colloidal silver


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Apr 18, 2011
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as we know raw fed dogs dont drink a lot of water.ive been using colloidal silver for annies itching though she is so much better she still itches occasionally,for the last 3 days i have been putting the silver in her water bowl and shes drinking all i put down,ive read that dogs like the taste of the silver and i feel better watching her drink,other uses for the silver ,i have been cleaning her face with it though she has never really had a problem with her creases or nose rope at times she smells cheesy which i have put down to yeast,but using the silver has removed the smell,it can be used on the eyes,ears,anywhere on the body,internally to boost immune system,topical spray for hotspots,its all natural ,cheap and is certainly working on my dog ,i have also been giving her doses oraly using a dropper,as i stated above although raw fed dogs dont need as much water its nice to see them having a drink :),the silver can be got from amazon and it only took 2 days for delivery,karen
This is interesting, please keep us updated on it.
We give Heff about 1 tablespoon of Silver in his water for perhaps 1 week on 1 week off. We find it helps his wrinkles from not getting as gunky and smelly.
You can also use it your self it truly is amazing stuff.
lol we have started it too!!,shes certainly drinking more ,ive been using it on her face ,though her nose rope is perfect she does get damp and smelly wrinkles and i have to say that the smell has gone,i purchased the spray and gell also as she is getting the odd break out of red damp itchy patches on her belly and pits and again its definatly taking any itch /irritation away within 2 hours,i have also got a delivery of bovine collostrum im giving it her for 14 days so will let you know if there is a difference in her ,shes been great for 3 weeks then boom the itch came back for 2 days but all in all she is going longer being itch free,perhaps she finally maturing and the raw kicking in!,karen
May have to try that in my dogs water...very interesting [MENTION=2242]karenben[/MENTION]!
Really? Wow! Sounds like something I need to look into! My dog developed a hotspot and both have mild itching too. I do feed raw and they both have tear stains. Keep us posted [MENTION=2242]karenben[/MENTION]
This is truly fascinating .. I am learning something new all the time!!!! :up:
[MENTION=2242]karenben[/MENTION] can you post the amazon link to the products? my Aldo developed hotspots and this seems like a good option for him.. Thank you!,living in the uk i purchased mine in the uk,heres a site thats sells it and has good info on the silver,i put it in annies water,but i apply the gell to her hotspots,i hope this is ok ,i thought if you ordered it in the states you will get it quicker,karen

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