet fixed that. Their prescription kibble for kidney disease made them very sick, and their kidneys were getting worse(based on bloodwork and their symptoms),and it caused 3 other health issues in them and they got SO sick, then I just put them right onto Raw diet and they have been on raw for 5 months now. I just put my 3rd dog on raw diet 2 weeks ago!

My dogs allergies have cleared up, I still rotate their proteins to prevent new allergies and their in much better health.

I know many people who feed raw diet to the dogs that have young kids and no issues with bacteria. The kids can get sick from touching kibble.

Just wash your hands and their dishes and counters after you feed the dogs(I always wash my dogs face too to keep his wrinkles face clean and that way no food is on his lips). Same as when you cook for your family, use the same hand washing procedures. You don’t need to worry about the raw bacteria, dogs are designed to eat it.
Dogs lick their bums and other ‘gross areas’ that are known to have bacteria and they don’t get sick.
All dogs shed salmonella and other bacteria in their stool no matter the diet they eat-when you pick up after them it’s 30% bacteria. Dogs eat other dogs stool and don’t get sick, eat stuff on walks, g wet into garbage and they don’t get sick. Bacteria is everywhere and in everything, even in canned , kibble, lightly cooked and raw.

Raw diets have to be frozen for a certain length of time before you can buy it to kill most bacteria.

If you use a public washroom, your exposed to bacteria, bacteria is everywhere!

They are SO cute pups!

Is she getting better?
I might sound like a complete idiot but I’m going to ask anyway. I’m ok with being the idiot 😜
These are my first dogs and first EB’s.
Chief is 3 months old - 20 lbs.
Louise is 4 months old - 15 lbs. (she’s my sick baby, has been battling pneumonia/bronchitis-on antibiotics for weeks- also has hypoplastic trachea)
I feed them both “Bil-jac” puppy kibble (what the breeder recommended) and I feed them plain Greek yogurt and cottage cheese daily in between meals.- more yogurt for Louise because she’s been on antibiotics for a while. Also I have fed them boiled carrots and banana which they loved.

Everyone is talking about going raw, and I see it everywhere that it’s best and most recommended for the dogs. But what about the possibility of salmonella or listeria? Has no one had this happen? Any salmonella infection at all? I read that it’s uncommon for dogs to get salmonella but that they can be carriers of it, if they contract it they may show no symptoms at all, but they can shed the bacteria in their stool and saliva and spread it to the household. That’s what Google said. But I know this site is just for EB owners and lovers so figured I’d ask your experiences.
Thanks in advance!

I should also add that we have a 4 and 6 year old (human) girls and 2 7 year old cats.

Photos because I love them and want to show them off. Also a photo of what I discovered they were secretly working on beside the house on their “potty breaks”
We are in Texas in the US and it’s HOT here so they don’t get to spend much time outside, but when they do they make the most of it! 🐶 😋 🤷🏼‍♀️

Does the black puppy have cherry eye?? I just noticed his eye looks like pink eye
For the salmonella, E. coli and listeria potential, it’s not common for raw fed dogs to get it. Dogs have very short acidic stomachs that make it hard for the pathogenic bacteria to grow.

Kibble on the other hand, dogs don’t have as acidic stomachs because of the starch content in kibble(it’s what hold kibble together), kibble contains mycotoxins(cancer causing molds that you can’t see), glyphosate is the active ingredient in roundup weed killer, it’s in kibble too.
Some kibble is made of dead or diseased animals and other waste!

Also lots of ‘garbage/waste from human foods that aren’t edible’, it’s used to make kibble.

Kibble also and even cooked foods and dog treats have been recalled for E. coli and salmonella. Since they don’t have a very acidic stomach when eating kibble, that makes it more likely for them to get sick from E. coli and salmonella. Kibble takes 12-14 hours to digest, raw diet takes 2-4 hours to digest(very quick). And that’s why they are less Likly to get sick from raw dog food.

No matter what dogs are eating all dogs shed salmonella/e coli in the feces no matter of their diet.

Raw diet for dogs is not buying just meat and that’s it, it’s meat organs and bone made for dogs, frozen, then you thaw it and then feed it next day.
Dogs have enzymes in their saliva and in their stomach that kill harmful bacteria like salmonella and E. coli and listeria.

If your kibble were contaminated a dog would get sick from it in kibble, not raw because of how it digests. Thousands of recalls on kibble and canned and cooked foods for dogs, same with our foods.

When you Google raw diet for dogs, some articles will try to scare people away from feeding raw to market for their not good kibble(lots of recalls for other stuff as well as toxins and vitamin D toxic levels and GMO ingredients like corn).

Don’t mix kibble and raw diet together in the same dish though because they digest differently and that can cause the bacteria overgrowth because of the kibble taking long time digest and stomach isn’t as acidic, so if you ever decide to do kibble and raw, do 1 meal kibble(breakfast for example) and other meal is raw(dinner for example).
Just give probiotics when you start them on raw diet as with any transition.

I’m not knocking kibble, but all those reasons I explained above are not in raw diet, and also raw diet is 70% moisture so the dog eating it isn’t in constant dehydration like they are when they eat kibble due to the 10% moisture. That overworks their organs and immune system causing diseases.

