Chunky turns 35 today!!

Chunky White

Chunky's Chauffeur
Aug 13, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Chunky White
Master Chunky White turns 5 in human years today. Its been a good 5 years and he's been a blessing to me and those around him. I don't take many pics these days but will post some of the better recent ones and one from around when I got him. The first pic was from a few weeks back when he dozed off while riding in the car. :birthday: :usa:




These are just beautiful pictures of your beautiful boy. What a joy they are. He's been a a lucky boy to have you... and you him.. Happy birthday Chunky White :) with love from Hank and me :)
Happy Birthday, Chunky!!!!! :yes::confetti::birthday5::balloons::confetti::confetti::snoopy::balloons:You have a great day!!
Great photos ! Chunky is definitely a celebrity on the forum. Did you get him a Jolly Ball for his birthday? Looks like the handle is still on so probably pretty new. I just bought my Frenchie a Jolly Ball without handle and her mouth isn't big enough to pick it up, but she's enjoying attacking it.
Great photos ! Chunky is definitely a celebrity on the forum. Did you get him a Jolly Ball for his birthday? Looks like the handle is still on so probably pretty new. I just bought my Frenchie a Jolly Ball without handle and her mouth isn't big enough to pick it up, but she's enjoying attacking it.

Chunky has had this Jolly Ball for a while now and one corner of the handle is gone. I don't leave it out for him to chew on but get it out when he's in a playful mood to let him wear himself out. This is Jolly Ball #3 for him and the biggest one so far. He tries tearing the house apart with it

:balloons::birthday6::balloons::birthday6::balloons::birthday6: :cake3:

Beautiful baby!!! Love that long wrinkle going down his face.
Happy birthday handsome! Enjoy your special day!

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Happy Birthday Chunky. Have a great day and enjoy many treats.

BullyBirthday11.jpg BullyBirthday15.jpg
Happy Birthday Chunky!!

He is such a handsome boy!!

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Aww... Happy 5th Birthday Chunky!!! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!!!

Happy belated birthday handsome Chunk the hunk!!! Hope dad treated you to a day full of your favorite things and food ((((hugs))))
Late to the party but.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BOY!!!!! MANY, MANY, MANY more!!!

Sue and Joey
Castor sings for Chunky, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! Hope you had a nice day!

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