Something to look forward to.... from Nature's Logic


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
As you know, the three best foods according to my trials and through the advice of our resident dog food expert [MENTION=4]Lindathedogsmaid[/MENTION] , are Fromm, Nature's Logic and Nature's Variety.

Well I have good news. Nature's Logic will be sponsoring our photo contest starting in October, and also providing us with coupons for the Bully Market and samples for our members! The supplies will be limited, so make sure you subscribe to this thread so that you can request yours when they arrive.

We are honored to be affiliated with such a great company who takes pride in how they make their dog food and what they put into it. So stay tuned, I will let you know when the coupons will be available!
that is great, good job!!! Soon you will have sponsors coming out of everywhere.

I just want plenty of photo contests for all of you, but I am also very picky. Not going to promote ANY products I don't believe in! If pedigree contacted me, I would tell them to go eat their own dog food for a week and let me know how they feel. LOL

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