Raw diet gives them only what they need with no other ingredients that cause health issues or toxins.

Raw diet doesn’t cause inflammation in dogs (carbs/starch , rancid fats in kibble, and other toxins I listed) all cause inflammation which =diseases and other health issues such as cancers!

All 3 of my dogs are raw fed and no issues, they eat and sometimes come and lick my face, no has gotten sick.

My 2 dogs got kidney disease from their kibble they were eating(ages 6 and 8) the vet said they had 6 months no longer- they were diagnosed 14 months ago! Their kidney levels are in Normal range now, raw diet fixed that. Their prescription kibble for kidney disease made them very sick, and their kidneys were getting worse(based on bloodwork and their symptoms),and it caused 3 other health issues in them and they got SO sick, then I just put them right onto Raw diet and they have been on raw for 5 months now. I just put my 3rd dog on raw diet 2 weeks ago!

My dogs allergies have cleared up, I still rotate their proteins to prevent new allergies and their in much better health.

I know many people who feed raw diet to the dogs that have young kids and no issues with bacteria. The kids can get sick from touching kibble.

Just wash your hands and their dishes and counters after you feed the dogs(I always wash my dogs face too to keep his wrinkles face clean and that way no food is on his lips). Same as when you cook for your family, use the same hand washing procedures. You don’t need to worry about the raw bacteria, dogs are designed to eat it.
Dogs lick their bums and other ‘gross areas’ that are known to have bacteria and they don’t get sick.
All dogs shed salmonella and other bacteria in their stool no matter the diet they eat-when you pick up after them it’s 30% bacteria. Dogs eat other dogs stool and don’t get sick, eat stuff on walks, g wet into garbage and they don’t get sick. Bacteria is everywhere and in everything, even in canned , kibble, lightly cooked and raw.

Raw diets have to be frozen for a certain length of time before you can buy it to kill most bacteria.

If you use a public washroom, your exposed to bacteria, bacteria is everywhere!

They are SO cute pups!

Is she getting better?
Thank you so much! This is so much appreciated. She’s eating and drinking and playing but still has the congestion and coughing spells. But she’s not getting worse so that’s a plus!
Thank you so much! This is so much appreciated. She’s eating and drinking and playing but still has the congestion and coughing spells. But she’s not getting worse so that’s a plus!

Your very welcome, I’m always happy to help! Especially with diet related questions and health issues/preventing new health issues thru diet!😀

Glad to hear she isn’t getting worse! They are adorable pups! They look like they get into everything in some of the photos😊
Yes! He’s got cherry eye. Supposed to be getting that taken care of this weekend.

Poor pup! Hopefully he improves after it’s cleared to then it’s his sister that needs take continue to improve😊👍
Your very welcome, I’m always happy to help! Especially with diet related questions and health issues/preventing new health issues thru diet!😀

Glad to hear she isn’t getting worse! They are adorable pups! They look like they get into everything in some of the photos😊
OMG yes! They get into EVERYTHING 😂
We actually just relocated and I just started being a stay at home mom (then added puppies) and I wouldn’t go back and do it differently. They are literally the best, even with their messes and mischievousness. They are so cuddly and lovable. Every time I go to the store I buy them more chew toys. And I’m always getting packages with more doggy things. I don’t know how they did it but they won my entire heart ❤️ 🐶
@Bulldog2001 got you all covered on your question.

I have very little to add:
My dogs are on Prey-Model Raw. The main reason I get my meat from the human grocery store rather than the pet store or the reptile shop is because the FDA in the USA has stringent quality control measures for human-grade meat. If an infection gets reported, the entire tainted batch lot gets immediately recalled and the community notified.

Besides, I have found that the meat section of the grocery store has cheaper prices per pound than raw meat from the pet store and I know exactly what is going into my dog's stomach and can adjust it instantly for any poopology observations.

Anyway, I handle food prep for the dogs the same way I handle it for the humans.
I feed raw that I buy from a small local company… boys do great on it and it is shipped to my home . I treat it the same I do when I prepare our meals… wash everything in hot soapy water once done. And I wipe their face after each meal
I feed raw that I buy from a small local company… boys do great on it and it is shipped to my home . I treat it the same I do when I prepare our meals… wash everything in hot soapy water once done. And I wipe their face after each meal

I do the same, I wash their face after eating to keep the wrinkles clean after they eat! I thought I was the odd one that cleans their mouth and face after they eat, I’m glad I’m not the only one that does that!😊
I do the same, I wash their face after eating to keep the wrinkles clean after they eat! I thought I was the odd one that cleans their mouth and face after they eat, I’m glad I’m not the only one that does that!😊
I’m obsessed with it… lol! Lambeau LOVES a good face massage, but he Hates getting his face cleaned… such a goober
Salmonella is rare for dogs. Like mention digestive track isn’t like humans. There would be a lot of sick animals in the wild as a lot eat the leftovers of leftovers. Even if I clean their faces, all 3 goes back on their pillows licking each others faces like there’s no tomorrow. 🤦‍♀️

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